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Black Lives Matter mural painted in front of Trump Tower

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On 7/9/2020 at 8:38 PM, Illegally EATEN said:

Thank you.

1) Black Lives Matter ignores most black lives. It only exploits black lives that can be used to further an anti-police and anti-white agenda.

2) It ignores that over 20 people, mostly blacks, have been killed during its recent "protests" by protestors, including an 8 year old black girl.

3) It ignores black on black crime, which is the real threat to black Americans and accounts for the vast majority of their wrongful deaths

4) Its leaders have so much as admitted to being a Marxist organization whose goal it is to veer America away from capitalism, under the guise of "pro-black justice".

5) Its members have veered countless times into outright Jew hatred, for example:

-Recent riots in Los Angeles expressly targeted Jewish-themed and Jewish-owned businesses and vandalizing Jewish prayer places (https://clarionproject.org/jews-stand-alongside-civil-rights-frontline/)

-At a recent protest in Washington DC, protestors were chanting the blood libel "Israel (the only Jewish country in the world) you ****** children too" and claiming that Israel is "the puppet master of continents" (we've heard that before- in notsee Germany)

6) It is not controversial to say that a great deal of these "protestors" are outright racist (yes, racist) against whites, promoting conspiracy theories against whites, demonizing whites, etc.

7) Black Lives Matter claims that white people today are responsible for slavery, despite upwards of 95% of whites in America not having a single ancestor who owned a slave

8) As someone so wisely put it (paraphrasing): "we are living in a time where nobody is responsible for what they do now (rioting, shooting bystanders, physically destroying cities, threatening innocent people) but people are somehow responsible for what they didnt do (aka some white people owning slaves 200-400 years ago)

9) "Institutional racism" was put to rest in America in the 60s. To claim America and Americans are currently institutionally or systematically racist when some of the most successful and popular entertainers, some of the most successful lawyers and businessmen, and plenty of politicians (including one former 8-year president) are black, is nothing short of absurd. Yes, I said it.

10) Yes, there are Americans who are are racist. There are people in every single country and continent who are racist- black, white, brown, tan, yellow, red, etc. Perfection is a concept that does not exist; the world as a whole can never be perfect, since perfection is not part of human nature.

The best anyone can do is to promote understanding through peaceful means, as well as personal responsibility, and to always personally strive to do better and help others do better.

By demonizing others, destroying cities, rioting, looting, shooting other innocent people, and so on only works to cause more division and hatred. It does NOTHING to combat actual racism and to help people understand, it only furthers most people away.

11) Black Lives Matter is a fraudulent organization which hides behind an uncontroversial title (which implies that people's lives matter- wow, so brave to say) while actively contradicting that message by causing more wrongful deaths and entirely ignoring most black lives and how they are affected by the actions of their fraudulent organization.

12) The message "black lives matter", however, is an honorable one, in contrast to the organization of the same name. Since there are some people (far fewer than BLM would have you believe) who believe black lives are worth less, just as there are people who believe white lives are worth less, it is important to expose them to thoughtful progress and to try to bring as many people together as possible. All of which BLM is abhorrently, actively doing the opposite of, while encouraging racism against whites and hatred of America as a whole.

Thank you for sharing such a well-written opinion and supporting it with facts. I was interested to read this and think about some events. Now I want to understand more and be more aware.
I especially liked this statetment: "By demonizing others, destroying cities, rioting, looting, shooting other innocent people, and so on only works to cause more division and hatred. It does NOTHING to combat actual racism and to help people understand, it only furthers most people away".

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'Black Lives Matter' is a Marxist organization (according to themselves) that wants to destroy black familes (their own words) and which has NO interest in black people whatsoever.

Black lives do matter. But the organization that calls itself 'Black Lives Matter' is actually an absolutely disgusting fraud that used black people's tragedies to scam the world for millions of dollars, and you should be angry and apologising for falling for it.

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17 minutes ago, Zenciti said:

'Black Lives Matter' is a Marxist organization (according to themselves) that wants to destroy black familes (their own words) and which has NO interest in black people whatsoever.

