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Jamie-Lynn will be SO good in Dancing with the Stars :)

Simon Cowell

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3 hours ago, BUWYGF said:

some people deserve to be bullied :queenflopga_pink_sass_walking_away_bye: or do you empathize with a bully to such extent you feel sorry for them tasting their own medicine? 


And just because that I laughed for her no dancing talent she would destroy everything around her with her hips, someone made from this drama and feel sympathy for a person who spent her sister's money and knowingly collaborated with Lou Taylor for selfish intentions? Like, come'on :trash_throw_away_recycle:

Edited by DeleteMyAccountASAP
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22 minutes ago, Cousin Alli Sims said:

@Jordan Millerhow come mods get a free pass for “blatant disrespect” and objectively clear bullying, while they can give subjective and biased warnings to others based on personal feelings? Please, explain this to me. 

Sweetie, saying that somebody has ugly dress and unflattering, is nothing about "blatant disrespect", you sounds you like you got WPs with these two words and now you are crying a river. :cackling_cackle_lol_what_unbelievable_disbelief_glasses_meme:

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1 hour ago, Cousin Alli Sims said:

@Jordan Millerhow come mods get a free pass for “blatant disrespect” and objectively clear bullying, while they can give subjective and biased warnings to others based on personal feelings? Please, explain this to me. 

Oh so now it's bad to have different taste in clothes?

Are you serious? :slowdown_down_cardib_b_cardi_um_fast_confused_what_stare:


You're just pissed cause I gave you warning points for your offensive comments.


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2 hours ago, princessmimi said:

Oh so now it's bad to have different taste in clothes?

Are you serious? :slowdown_down_cardib_b_cardi_um_fast_confused_what_stare:


You're just pissed cause I gave you warning points for your offensive comments.


Saying a dress is ugly and unflattering is downright bullying and offensive language, with a hint of body shaming. Maybe that’s just the way her body looks, yet you are shaming her. Body shamer and bully.

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1 hour ago, Cousin Alli Sims said:

Saying a dress is ugly and unflattering is downright bullying and offensive language, with a hint of body shaming. Maybe that’s just the way her body looks, yet you are shaming her. Body shamer and bully.

Where did I shame her body?

I just said the dress was unflattering and ugly.

I have the right to like the clothes I like.


Like I said u are just upset cause I gave you WPs for your offensive religious comments.

That is really pathetic.

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15 hours ago, BUWYGF said:

some people deserve to be bullied :queenflopga_pink_sass_walking_away_bye: or do you empathize with a bully to such extent you feel sorry for them tasting their own medicine? 

I don't agree with anything that Juno has done that's contributed to Britney's heartache nor am I a fan of hers.

Based you your logic though some people think Britney deserves to be held accountable due to her bullying of others online, including that fast food worker, X Tina, people that say hello to her in addition to the restaurant incident and her disrespect towards religion and continued online bullying of Selena Gomez.

All I'm saying is people shouldn't cry foul about bullying if they as you put it "some people deserve to be bullied". 

It works both ways, we can have a forum of members feeling they can bully everyone but Britney because they feel they deserved to be bullied yet cry a river when she's held accountable for bullying. :queenflopga_pink_sass_walking_away_bye:



Edited by DiamondCircus
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3 hours ago, princessmimi said:

Where did I shame her body?

I just said the dress was unflattering and ugly.

I have the right to like the clothes I like.


Like I said u are just upset cause I gave you WPs for your offensive religious comments.

That is really pathetic.

It works both ways though Mimi, Tiffany can post threads saying, "Don't judge Britney" and bash members for their honest critiques of her, yet in another thread he's body shaming women and their hips. 

All people are doing is nit picking, you have a right to your honest opinion which hasn't gone over well with many, and then there's those crying foul over Britney yet trashing anyone else.

It's hypocritical. (Not you) but what those members are doing. 

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11 minutes ago, DiamondCircus said:

It works both ways though Mimi, Tiffany can post threads saying, "Don't judge Britney" and bash members for their honest critiques of her, yet in another thread he's body shaming women and their hips. 

