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Britney 'on a mission' to start new family with husband Sam Asghari

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According to sources from MIRROR, Britney is vowing to have three more children, mostly girls with husband Sam. 

A member of staff at the wedding revealed: "Britney was telling guests that she is keen to start over and have a whole new family with Sam.

"In an ideal world she wants another three kids, ideally girls - but obviously happy no matter what happens.“

"She said that giving birth and being a mother was something she wants to enjoy again.

"In the past things didn't work out ideally, but now with Sam it is a chance to build a new life and family. Sam is very much on board to start a family too."

They added: "Her friends were taking it all in. And even though it was a time of celebration, there was also a sentiment of upset that she has not been able to enjoy her freedom for so long.

"But among all the cheers and the jubilation, there is uncertainty about what is next for them. A lot of those in attendance seemed like they were meeting Sam for the first time, rather than being close."

Another guest said: "With nobody from her family, Britney walked alone down the aisle. It didn't bother her, because the day was all about her and Sam coming together."


Edited by Caleb Ellis
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I would love for her to have a surrogate, let them do the heavy lifting. Knowing B tho, she wants to have these babies herself. She can literally put three eggs into three surrogates & have all her children at once. While her children are baking she can promote a album for 8 months than boom out the spotlight for some time when they arrive. 

This is all imaginative don’t crucify me  

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1 hour ago, ThisMeowBiteback said:

I would love for her to have a surrogate, let them do the heavy lifting. Knowing B tho, she wants to have these babies herself. She can literally put three eggs into three surrogates & have all her children at once. While her children are baking she can promote a album for 8 months than boom out the spotlight for some time when they arrive. 

This is all imaginative don’t crucify me  

I know you mean well, but it's not the child's best with a surrogate. They are torn away from the scent and mother they know. it's her voice they've heard for 9 months. no matter how you turn it around, it will leave long-term trauma in the children. it is something to be used only in emergencies. it is the desire of the adults and not in the best interests of the child.
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