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When did Britney finish her education?

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By the time she was in her final years of high school, it was clear that Spears was focused solely on her career, becoming an even more provocative performer. The media speculated that she had even dropped out of school. However, it has since been confirmed that Spears and her then-boyfriend, Timberlake graduated from high school via distance learning from the University of Nebraska High School.


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18 minutes ago, Brit52 said:

I remember one time in an interview she got called a high school drop out and was offended by it and confirmed she had finished her high school diploma

Yes I remember this too! She checked that interviewer real quick! I was so proud. :urite_wendy_williams_red_yes_earrings_nod_proud_wow_impressed:

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Unfortunately, Spears never got the chance to peruse a higher education as she’s hoped. Her career continued to be massively successful with hits like “Oops!… I Did It Again,” “I’m a Slave 4 U,” “Me Against the Music,” “Piece of Me.” 

I found very explanatory the movie called Framing Britney Spears while reading several essays on movie review about her at several sites click site about her at several sites(click site) about her decision on her career and education. Before making conclusions I would recommend watching it and researching the more historical flow of her story from the beginning.


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On 3/13/2021 at 8:35 AM, kleinbritney said:


The media speculated that she had even dropped out of school. However, it has since been confirmed that Spears and her then-boyfriend, Timberlake graduated from high school via distance learning from the University of Nebraska High School.


I knew Britney and Timberlake were both enrolled in high school through distance learning programs. I vividly remember this because I begged my parents to do the same for me. Because if the pop stars were doing it, I wanted to do it too. My parents did not agree with my reasoning.

However I could have sworn Britney and Justin were in different programs from different states. But I guess I was wrong.

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When she wasn't performing. A little EP called Baby One More Time kinda got in the way.

Bottom line, child entertainers aren't allowed to just drop out of school. The idea that she did was invented in order to marginalize her, much like a lot of what was reported back then. She had to be a label of the puppet, pimped out in a school girl uniform, perpetuating s** and innocence against her will because she's dumb. She can't sing AT ALL and all the talent she has is smoke, mirrors and Max Martin. When in reality, she's pretty smart, creative, hard working and rejected some Power Rangers gimmick for her very first music video in favor of an outfit she cobbled together from Kmart that turned out to turn the pop world on its head. Oh, and she busts her *** in the booth and the dance stage. That girl had people shook to try to unload that much slander against her.

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7 hours ago, Jaime Jean said:

Most places (non trade jobs) you can’t even get noticed without a least bachelors degree, many are calling the masters degree the new bachelors degree b/c a lot of jobs are asking for so much experience for entree level positions. On top of the 2+ years of experience you are supposed to already have regardless that it’s an entry level position :crying1_britney_sobbing_tears_2006_sad: (in the US)

I live in the US, and I would say that those companies you'd want to avoid anyway since they don't consider you a responsible adult but a robot whose only purpose in life is to make them money and most are run by CEOs unwilling to change and evolve with the times. I left a job I loved so much last year because I wasn't growing anymore and on my job search I only found a few of those, and you can tell from the very beginning what companies are still stuck in the past...They list a never ending list of things of what is expected of you, but only give you two lines of the "benefits" you'll get. I found a company with flexible and unlimited PTOs and sick days, you can work remote if you want, they actually invest in you as a person as well not only as an employee...And I believe most companies are moving in that direction. The ones still stuck in the past are not going to be sustainable in the future because the mentality of employees is changing as well. If you're happy where you are then definitely keep you job, but when the time comes that you want to look for a new job, take your time until you find what you deserve.

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