Black lives do matter. But the organization that calls itself 'Black Lives Matter' is actually an absolutely disgusting fraud that used black people's tragedies to scam the world for millions of dollars, and you should be angry and apologising for falling for it.

Let me guess, you’re not Black lol

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On 7/9/2020 at 11:38 AM, Illegally EATEN said:

Thank you.

1) Black Lives Matter ignores most black lives. It only exploits black lives that can be used to further an anti-police and anti-white agenda.

2) It ignores that over 20 people, mostly blacks, have been killed during its recent "protests" by protestors, including an 8 year old black girl.

3) It ignores black on black crime, which is the real threat to black Americans and accounts for the vast majority of their wrongful deaths

4) Its leaders have so much as admitted to being a Marxist organization whose goal it is to veer America away from capitalism, under the guise of "pro-black justice".

5) Its members have veered countless times into outright Jew hatred, for example:

-Recent riots in Los Angeles expressly targeted Jewish-themed and Jewish-owned businesses and vandalizing Jewish prayer places (https://clarionproject.org/jews-stand-alongside-civil-rights-frontline/)

-At a recent protest in Washington DC, protestors were chanting the blood libel "Israel (the only Jewish country in the world) you ****** children too" and claiming that Israel is "the puppet master of continents" (we've heard that before- in notsee Germany)

6) It is not controversial to say that a great deal of these "protestors" are outright racist (yes, racist) against whites, promoting conspiracy theories against whites, demonizing whites, etc.

7) Black Lives Matter claims that white people today are responsible for slavery, despite upwards of 95% of whites in America not having a single ancestor who owned a slave

8) As someone so wisely put it (paraphrasing): "we are living in a time where nobody is responsible for what they do now (rioting, shooting bystanders, physically destroying cities, threatening innocent people) but people are somehow responsible for what they didnt do (aka some white people owning slaves 200-400 years ago)

9) "Institutional racism" was put to rest in America in the 60s. To claim America and Americans are currently institutionally or systematically racist when some of the most successful and popular entertainers, some of the most successful lawyers and businessmen, and plenty of politicians (including one former 8-year president) are black, is nothing short of absurd. Yes, I said it.

10) Yes, there are Americans who are are racist. There are people in every single country and continent who are racist- black, white, brown, tan, yellow, red, etc. Perfection is a concept that does not exist; the world as a whole can never be perfect, since perfection is not part of human nature.

The best anyone can do is to promote understanding through peaceful means, as well as personal responsibility, and to always personally strive to do better and help others do better.

By demonizing others, destroying cities, rioting, looting, shooting other innocent people, and so on only works to cause more division and hatred. It does NOTHING to combat actual racism and to help people understand, it only furthers most people away.

11) Black Lives Matter is a fraudulent organization which hides behind an uncontroversial title (which implies that people's lives matter- wow, so brave to say) while actively contradicting that message by causing more wrongful deaths and entirely ignoring most black lives and how they are affected by the actions of their fraudulent organization.

12) The message "black lives matter", however, is an honorable one, in contrast to the organization of the same name. Since there are some people (far fewer than BLM would have you believe) who believe black lives are worth less, just as there are people who believe white lives are worth less, it is important to expose them to thoughtful progress and to try to bring as many people together as possible. All of which BLM is abhorrently, actively doing the opposite of, while encouraging racism against whites and hatred of America as a whole.

I’m surprised you didn’t mention the millions of dollars apparently “missing” and their failure to disclose where the money they raised has actually gone to/where it’s been spent. 

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On 7/9/2020 at 1:38 PM, Illegally EATEN said:

Thank you.

1) Black Lives Matter ignores most black lives. It only exploits black lives that can be used to further an anti-police and anti-white agenda.

2) It ignores that over 20 people, mostly blacks, have been killed during its recent "protests" by protestors, including an 8 year old black girl.

3) It ignores black on black crime, which is the real threat to black Americans and accounts for the vast majority of their wrongful deaths

4) Its leaders have so much as admitted to being a Marxist organization whose goal it is to veer America away from capitalism, under the guise of "pro-black justice".

