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5 minutes ago, Kaitlyn Johnson said:

I’d think a royal wedding would be enough for someone to cancel or postpone a trip, tho. I think maybe this wedding was super last minute. I can’t fathom the one person who is actually close to Britney right now not being there for this. 

Sam said about a month ago that the wedding day was set, so it was hardly at the last minute.

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Can someone who is strong in their faith help me understand why her life is like this? She’s a god fearing woman, a good mother, a good PERSON.. why does she get no blessings? Why is she always getting the short end of the stick? What did she do to deserve ANYTHING that’s happened to her?

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1 minute ago, DuranDuran said:

Sam said about a month ago that the wedding day was set, so it was hardly at the last minute.

That date could’ve been moved up/changed for whatever reason. It happens with famous people. Gwen and Blake had to cancel a wedding bc of a detail leak, and then did it super lowkey at their ranch in Oklahoma. 

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5 minutes ago, jokobish said:

Can someone who is strong in their faith help me understand why her life is like this? She’s a god fearing woman, a good mother, a good PERSON.. why does she get no blessings? Why is she always getting the short end of the stick? What did she do to deserve ANYTHING that’s happened to her?

Sadly nice people are most prone to be taken advantage of

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27 minutes ago, Slayer said:

It's interesting she has a life outside of her job?

No, but in general I would think that on her special day Britney will need her assistant to help with things. But the fact that she probably had the trip planned before the wedding date was decided on, makes sense to me 

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9 minutes ago, jokobish said:

Can someone who is strong in their faith help me understand why her life is like this? She’s a god fearing woman, a good mother, a good PERSON.. why does she get no blessings? Why is she always getting the short end of the stick? What did she do to deserve ANYTHING that’s happened to her?

Because we live in an evil world and people are just waiting in the wings to take advantage of Britney and people like her. I love, LOVE Britney, but she's nice to a fault and people like that are prone to being taken advantage of. 

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17 minutes ago, DuranDuran said:

Sam said about a month ago that the wedding day was set, so it was hardly at the last minute.

Well it depends when the wedding was set, but if they only decided it a month ago, I'd say that's pretty last minute.

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