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What information would be bad for Britney if it got out there ?

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8 minutes ago, Cucumbers said:

Because she said a side effect was her cousins husband had swollen balls, and they slandered her and said it was impossible, but on the vaers website there are thousands of reported accounts of swollen testies as a side effect.  They said the proteins would stay in the arm, but they go straight to the overies and testies causing infertility.  They are finding them in the brain and heart, causing blood clots.  Death claims in insurance policies are up 40%.  Watch the movie Died Suddenly.   Most covid deaths are now the vaccinated.  They are dying from side effects.  The more boosters you took the more in danger you are of a heart attack, stroke, or blood clots.  They censored the truth on social media by sending hundreds of FBI agents to work for the companies.  There were 80 FBI agents working at Twitter blocking information and banning doctors accounts from speaking out against this deadly bio-weapon.  This is population control.  There are evil people in power.  It's not a theory.  The elite all conspired to lower the population and stop people from having kids.

What I find funny is that Britney can't make any personal decisions for 13 years including on her bodily health with the IUD, but they made sure to make her release a video saying she took the vaccine and it was fine.  They use her account for political purposes because it's not her. She donates to Biden and supports hillary?  She can't even drink coffee or see her kids when she wants to, or change a dance move without going to a mental reprogramming institution like they did to Kanye when he spoke out against the clintons and social media mind control.  But Britney is a totally free person to align herself politically and be involved in signing anti-gun petitions while she's in a conservatorship?  That's why they seized her account and have her still enslaved.  The power of influence over all her gay fans, the biggest voting block for democrats.  This is the same techniques they used on twitter to sway public opinion.

I have blocked you, I'm getting frustrated with human kind reading what you write here.

Not everything is a conspiracy.

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19 minutes ago, pieceofphil said:

I have blocked you, I'm getting frustrated with human kind reading what you write here.

Not everything is a conspiracy.

Good, one less idiot to talk to.  There was a literal conspiracy to enslave her for 13 years.  Conspirators: Team con, her own lawyers, courts, her ex husband, friends, media, anyone who didn't speak out and helped her stay enslaved.   Conspiracies are real.  "Conspiracy Theory" was a term coined by the CIA when people started accusing them of assassinating JFK.  It worked on gullible people like you.

And we know the CIA DID in fact assassinate JFK, as outlined in the now declassified documents. There's still thousands more JFK files that are 70 years old that the Biden Admin has blocked from release.  Wonder why.




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49 minutes ago, Cucumbers said:

Conspiracy investigation = Journalism.  




  1. An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act.
  2. A group of conspirators.
  3. An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.


There was literally a proven conspiracy between courts, lawyers, her family and business associates to keep her in the conservatorship for 13 years.  That is literally a proven conspiracy.   You don't realize how toxic your point of view is to the progress of a well informed public.  Stay in your mental box, but let people think, something you are very resistant to.

“Don’t speak unless you’re spoken to”

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It’s so beyond that some of you would actually want to sit and discuss this type of topic. What good comes out of this conversation? And you say you respect and love Britney? :wtf_britney_what_confused_um:

Oh that’s right! This was just another opportunity for some to discuss conspiracy theories and attempt to trash her at any chance given. Groundbreaking! :oprah_well_there_you_have_it_proof_see_hand:

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16 minutes ago, GlitterRain said:

It’s so beyond that some of you would actually want to sit and discuss this type of topic. What good comes out of this conversation? And you say you respect and love Britney? :wtf_britney_what_confused_um:

Oh that’s right! This was just another opportunity for some to discuss conspiracy theories and attempt to trash her at any chance given. Groundbreaking! :oprah_well_there_you_have_it_proof_see_hand:

Truth only benefits her.  You can't have freedom without truth. Knowledge is power.  Stay in your low vibration chamber of wanting whoever is uploading those videos of her naked and spinning, to keep doing it and ruining her reputation on purpose so that nobody believes anything she says and they can put her back into a conservator-ship.  The narrative is very convenient.  Sam letting her do whatever she wants on social media and upload the worst things, so that he can look unimposing and take over for jamie and it will look justified.  The fake storylines they keep coming out with is clearly only a temporary fix.  They can't keep making up events like pregnancy, move, travel to ny, book, etc, forever.  They are playing the long game, the permanent fix is either to kill britney and then get to release her book and collect all her royalties, like they did to Tupac, MJ, and Whitney, and then the family makes millions on unreleased materials, or put her back into the conservatorship, which was only a formality.  She never got out, only on paper.  The Elton song was recorded during her enslavement.  Everything that has happened since she was free has been manufactured.

