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Life choices that changed course of your life ??

Easy There

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Hmmmm so today I have been thinking. How even smallest decisions can affect how rest of our lives are gonna be.

So what are some golf your or ur family decisions that altered your destiny  ?



For example. During Bosnian war. My family was supposed to move to USA,we had paperwork and plane tickets ready  (we were supposed to come and live in California or some NY state) but my dad backed up last minute despite my mum fighting him like a wolf over it.


Then a year later my mum secretly applied us to refugee move centre and we were supposed to go to Australia. Again my dad agreed,we had paperwork and everything ready including flight date. But again my dad backed up and decided to stay.


My life would be so much better if he decided to take us there instead of staying here. Instead I am stuck in one of world's poorest countries. We have struggled a lot when I was a kid and in my teen years. And my dad would probably still be alive if he didn't stay in this cursed land.


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I'm so sorry for the loss of your Dad.

Honestly for me I don't look at the past, I just look at the present and the future. If there's something I 'm not happy with I fix it.

You know this may sound ridiculous but that song by Lady Gaga Marry The Night actually helped me see life differently. I took the message of that song and applied it on myself.

I basically married the night which for me is accepting all things even negative things in life I don't fight it anymore, I accept it, I accept that my life wont always be perfect and that sometimes things will be obscure.

But, anywho I send you a hug your story was touching, I'm literally in tears, I'm sorry.

I wanna be there when you touch fire

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5 minutes ago, Midnight said:

I'm so sorry for the loss of your Dad.

Honestly for me I don't look at the past, I just look at the present and the future. If there's something I 'm not happy with I fix it.

You know this may sound ridiculous but that song by Lady Gaga Marry The Night actually helped me see life differently. I took the message of that song and applied it on myself.

I basically married the night which for me is accepting all things even negative things in life I don't fight it anymore, I accept it, I accept that my life wont always be perfect and that sometimes things will be obscure.

But, anywho I send you a hug your story was touching, I'm literally in tears, I'm sorry.

Thanks boo,I appreciate your kind words :hugs_madonna_britney_ftr_2008_circus_hugging_friends_support:

Its ok everything happens for a reason. As you said it it's best to look at present and future. At least that is what I am trying to do.

At times thoughts and memories take you back. And you can't help to ask yourself what if.

But it's best to snap from that mindset  :cuteidk_britney_excited_laugh_yes_yas_happy_smile:

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1 minute ago, Easy There said:

Thanks boo,I appreciate your kind words :hugs_madonna_britney_ftr_2008_circus_hugging_friends_support:

Its ok everything happens for a reason. As you said it it's best to look at present and future. At least that is what I am trying to do.

At times thoughts and memories take you back. And you can't help to ask yourself what if.

But it's best to snap from that mindset  :cuteidk_britney_excited_laugh_yes_yas_happy_smile:

I agree, and if you ever wanna come live in the US you have a home here with me :shameless_blush_blonde_hair_stroke_proud:

I wanna be there when you touch fire

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4 minutes ago, Easy There said:

Ooo yeah it did get better. It's not exactly how I wanted my life to play out. I always had bigger dreams. But it's ok,can't really be complaining.

Because as Kourtney would say "Easy there are ppl dying"



But thanks :bigkiss_britney_kissing:

I genuinely believe anyone can do anything if you work hard enough :) you can definitely achieve your dreams!

As Britney said..


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5 minutes ago, Slayer said:

I genuinely believe anyone can do anything if you work hard enough :) you can definitely achieve your dreams!

As Britney said..


Living in Bosnia makes it 10x harder lol. But at the end of the day it must be 10x more satisfying lol.

But yeah I am working really hard on myself lately. Because I have realise I have wasted at least 3 years of my life stuck in this groundhog day loop.


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1 minute ago, Easy There said:

Living in Bosnia makes it 10x harder lol. But at the end of the day it must be 10x more satisfying lol.

But yeah I am working really hard on myself lately. Because I have realise I have wasted at least 3 years of my life stuck in this groundhog day loop.


Aslong as you're taking steps to better yourself and be happier, that is amazing! That should be your priority, your mental health is so important!

In regards to moving elsewhere maybe with certain jobs you may have the opportunity to get sponsorship somewhere else in the world, work hard and i'm sure it can happen! Sending positive thoughts your way!


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7 minutes ago, Slayer said:

Aslong as you're taking steps to better yourself and be happier, that is amazing! That should be your priority, your mental health is so important!

In regards to moving elsewhere maybe with certain jobs you may have the opportunity to get sponsorship somewhere else in the world, work hard and i'm sure it can happen! Sending positive thoughts your way!


Thank you. I have something in works job wise. Although I am going trough minor setback due to ******* Corona

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  • 4 weeks later...
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For me it was getting with my ex and getting back with him.

I met him in Nov 2014 when I was 21.

He looked and acted like prince charming but he had a secret **** addiction

that I didnt know about till later on in the relationship.

 The first mistake was that when I found out, I stayed with him even though it was against my values.

Then one day after we had ***, he said something really offensive and got me so upset that I broke up with him,

which got him SO angry that he physically assaulted me. I got a restraining order and everything

The second mistake was that I got back with him a few months later cause I blamed myself and thought I deserved it and it seemed like things were finally getting good and then he dumped me.

And that lead to me being suicidal, doing suicide attempts, hospitalizations, ECT, hanging out with the wrong people, being taken advantage of and going out with the wrong guys.


So as you can see, you got to be VERY careful when you pick a partner cause they might destroy your life.

My ex reminds me of K-Fed in a way cause of him mooching off of me and being a loser/bum.

Also PLEASE DONT judge me for what I wrote, it would make me very sad if you did

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