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Amanda Bynes placed on psychiatric hold


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Gawd how sad. i used to love The Amanda Show and some of the films she did in 2000s. i remember watching an interview she did last year or maybe the year before and she seemed well again and she enrolled in fashion college [although in saying that, did she not get kicked out for getting other students to do her homework?}. shes obviously not very well. from what i know though it seems unlike Britneys parents, her parents have her best interests at heart so hopefully shes getting the help she needs

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I’m glad nothing serious happened to her. I’m glad she is aware of her mental health struggles and acknowledged that she was coming down from an episode. That is a pretty big accomplishment. I hope she is on the path to healing right now, and has someone safe to go home to. How awful that she was alone in such a vulnerable state. 

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2 hours ago, Stefani said:

First of all, I really feel for her and I'm glad that she had the clarity to ask for help. :hugs_madonna_britney_ftr_2008_circus_hugging_friends_support: But she's been known to have psychotic episodes, so I really question why there wasn't someone watching over her.

There was no one watching over her because she is no longer in a conservatorship. These are situations where a conservatorship could’ve saved a life, but our system is so flawed and designed to strip said person of all their rights. It’s a very sad situation and I’m glad she’s ok. 

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3 hours ago, ObsessedBritFan1 said:

Damn ... why aren't we on psychiatric medication, then? I hope it wasn't substance-induced psychotic episodes. 

She has schizophrenia and sometimes medications stop working and have to be changed up. Psychotic episodes come and go when someone has this disease. You can be stable for years and then fall into one again. It's truly amazing that she recognized what was happening and called for help. Many people with schizophrenia have what is called "anosognosia" or a lack of insight into their illness. I think it's a really good sign that she knew something was wrong. 

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