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Come take a trip to nostalgia with me

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A magazine was launched in our country this month. Since our country is going through a political crisis right now, the aim of the magazine is to remind once again how happy and hopeful people were in the 2001-2005 period. Britney is not featured in this magazine because it is a special issue of a television series. And it tells how the series has worked with the country motif, how it was once popular culture and how it gave hope to our people in our daily lives.

Britney came to my mind during this period. It's not about crying and whining, I don't know about you, but for some reason my life has passed like Britney's eras. Between 2000 and 2004 I was very happy. In fact, it was the happiest time of my life. The end of elementary school was the beginning of high school, and I was an unstoppable Britney Spears fan.

When I looked at Britney at that time, it symbolized for me how a perfect success was established, how one could reach all parts of the world from a small town, and how success is not accidental but rather hard work.
Look at the songs that I took as a role model in my childhood: baby one more time: you hope and dream that there are high school students out there who feel like me and like to have a cool time.

Oops!.. I did it again, in a world I've never seen, there's a young woman dancing with amazing cool dance moves on my screen, I don't have a computer. I can only see it when the news is on TV or when the clip is playing.

I'm a slave 4 u and Boys... gosh people call her the naughty  princess of pop. She bothers the big autorotis. I love it.

Me against the music, toxic, everytime… my god there's a huge booth in the mall downtown. A blue stand. It says In The Zone on it. Everyone at school is listening to Toxic. A few girls will playback to me against the music at the year-end show. This period, summer is more fresh, new and magnificent than ever before. I love these times.
I wish it was Saturday, I'd download some of Britney's pictures from her website and watch her videos. The evening news also gave the whole video of toxic making of the video she did for Mtv. God what a cool video...

My Prerogative, people didn't like it, but the chorus of the song is so catchy and cool. What will Britney do in her next career move? What a determined girl, how sane in her interviews, she dances well and does not have a single mistake.and she rules her own world.
Oh no… who is kevin Federline? Why is she getting married? Is Britney going to quit music?

These are how I felt when songs and albums came out. Some of you may feel cringe, but Britney's first 4 albums were the happiest times in my life. Britney has changed, yes everyone changes. There is change in the nature of humanity. But I see this as eating the most beautiful cheesecake in the world, eating it at the right time and keeping its taste on your palate.

I'm so glad Britney is still alive, when I've had difficulties in my life, Britney has gone through worse.

I just want to thank Britney for making me feel not alone, for accompanying me in the best times of my life, for being a kind of virtual friend and giving background music to my life.

Do you have any memories you want to tell in this time period (2000-2004)? Let's make some nostalgia together throughout the 2000s  summer. :tbh_britney_nod_yes_yas_ftr_for_the_record_vma_2008_circus:

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I feel ya on how the peak eras tie into happy times and nostalgia but..

Idk, maybe I'm a weirdo but I'm here for the creepy dark dystopian Britney moments more than anything. I didn't become a stan until Blackout, mostly because I was bored by the perfect barbie on top of the world image. I get that all of people are super into peak Britney but I think it's worth mentioning that her latter eras are also incredibly compelling in other (more complex imo) ways. The blackout, circus, femme, (and bj sorta) eras are fascinating and tragic, and there's a lot of beauty there too.

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5 hours ago, Haha-Hehe-Haha-Ho said:

I feel ya on how the peak eras tie into happy times and nostalgia but..

Idk, maybe I'm a weirdo but I'm here for the creepy dark dystopian Britney moments more than anything. I didn't become a stan until Blackout, mostly because I was bored by the perfect barbie on top of the world image. I get that all of people are super into peak Britney but I think it's worth mentioning that her latter eras are also incredibly compelling in other (more complex imo) ways. The blackout, circus, femme, (and bj sorta) eras are fascinating and tragic, and there's a lot of beauty there too.

Got ya buddy. Idk after tasting her peak , it’s almost unfair to her saga to see her like that sometimes.

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Back in those days, when the internet was too expensive dystopic **** here we would all buy every CD that had '''Britney Spears'' written on it.

I remember buying one with this picture as a cover:


Britney Spears'den rest: Babamın vasiliği kalkmadıkça şarkı söylemeyeceğim


Bought it, put the CD in the CD player and what I got was...


Some god awful chick butchering Lucky, Heart, I will be there etc. I threw the CD in the trash and cried to my parents for days how I lost my money for some random ****.

Good old days.

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Random and funny memory


We had religion as a subject in elementary school and we got a homework to bring the pictures of our ''idols''. I guess the subject was idolatry. I don't know. Didn't pay attention.

Guess what, I forgot the homework (basically ****loads of posters) and the girl next to me grabbed a bunch of magazine articles and gave it to me (basically we shared. She had more than enough).

The teacher went through them and among those articles there was a picture of Britney grabbing K Fats d ick. I got a big ******* 1 (In Europe 1 is equal to F in America).

