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Daphne Barak: ´´Tone is full of love and understanding mom, Britney Spears´´ ( This is disrespectful )

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Just love ❤️ Jayden ‘s playing the piano! He learnt it on his own!!!
Amazingly talented ( as his brother Sean Peston).
And dad @federline4real and step mom , beautiful Victoria , are always there for them and their siblings.

Tone is full of love and understanding for mom , @britneyspears ( 🌺)

Network special coming soon..
#parenting #forgiveness #family


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She follows Britney on IG - so does KFed disgusting friend who was talking **** abt Britney. Funny how they hate her, thinks she’s crazy but can’t keep their eyes off her IG.😑 Anyway. If Britney blocked them it would STOP them from tagging her in post, stories so she won’t have to see their bull **** posts. These people are full of ****.🙄

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5 minutes ago, Antidote said:

Daphne Barak, who interviewed Kevin Federline, is the cousin of Ehud Barak.

Ehud introduced Harvey Weinstein to Black Cube, who surveilled journalists like 
 & harassed Weinstein’s victims

AGAIN: how connected is Black Box to Black Cube?


Daphne is connected to the far right wing of TrumpLand America. They are clearly aligning themselves with fascists. 


The woman who helped bring Trump and Bannon to two GOP conventions made news during the 2015 Palm...

She has known Trump forever & supposed him in 2020. 

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