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Whatever it is, if there is a problem, she has a right to privacy & we don't have the right to know. Things with Britney get sensationalised & behaviours get taken out of context & are used to shame her as a person. Even something understandable in most gets twisted & used as entertainment when Britney is the one experiencing it. No wonder whatever it is is being kept private.

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52 minutes ago, devilsadvocate said:

Not our business but I do feel schizophrenia could be it ….  But I feel it would’ve leaked 

I absolutely believe that Brit is schizophrenic and I hate that her family monetized her and drugged her to keep the money machine going instead of letting her retire and learn to live with this illness. Everyone cared about the machine - not the person. 

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11 hours ago, Daniela.tomasseli said:

Probably her mental health official diagnosis. That’s the only thing that would make sense

Yikes at this take. I mean, genuinely, yikes.

Britney has already said she has social anxiety, trauma and phobias, and suffered from post natal depression, and do you know what happened? People supported her because they related to her. If ever a diagnosis got out, the same would happen, and as a fan base, we would need to show support.

Additionally, conversations around mental health through social media are far more oriented towards education than attack; take the Depp V Heard Trial, which saw swarms of people educating others on BPD.

This just feels like a typical "mental health, until it cant be cured by jogging" take.

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15 minutes ago, PhoebeJemima said:

Reported. Really this is truly bizarre behaviour.

The truth is bizarre? Can you be more specific?  My point is to highlight that all is not what it seems and that platforms can be highly manipulated to control the truth.  Such as twitter who had 80 FBI agents banning accounts that mentioned Biden's corruption.  And people like you trying to shut down all conversations and opinions that don't follow one specific narrative are very suspect. 

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11 hours ago, Tetris said:

This is such nothingsauce!

He says he heard shocking alleged information that isn’t anything like what people are brewing up in their conspiracies, but refuses to illuminate his audience on whatever that may be. And now he is responding with aggravation towards the inevitable, immediate backlash of people going WTF? as if he didn’t majorly stir the pot of this already frustratingly vague situation. Furthermore, he says that the conspiracies themselves are crazy, but that people aren’t actually being crazy with their overabundant concern. However, he’s also now spun it so that instead of it being something awful occurring to Britney, it’s that whatever is going on would be really awful for Britney if it was made publicly known.
He is not helping anybody with his righteous posturing: not Britney, and whatever may or may not be going on with her, and certainly not the emotional toll that this is taking on the fandom; nor is he inspiring any calming pause towards the brash motivations of all these equally self-righteous armchair detectives.


I am so annoyed by this toxic drama that so many people are intentionally snowballing. Few people ~actually~ know the hard facts, and they 100% are not even the ones going to battle on the internet, taking sides and getting in arguments and mouthing off about free speech or censorship and twisting circumstantial evidence or equating subjective instinct with objective truth.

I wish everyone could just radically accept their innate powerlessness within the situation of another person’s life and allow that to recenter how they’re even engaging with this in the first place. Showing concern =/= harassment.
But also, our girl B has plenty of skeletons and is no saint.

Do I think it would be considerate of her - as a public figure - to clarify some things to the public? Yes. Do I think that we the public are actually entitled to this clarification? No.


The one thing that Britney has continuously made abundantly clear is that she absolutely does not want to be regarded as a victim - she doesn’t want unsolicited pity, sympathy, or advice. She has major trust issues (for very good reason), and she is also incredibly stubborn. It is her life. She is going to navigate it her way. And unfortunately, that may mean she rejects a lot of beneficial help. But to her, help she doesn’t ask for is tantamount to control. Britney demands and deserves independent control of her own fūcking life. 

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Also, leave Sam alone. He is a young, pretty, idiot who is just trying (perhaps too hard) to be the good, nice, strong, squeaky-clean guy (a la Dwayne Johnson) and get to join that party of the Hollywood industry. The man is allowed to have dreams and career aspirations, and meet influential people - including HIS WIFE - along the way. This does not a gold digger make. But if Britney invites him to dig her gold, so be it. It’s her fūcking gold.


Incredibly well-said. Literally the most thought out and sane thing ever written here. 

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