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Why is Beyonce so cold and pretending?

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Most celebrities who are extremely wealthy and have never experienced poverty are like that, not just Beyoncé. She's a superstar, and pretending certain things is part of the business - most celebrities have PR training to learn how to present themselves, act, and talk in ways that make people like them. You would have to do it too, it's not necessarily a bad thing as long as you don't hurt other people. It's business. Honestly, Bey's PR team is falling short a little bit right now because being relatable to people is something that sells nowadays. However, it's hard to be relatable to normal people as an extremely wealthy superstar. Anyways, she's doing great without it.

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I think there has always been a layer/wall from Beyoncé and Beyoncé Knowles. I think the closest we have ever gotten to her was 2013-2017.  It also could just be a form of protecting herself from the industry. Some people like a little space between themselves and their persona.  I also think her music is better when she isn’t hiding and is mote raw and real. I feel she was lacking something in 2003-2013 and actually again from 2018- and now. She appears to be superhuman because there is limited evidence of her being human. 

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51 minutes ago, The One and Only said:

Most celebrities who are extremely wealthy and have never experienced poverty are like that, not just Beyoncé. She's a superstar, and pretending certain things is part of the business - most celebrities have PR training to learn how to present themselves, act, and talk in ways that make people like them. You would have to do it too, it's not necessarily a bad thing as long as you don't hurt other people. It's business. Honestly, Bey's PR team is falling short a little bit right now because being relatable to people is something that sells nowadays. However, it's hard to be relatable to normal people as an extremely wealthy superstar. Anyways, she's doing great without it.

The last part of your comment reminded me of the lyrics of Break My Soul (someone who works really hard at a regular american nine-to-five job but wants to quit it)

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13 minutes ago, Fita said:

The last part of your comment reminded me of the lyrics of Break My Soul (someone who works really hard at a regular american nine-to-five job but wants to quit it)

Well yes, when someone, as a privileged person, says things like that, it offends people, and it's understandable. Personally, I'm totally here for it because all of these celebrities are so out of touch with reality. The same thing goes for Kim Kardashian telling people to work harder :new_york_breathless_uncannyxman:

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20 hours ago, RBFLOVESBRITNEY said:

I think there has always been a layer/wall from Beyoncé and Beyoncé Knowles. I think the closest we have ever gotten to her was 2013-2017.  It also could just be a form of protecting herself from the industry. Some people like a little space between themselves and their persona.  I also think her music is better when she isn’t hiding and is mote raw and real. I feel she was lacking something in 2003-2013 and actually again from 2018- and now. She appears to be superhuman because there is limited evidence of her being human. 

She is like she is living in some own bubble :orangu_orangutan_ape:

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7 minutes ago, Whitney Houston said:

Do you think her career is behind it - worshiping the devil? Because Madonna and others are also devi(l)ant to it.


I mean maybe.

There are a lot of satanic imagery in mainstream music and she did say in one interview that "something comes over her" when she performs and what is that something? :duh_mind_thinking_smart_meme:

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Hey there! I saw your post about Beyoncé, and it caught my attention. I think sometimes celebrities can appear cold or distant because they have to maintain a certain image in the public eye. It's possible that Beyoncé's reserved nature might be misunderstood as pretending. However, it's important to remember that we don't always know the full story behind someone's public persona. What do you think could be the reasons behind you thinking she’s cold ?

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I think she is just giving the world an image of a very strong and powerfull emperor-like black woman to worship and idolize. 

She knows that as a person she could never live up to the image she has succeeded in portraying, so it’s best not to present herself as a normal person any longer. 
Closest thing to a breach of her image was that elevator incident. And that was her sister, she didn’t even flinch or break character in public for a second. 

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