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What do you think was missing from "The Woman in Me"?

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I feel the same, honestly! I was so eager to read the book because I know Britney has a lot to say and I really want to hear it from her.

She blew through those peak years in her career as though they never happened. If you didn't know who Britney Spears was, her memoir does not remotely begin to explain the scale of her fame and her success. That must have been such a fascinating time to navigate and experience. I've heard her talk about it in interviews but the book didn't even go there. 

I think it was particularly jarring after she opened the book so eloquently and with such detail regarding her family history and family dynamics. That's the only part that really felt new to me, and really insightful.

After a while, it felt like the book was just her defence against all the major charges that have been made against her, so to speak, and not an intimate memoir of all the moments and experiences in between. I read the whole thing in one sitting, which I can't do with most books. It wasn't that long.

Having said this, of course it's her story and we're not entitled to any of it. I would just loved to hear more about things that wouldn't be considered "juicy", but insightful and fascinating nonetheless.

She didn't do justice to her own creativity and how much she drove her career, how many of the music videos were her idea.

Definitely left me wanting more.

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Because this was more of a memoir oppose to a straight comprehensive autobiography, I can definitely understand how much of the book was spent framing her past life and career in relationship to the conservatorship. Hopefully she or someone she grants permission to will write a more recollective book of her career down the line, she deserves it. 

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5 hours ago, Derrick said:

Honestly I was waiting for whatever she thought her true story was compared to all the documentaries we got about the conservatorship and we got a couple actual personal stories while she was on her stay which I liked but I’m having a hard time understanding why she was so mad about them when they said a whole lot more in detail and she just glossed over like she was reading headlines. I dunno this book read as fast as it felt. It was good but her life has been so documented, part of me felt like she googled herself and wrote headlines in between her actual stories. That’s how it read anyway. I dunno if I’m making sense lol

This makes a lot of sense to me. I loved the book because she discussed things I honestly thought we’d never hear her speak about.  Yet at the same time she did just sort of give us the mile-high view, we didn’t get a lot of the detail on most issues.

I’m also baffled about her objections to the documentaries, it’s seems they got most stuff right. 

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5 hours ago, Donavan Ward said:

She confirmed she is already writing the woman in me volume two. I do think she will focus on those things then. If she has the biggest selling memoir of all time. I can see why they want her to do it in doses…also she is aware there was an article that described her reaction to the songs as they played. The description was telling to the parts myah jumped in to sing for her. mariah carey beyonce GIF by RealityTVGIFs

There is simply no chance we are ever getting another book of this nature from Britney. It is quite clear to me this is something she felt she had to do in order to clear the air and get her side of things on record after being silenced for so long. It simply doesn’t come across as something Britney actually wanted to do. It was more of a necessity in my opinion if not to salvage her reputation then perhaps as a form of therapy or wanting to explain herself to her boys. It seems like the whole thing was quite an ordeal for her so why would she want to go through that again?

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5 hours ago, Derrick said:

Honestly I was waiting for whatever she thought her true story was compared to all the documentaries we got about the conservatorship and we got a couple actual personal stories while she was on her stay which I liked but I’m having a hard time understanding why she was so mad about them when they said a whole lot more in detail and she just glossed over like she was reading headlines. I dunno this book read as fast as it felt. It was good but her life has been so documented, part of me felt like she googled herself and wrote headlines in between her actual stories. That’s how it read anyway. I dunno if I’m making sense lol

I get what you mean. Most things that were mentioned I did remember reading about on this forum or elsewhere. And while it was great to hear her confirm these things and give her perspective, I couldn't help imagining the ghost writer asking her question off of a list of topics he found while doing research. 

So on the one had I appreciated those things being referenced because they were heavily discussed by fans, so it even felt like fan service to a degree, but I was wondering if it was just her telling this story, if she would really focus on those things as well 

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So, so much!

More from earlier in her career. The backlash from the Kid’s Choice Awards or whatever it was and her nipples lol. Her relationship with Fred Durst! 
More about the drastic change in her look early on. The plastic surgery/***** speculation. I know she very briefly touched on that, but as someone that was young, during that time, it was such a huge deal and all over the media. I would’ve like to hear more about the making of her early videos, too, and the full details of how that first Rolling Stone shoot and article really went.

 Basically,  Britney came out when I was in middle school and was in her prime when I was in high school, and that is the most nostalgic period for me. So I really would like to hear more and just more from then. There was so much gossip about her and there was really no social media or anything to verify anything. In her early/prime days, her image was just so controlled and there was a lot of mystery. She touched on some things, but she barely broke the surface tbh.
I would’ve loved if the book was twice the length and just covered a lot more. It felt vague. I get, I guess, that the average reader doesn’t want to read something super lengthy and descriptive, but if it was just made for me in mind, I would love it lol.


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I don't know if it's true but I heard they cut down like 100 pages from the book, maybe she intend to talk about it but changed her mind because she felt it goes too far away from the main point. 

I think this book is made so she can tell her story, not so much about career details. Maybe she will address that later 

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