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Reviving Underrated Britney songs

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You guys probably noticed how "Get Back" suddenly blew up and started popping up in tons of TikTok edits. It's been achieving some serious streams on Spotify too. So, why don't we try to make another song, maybe even an unreleased one, go viral like that? Especially the ones that are underrated. Other fandoms are doing it, so why not us? :)
Lately TikTok is the only platform where old, underrated songs are getting recognized. Personally, I used to be against of the songs getting Tiktokified, but when it comes to underrated Britney songs, I'd love to see them get the recognition they truly deserve. :mhm_britney_nodding_yes_mhmm:

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1 hour ago, UnderHisSpell said:

Basically any song from ITZ and Blackout :barbie_hair_flip_hairflip_weave_proud_cocky:

Oh yeah definitely!

From ITZ I could see (I Got That) Boom Boom and The Hook Up going viral

(I would've included Outrageous but due to it being produced by R Kelly, it would've caused backlash)


And from Blackout, it would be Get Naked, Radar, Everybody and Freakshow.

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