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Why do so many fans not trust Sam? Britney trusts him and so should you

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I don't know him to say that I trust him.  But, despite what some people in here say.  Britney is a strong, capable woman.  Even though she went through years of abuse, I trust her judgement with Sam.  If she loves and trusts him, thats all the validation you need unless you actually first handed witness otherwise. 

Also, for the person who said "She also trusted Kevin" - well, things happen.  We've all been in relationships whether romantic or platonic where we were blind sided.  We learn and grow from those experiences, they make us better people.  

What I think is sad, is Britney fans are viscous.  I can't imagine waking up everyday and being one of the most hated people on the planet because of some conspiracy theories.  Reading hate messages, etc.  I'm sure they're much worse than what we imagine.  

That can take a toll on someone and eventually they may walk away.  I hope that's not the case here.  But the fans that are doing this need to chill out. 

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4 hours ago, Kletus said:

Because nobody on this site actually cares about Britney. Everyone is here for the drama. They will start fights with anyone and everyone pretending they’re doing it for Britney when in reality they’re insane and can’t be trusted. I wouldn’t trust a single user on this site.

This is the answer to this thread. Now, close it. :blast_explosion_skeleton_skull_fire_flames_boom::meryl_streep_point_yas_yes_meme_proud:

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I don't hate Sam, but I have a lot of doubts about him and I don't trust him and here's why:

First that he came into Britney's life while she was still trapped in conservatorship. We know that only people allowed  by TeamCon could approach to Britney ... and why did they let Sam in?

Second: Sam doesn't seem to have helped Britney get out of conservatorship. I remember the last time Britney commented on her instagram about her documentaries, she questioned why the people who were doing interviews on the doc hadn't called the police to actually help her... but Sam didn't do that either! And why didn't he? He only commented about the FreeBritney movement when the movement got too big to ignore. He only call Britney’s dad a d1ck when the whole world already knew what happened to Britney.

Third and biggest of all: while Britney was locked for 4 months against her will in that facility, Sam continued with her life out here as if nothing was happening. He even gave an interview saying that Britney “doing amazing” and that “nobody needs to worry”. A BIG LIE!!! And now we all know that she was living through hell and far from well. So why he lied? 


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8 minutes ago, willys said:


Third and biggest of all: while Britney was locked for 4 months against her will in that facility, Sam continued with her life out here as if nothing was happening. He even gave an interview saying that Britney “doing amazing” and that “nobody needs to worry”. A BIG LIE!!! And now we all know that she was living through hell and far from well. So why he lied? 


Such a HUGE red flag.

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Another thing.. Britney is needy. She always loved family and always wanted one. She always gave love to her family and in return they destroyed her. They never gave her the love she deserved and even took her children away. And now it seems that she doesn't even have the love of her children as she should have. She is hurt, traumatized and someone in these conditions can be blinded when someone appears in her life offering the least amount of love to her.I'm really scared this is happening to her.
As much as I don't trust Sam, I hope he never harms her.

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I personally do not trust him, and I do now understand how he was able to escape the conservatorship restrictions or fly under those awful people's radar. :yaknow_britney_xfactor_X_factor_talk_tell_chat_you_know:

But I also believe Britney has the right to make her own choices. So I respect Sam, but that doesn't mean I should trust him. :gagasmile_smirk_lady_pink:

Also, I totally understand where fans are coming from when Britney is rarely spotted in public, and her exes include K-Fed and Justin Timberlake. :deserves_kim_kardashian_smirk_pink:

Edited by MasterMindz
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I completely have changed my opinion about Sam. To me everyone that she was accompanied by, I was forced to  think it was because of her money or because it was a person set by team con, but through the years he has shown many evidences that he really loves her.  I wish all the best for their marriage and both of them have a happy life.

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1 hour ago, Watch Me Work It said:

because deep down many Britney "fans" have some kind of Jamie complex and want to personally pick everyone in Britney's life. the comments in this thread prove exactly that :angietea_angelina_jolie_tea_sips_coffee_mug_cup_drink_spilling_spill:

wanting the best for someone is very very different them forcing them to be one. 

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