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Britney calls out people who says HI to her


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13 minutes ago, princessmimi said:

Aw thanks! I love you too! :):sendinglove_kissing_heart_love_blowing:

Its nice to hear that especially since people have been VERY rude to me on here for expressing my opinions on Britney since her post on Friday.

Idk why cause they aren't disrespectful or vulgar.

I literally have not seen so much backlash against me until this weekend.

Its very shocking to me.

Don’t take it personal, please!

you ARE nice and sweet, I know the roughness that people can throw at ya for nothing and it’s shocking, but stay the same, we can share opinions, it’s a forum for that, for fs! 
we all care about Britney, even if we don’t agree with everything, yet I can see no rudeness towards her in your comments,so just do you:parisok_hilton_chewing_gum_pink_phone_Reading:

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1 hour ago, cǍged said:

Do you recall the old members...like LIK? 




I remember Kbrackson too. Wait, wasn't that person some sort of mod too? Or just someone who posted alot. There was also this person who was obsessed with Body Ache, same nick BodyAche, but obviously that came when that song was out  

My profile is from 2008 but I would lerk incognito when it was possible back in the day. 

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14 minutes ago, CharmingMadness said:

Oh, I have like zero Britney fans around me, I mean, they like her, but not that interested, while I’m really into her and her well-being like she’s my friend or sis:cheese_Britney_awkward_cringe_eek:

so I’m glad we’re here to share it!

It feels like 2007 for real again. I hope she’s stronger now 

I think I saw a vid of her doing a pregnancy test, so…maybe,unintentional:sipnstare_coffee_mug_tea_sipping_spilling_red:

lol gossip is real!

Same although this time its BRITNEY herself that is the reason for her troubles,

I feel like in 2007-2008, she was going through very stressful situations that were out of her control like a divorce, post partum depression, having back to back babies and also dealing with the scrutiny of the media/paparazzi.

Now Britney is actively seeking controversy with her IG posts.

That's the difference in my opinion. :mattafact_alligator_telling_talking_chatting_preaching_green:


Oh wow.

That's crazy.

I think she was not that far in age from when Jamie Lynn first got pregnant.

So its pretty shocking.

Its funny cause I'm like 10 yrs older than those girls yet I don't feel ready to be a parent yet. I still feel like I want to accomplish a lot of things before I settle down and do that, you know?

But overall I guess i'm happy for her if that's what she wanted and if she can support the baby.

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13 minutes ago, that's hot y'all said:

Over the last few days I've noticed that Britney's behavior isn't very cool...

I love her, I know she's rich, beautiful, famous and successful but something isn't right. She doesn't deserve to be in a conservatorship but there's something weird going on...

I've always defended her and I'm one of her biggest fans without a doubt but something is happening.

The most loyal fans know that Britney has a sarcastic and crazy sense of humor. She's free and all, but I've started to find these videos a bit strange.

I'm going to say something that some of you won't like but sometimes I think her family really tried to help her. (I'm not talking about her working against her will and stealing her money)

I'm not a therapist but the truth is that we don't know what happens in her private life

We'll have to wait for her book "the woman in me" to know a lil bit

I think we should wait and see LOL



love, xoxo



I do think her family was concerned for her and probably had good intentions but then greed and money made them see dollar signs and saw the conservatorship as an opportunity to control and take advantage of Britney.

Like I said in a previous comment, I don't think all conservatorships are bad because my brother in law's sister is in one and she has improved immensely.

I just think her family just abused it and milked Britney for all that is worth.


I also think if she did not get into a conservatorship,

She could've went as a patient into a mental hospital.

I know there's a negative stigma around but it helped me a lot when I was hospitalized for depression. I got lots of counseling, therapy and they also had yoga which was nice lol.

I wouldn't be the person you guys see today if it weren't for the hospital and therapy. 

I just think Britney needed support cause she was going through a lot but no she was stripped of her rights for 13 years. 

I just feel sorry for her, I really do. :sad_britney_ftr_for_the_record:

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On 9/16/2023 at 5:52 PM, kyliespears said:

I’m sorry but why can none of you just have some nuance? Not everything is black and white. You all switched up from “leave Queen alone she’s been through so much” to “she’s just a horrible person who hates us all and I can’t stand her” so fast.

Her life has nothing to do with you. She’s publicly processing something more complex and traumatic than possibly we’ll ever understand, and probably will be for the rest of her life. I don’t get such intense reactions to… vague Insta captions or the people she hangs out with as if it affects you personally. Yes, she’ll slip up and of course she has changed. She isn’t perfect. But they aren’t your problems to fix and analyse, it’s not you it’s affecting and it’s not your life to judge.

The new weird herd mentality here is so uncomfortable to read. Rants about throwing collections away and how she deserves her kids not wanting to see her etc. are so unnecessary? Half of me thinks so many of you are just irritated she didn’t become how you envisioned she’d be after the con ended, so are now jumping at the chance to criticise her.

Same here. The reactions here are very uncomfortable to read.

I thought Britney addressed her Louisiana or other old friends who now say they missed her, but Britney wants no contact anymore. It never occurred to me that random fans would come up to her and say, "we missed you". If she were giving a concert, then it would make sense that fans would tell her we missed you, but Britney now? 