All people are doing is nit picking, you have a right to your honest opinion which hasn't gone over well with many, and then there's those crying foul over Britney yet trashing anyone else.

It's hypocritical. (Not you) but what those members are doing. 

I am just sick of how toxic Exhale has become!!

I fkn hate how people think I cant have a damn opinion anymore cause I'm a mod now!! :liar_red_mad_angry_anger_yell_slap:

Do they think I'm a robot with no brain of my own?


They're just upset cause of I gave them WPs for their offensive religious comments.

And also since when is someone on here defending Jamie Lynn who played a part in Britney's conservatorship?

They are NOT a real fan!


Its funny how people think me having honest opinions on Britney is not me being a fan yet people like them are defending someone on Team Con and no one says anything.

The fkn double standards :nochillbrit_britney_impatient_2008_annoyed_irritated_nope_smh_head_shaking_my_ftr_for_the_record_circus:

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Just now, princessmimi said:

I am just sick of how toxic Exhale has become!!

I fkn hate how people think I cant have a damn opinion anymore cause I'm a mod now!! :liar_red_mad_angry_anger_yell_slap:

Do they think I'm a robot with no brain of my own?


They're just upset cause of I gave them WPs for their offensive religious comments.

And also since when is someone on here defending Jamie Lynn who played a part in Britney's conservatorship?

They are NOT a real fan!


Its funny how people think me having honest opinions on Britney is not me being a fan yet people like them are defending someone on Team Con and no one says anything.

The fkn double standards :nochillbrit_britney_impatient_2008_annoyed_irritated_nope_smh_head_shaking_my_ftr_for_the_record_circus:

I agree and that's how many of us feel we're not allowed to have honest opinions about everyone including. Britney.

This whole people deserve a taste of their own medicine, and being bullied and or abused online is okay except if Britney is being held accountable is fake.

No one is defending Jamie Lynn, it could be X tina or anyone else is the point, the people crying foul over bullying are bullying everyone else.

I hope you're not insinuating I'm defending JL as I'm not a fan of hers, taking offense to that when you said you were happy Britney had a miscarriage was over the top,


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13 minutes ago, DiamondCircus said:

I agree and that's how many of us feel we're not allowed to have honest opinions about everyone including. Britney.

This whole people deserve a taste of their own medicine, and being bullied and or abused online is okay except if Britney is being held accountable is fake.

No one is defending Jamie Lynn, it could be X tina or anyone else is the point, the people crying foul over bullying are bullying everyone else.

I hope you're not insinuating I'm defending JL as I'm not a fan of hers, taking offense to that when you said you were happy Britney had a miscarriage was over the top,


No I wasn't referring to you, I was referring to the person I gave WPs too.

Like I said in a previous thread, I only stay in this position as mod because I want to make a difference and help out but when I get disrespected, criticized and judged for being myself, I don't like it and it pisses me off.

No one gave a damn before I became mod when I used to cuss people out and be more harsh with my opinions  yet now when I clean up my act and behave as a mod, I get backlash.

Where is the logic in that? :sickofu_britney_blinking_umm_wtf_confused_annoyed:

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Just now, princessmimi said:

No I wasn't referring to you, I was referring to the person I gave WPs too.

Like I said in a previous thread, I only stay in this position as mod because I want to make a difference and help out but when I get disrespected, criticized and judged for being myself, I don't like it and it pisses me off.

No one gave a damn before I became mod when I used to cuss people out and be more harsh with my opinions  yet now when I clean up my act and behave as a mod, I get backlash.

Where is the logic in that? :sickofu_britney_blinking_umm_wtf_confused_annoyed:

I hear you and I think out of anyone you can relate to the regular members because that happens to many of us too.

Which is why my point is it should be fair across the board, I agree with you about the hypocrisy in the forum, I agree with you that people want to attack and cherry pick and whine in here about every damn thing.

We should all be treated equally and what one gets away with others should as well.

It's also refreshing having a mod that isn't submissive, and you tell your honest opinion even if it's an unfavorable one, in my opinion that's better than when Slayer was here censoring everyone, making fans lick Sam's booty and trying to run a dictatorship in the forum. 

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