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Jamie Lynn spotted at Christina Aguilera's Las Vegas concert

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34 minutes ago, MikeHunt said:

Remember that time Jamie Lynn shared a really embarrassing time in her life? When MTV went over to her Kentwood home with all her family and friends, to film their reaction to her older sister possibly winning some Grammys that night. And when the Best New Artist category came up and Christina Aguilera won, Jamie Lynn was so embarrassed because MTV was there to film them cheering and here she is with her mouth open in shock of Xtina winning and not her older sister. See if her older sister would’ve just won, Jamie Lynn would’ve never been embarrassed in front of the MTV crew.

I’m so glad Jamie Lynn was big enough to move on from that traumatic time in her life and her going to the Xtina show was a way of healing. 

If mtv filmed that can you watch it?

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1 hour ago, MikeHunt said:

Remember that time Jamie Lynn shared a really embarrassing time in her life? When MTV went over to her Kentwood home with all her family and friends, to film their reaction to her older sister possibly winning some Grammys that night. And when the Best New Artist category came up and Christina Aguilera won, Jamie Lynn was so embarrassed because MTV was there to film them cheering and here she is with her mouth open in shock of Xtina winning and not her older sister. See if her older sister would’ve just won, Jamie Lynn would’ve never been embarrassed in front of the MTV crew.

I’m so glad Jamie Lynn was big enough to move on from that traumatic time in her life and her going to the Xtina show was a way of healing. 

I believe that she just spoke about this on the I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here.

She needs to immediately make sense to me - it sounded like a cute, loving sister moment there but then she’s going to an Xtina show?

I know it’s petty like she should be able to enjoy Xtina, if she so chooses.. but if my sister had a rocky relationship or even just an alleged one with somebody, I wouldn’t be caught dead in their facility :nonono_britney_nope_head_shake:

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1 hour ago, MikeHunt said:

Remember that time Jamie Lynn shared a really embarrassing time in her life? When MTV went over to her Kentwood home with all her family and friends, to film their reaction to her older sister possibly winning some Grammys that night. And when the Best New Artist category came up and Christina Aguilera won, Jamie Lynn was so embarrassed because MTV was there to film them cheering and here she is with her mouth open in shock of Xtina winning and not her older sister. See if her older sister would’ve just won, Jamie Lynn would’ve never been embarrassed in front of the MTV crew.

I’m so glad Jamie Lynn was big enough to move on from that traumatic time in her life and her going to the Xtina show was a way of healing. 

Poor Jamie Lynn. How does Britney not see that JL had a harder life by having to witness Britney's life??? :fakecry_christina_aguilera_xtina_crying_tears_wipe_sad:

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Funny because I don't think she ever went to a Xtina concert lol

JL hates Britney so much that I wouldn’t doubt she is there only because she knows Brit will hate it. 

And Britney almost always take the bait. Let's see if after the new IG hiatus our healing queen will have some rants about it.

Edited by Dark Willow
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