And also my mom had to go to school because of that picture.


**** K fat and his d ick.

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2 hours ago, FreeBritBrit said:

Random and funny memory


We had religion as a subject in elementary school and we got a homework to bring the pictures of our ''idols''. I guess the subject was idolatry. I don't know. Didn't pay attention.

Guess what, I forgot the homework (basically ****loads of posters) and the girl next to me grabbed a bunch of magazine articles and gave it to me (basically we shared. She had more than enough).

The teacher went through them and among those articles there was a picture of Britney grabbing K Fats d ick. I got a big ******* 1 (In Europe 1 is equal to F in America).

And also my mom had to go to school because of that picture.


**** K fat and his d ick.

Omg :demi_lipstick_flirt_red_pink_makeup:

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I was also in elementary school for the first four albums, do you happen to be born in 1993 too? lol 

For me I think 1999-2001 was definitely the happiest years of my life, and it also ties with the boom of Pokémon (hence my name :shameless_blush_blonde_hair_stroke_proud: ) and I just remember waiting to catch her videos on TV every day. In Mexico we had Los 10 + Pedidos on MTV which was like the equivalent to TRL, so we were always rooting for her to win. In general, that period in music was really good, Britney was my fave, but I still liked most of the artists that were putting out music back then, we loved to watch every new video, no matter who it was, and being in Latin America, we got both music in Spanish and in English, so it was really great (seriously, American people have slept on so many amazing music). 

When I was 6, my siblings and I used to go out and play with neighbors and there was this girl who must've been 12 or 13 at the time, and she was the one teaching us the choreos. She would record Britney's videos or performances on VHS, and she would learn the moves, then she would teach us, and we would dance in the middle of the street. Someone, somewhere must have a video of me and the rest dancing to Oops at a birthday party :embarrassney_embarrassed_shame_guilt_hide_britney_karaoke_head_shake_no_smh:  We weren't even invited to the actual party, this was a family reunion for one of the girls in the street, but we had no idea, and she called us with some excuse and once we were there it was like "the dancers have arrived!" and we were like :waitwhat_britney_lights_out_scared_um_confused_what:  and all her relatives were like "dance dance dance dance :meryell_meryl_streep_meme_yell: "  and they grabbed us to the middle of the patio and Oops started playing and we had to dance, and the older brother took out his camera and started recording and we were like :britdrown_britney_tears_crying_drown_ink_black:  The thing is, we weren't even good!! We used to do it just for fun :blol_britney_2011_ff_femme_fatale_laugh_lol_haha_hehe_lmao: but anyways, that's just one of the many traumas that made me the antisocial that I am today. After the song ended I just ran away from there :messbye_britney_pink_leave_walking_running_bye_goodbye_away:


But yeah, Britney's music was always so good, and her videos so magical. I remember staying up late to catch her in Otro Rollo when she came to Mexico in 2002, and stuff like that. She was everywhere, at every party, on the radio, at the mall, the supermarket, she was on the news, magazines, etc. 


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So very many... but there's one in particular that I love. There was this time after we had just bought the In The Zone album. I was 12 and my sister was 11. We wanted to play it real loud, but my parents had sent us to sleep. We went to the living room and decided we would play it with low volume... and then we were like "but only one song". We chose 'Toxic'.  It was like a mission in which we needed to be super quiet :shhh_britney_ftr_for_the_record_hat_quiet_2008_circus:


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56 minutes ago, Adriannn said:

So very many... but there's one in particular that I love. There was this time after we had just bought the In The Zone album. I was 12 and my sister was 11. We wanted to play it real loud, but my parents had sent us to sleep. We went to the living room and decided we would play it with low volume... and then we were like "but only one song". We chose 'Toxic'.  It was like a mission in which we needed to be super quiet :shhh_britney_ftr_for_the_record_hat_quiet_2008_circus:


we used to play the albums on the PS1 


Actually the very first time I listen to the Oops album was on the PS1 :haha_britney_laugh_lol_lmao_hehe_haha_bw_black_white: I feel so old 

Or we would record the songs from the radio on cassette through the car's stereo 

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29 minutes ago, PokemonSpears said:

Or we would record the songs from the radio on cassette through the car's stereo


Fun fact #1: the town I grew up in had ONE radio station (dedicated to banda, grupero, pasito, etc.). Surrounded by mountains no other radio station would be picked up in there. The only chance was this show at 8 pm where pop music in English and Spanish would be played (Britney was a staple of course)... happy hour for me. Or, I would have to wait until late hours for some radio stations from afar to be picked up... full of static. :wendy_williams_bop_listen_music:

Fun fact #2: my dad works in that radio station... so when we couldn't convince him to give us money and buy original CDs, he would have someone burn them for us. :gagasmile_smirk_lady_pink:

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