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20 minutes ago, CharmingMadness said:

Don’t take it personal, please!

you ARE nice and sweet, I know the roughness that people can throw at ya for nothing and it’s shocking, but stay the same, we can share opinions, it’s a forum for that, for fs! 
we all care about Britney, even if we don’t agree with everything, yet I can see no rudeness towards her in your comments,so just do you:parisok_hilton_chewing_gum_pink_phone_Reading:

Aw thanks :hugs_madonna_britney_ftr_2008_circus_hugging_friends_support:

Yeah I think its because I'm a mod and lots of people on here for some reason think you can't have an opinion anymore once you become one.

Its just stupid in my opinion.

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16 hours ago, Steve W said:

Let her be mean. Even if she has miss directed anger . Its ok. Its not mean . Shes purging a lot of emotions.  If you want little miss sunshine then maybe you need to step away . I would be over it. Look where nice got her. 

She should have that type of attitude towards people like her (allegedly) new affair, an ex prisoner and **** dealer, not fans and a random fast food employee. It's not ok, and yes, it is mean. She's being nice to the wrong people.

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2 hours ago, anakinskywalker said:

She should have that type of attitude towards people like her (allegedly) new affair, an ex prisoner and **** dealer, not fans and a random fast food employee. It's not ok, and yes, it is mean. She's being nice to the wrong people.

Again you did not live her pain. Its all good . Let her be .. you do not have to like her . The world is unkind . Its unfair . People are human. This will pass . Yet let her be allowed to react in her way. Shes over it. I would be too. 

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5 hours ago, CaseClosed said:

I remember Kbrackson too. Wait, wasn't that person some sort of mod too? Or just someone who posted alot. There was also this person who was obsessed with Body Ache, same nick BodyAche, but obviously that came when that song was out  

My profile is from 2008 but I would lerk incognito when it was possible back in the day. 

Yes she was a mod. Her and Jordan were chill. I was friends with her on Facebook until recently...till I lost my account so I lost contact. 

I'm trying to recall Bodyache but I forgotten the names of many people. I have Manu screenshots of exHell on my old laptop so I'll probably recall if I go through them. Miss those troll days haha

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On 9/15/2023 at 7:05 PM, princessmimi said:

I agree.

She seems to have selective memory or forgets alot cause on one post, she said she never been to Jack in The Box yet there is a paparazzi pic of her going in 2006.

She said she never got her hair and nails done yet she looked BEAUTIFUL and glammed up during promos for her albums during the conservatorship.

She says that she dedicated 20 YEARS of her life to her sons yet they are under the age of 20.

So idk why she says she never did things when she clearly did.

I seriously think Britney has DID with multiple alter personalities. That would explain the lapses in time she has, the posting and deleting bc the personalities disagree on what should be posted, her memory loss, having conflicting opinions on events that have happened/her being a hypocrite, not remembering if she’s been places. She uses different voices and names in her Instagram posts. She’s done the different voices and names since 2006. 

It’s either DID or schizophrenia. Schizophrenia makes you hear and see things that aren’t there. Some narcissism may be mixed in since Britney thinks everything that happens is TO HER. I kinda get it though bc being famous as a child can easily make someone into a narcissist. Celebrities are worshipped and experiencing that as a kid sets an expectation for that constant attention. 

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6 minutes ago, Loosenupthosebuttons said:

I seriously think Britney has DID with multiple alter personalities. That would explain the lapses in time she has, the posting and deleting bc the personalities disagree on what should be posted, her memory loss, having conflicting opinions on events that have happened/her being a hypocrite, not remembering if she’s been places. She uses different voices and names in her Instagram posts. She’s done the different voices and names since 2006. 

It’s either DID or schizophrenia. Schizophrenia makes you hear and see things that aren’t there. Some narcissism may be mixed in since Britney thinks everything that happens is TO HER. I kinda get it though bc being famous as a child can easily make someone into a narcissist. Celebrities are worshipped and experiencing that as a kid sets an expectation for that constant attention. 

I can believe that.

Its potentially possible.

I read a comment on here yesterday that one of her son's girlfriend saw Britney walking around n.aked in her house while speaking in a British accent.

I wonder what causes DID.

Is it trauma or mental illness caused by genetics? :umsaywhat_adele_hmm_umm_thinking_confused_unsure:

That'd be interesting to know 

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4 hours ago, princessmimi said:

I can believe that.

Its potentially possible.

I read a comment on here yesterday that one of her son's girlfriend saw Britney walking around n.aked in her house while speaking in a British accent.

I wonder what causes DID.

Is it trauma or mental illness caused by genetics? :umsaywhat_adele_hmm_umm_thinking_confused_unsure:

That'd be interesting to know 

It’s severe, repeated trauma as a child before 8 years old. Some children have a bigger imagination than others which enables the DID to develop easier. 
If you want more information or want to go down a rabbit hole, look up DissociaDID on YouTube. It’s extremely interesting.

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Interesting this was the post to trigger many fans here and twitter.

I feel like she wrote worst things before and tries to get negative attention, other celebrities were cancelled for less.

However, I don't feel anger towards Britney because it seems a mental disease case. It's not like she is a healthy person with mean attitude, like many other famous people.

I know we don't live with her, but everything she share with us... well, nothing normal comes from it.

She is far from being coherent, her behavior is bizarre most of the time. Hardly a character, I think she is just like that outside social media.

It scares me every time "she" posts new content. I just wish she understands the importance of take care of herself, mentally.

Edited by Dark Willow
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