5) Its members have veered countless times into outright Jew hatred, for example:

-Recent riots in Los Angeles expressly targeted Jewish-themed and Jewish-owned businesses and vandalizing Jewish prayer places (https://clarionproject.org/jews-stand-alongside-civil-rights-frontline/)

-At a recent protest in Washington DC, protestors were chanting the blood libel "Israel (the only Jewish country in the world) you ****** children too" and claiming that Israel is "the puppet master of continents" (we've heard that before- in notsee Germany)

6) It is not controversial to say that a great deal of these "protestors" are outright racist (yes, racist) against whites, promoting conspiracy theories against whites, demonizing whites, etc.

7) Black Lives Matter claims that white people today are responsible for slavery, despite upwards of 95% of whites in America not having a single ancestor who owned a slave

8) As someone so wisely put it (paraphrasing): "we are living in a time where nobody is responsible for what they do now (rioting, shooting bystanders, physically destroying cities, threatening innocent people) but people are somehow responsible for what they didnt do (aka some white people owning slaves 200-400 years ago)

9) "Institutional racism" was put to rest in America in the 60s. To claim America and Americans are currently institutionally or systematically racist when some of the most successful and popular entertainers, some of the most successful lawyers and businessmen, and plenty of politicians (including one former 8-year president) are black, is nothing short of absurd. Yes, I said it.

10) Yes, there are Americans who are are racist. There are people in every single country and continent who are racist- black, white, brown, tan, yellow, red, etc. Perfection is a concept that does not exist; the world as a whole can never be perfect, since perfection is not part of human nature.

The best anyone can do is to promote understanding through peaceful means, as well as personal responsibility, and to always personally strive to do better and help others do better.

By demonizing others, destroying cities, rioting, looting, shooting other innocent people, and so on only works to cause more division and hatred. It does NOTHING to combat actual racism and to help people understand, it only furthers most people away.

11) Black Lives Matter is a fraudulent organization which hides behind an uncontroversial title (which implies that people's lives matter- wow, so brave to say) while actively contradicting that message by causing more wrongful deaths and entirely ignoring most black lives and how they are affected by the actions of their fraudulent organization.

12) The message "black lives matter", however, is an honorable one, in contrast to the organization of the same name. Since there are some people (far fewer than BLM would have you believe) who believe black lives are worth less, just as there are people who believe white lives are worth less, it is important to expose them to thoughtful progress and to try to bring as many people together as possible. All of which BLM is abhorrently, actively doing the opposite of, while encouraging racism against whites and hatred of America as a whole.

Very well said. 
Now if only Jordan did some research on the organization before posting nonsense on the front page of his site.

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On 7/9/2020 at 9:38 PM, Illegally EATEN said:

Thank you.

1) Black Lives Matter ignores most black lives. It only exploits black lives that can be used to further an anti-police and anti-white agenda.

2) It ignores that over 20 people, mostly blacks, have been killed during its recent "protests" by protestors, including an 8 year old black girl.

3) It ignores black on black crime, which is the real threat to black Americans and accounts for the vast majority of their wrongful deaths

4) Its leaders have so much as admitted to being a Marxist organization whose goal it is to veer America away from capitalism, under the guise of "pro-black justice".

5) Its members have veered countless times into outright Jew hatred, for example:

-Recent riots in Los Angeles expressly targeted Jewish-themed and Jewish-owned businesses and vandalizing Jewish prayer places (https://clarionproject.org/jews-stand-alongside-civil-rights-frontline/)

-At a recent protest in Washington DC, protestors were chanting the blood libel "Israel (the only Jewish country in the world) you ****** children too" and claiming that Israel is "the puppet master of continents" (we've heard that before- in notsee Germany)

6) It is not controversial to say that a great deal of these "protestors" are outright racist (yes, racist) against whites, promoting conspiracy theories against whites, demonizing whites, etc.

7) Black Lives Matter claims that white people today are responsible for slavery, despite upwards of 95% of whites in America not having a single ancestor who owned a slave

8) As someone so wisely put it (paraphrasing): "we are living in a time where nobody is responsible for what they do now (rioting, shooting bystanders, physically destroying cities, threatening innocent people) but people are somehow responsible for what they didnt do (aka some white people owning slaves 200-400 years ago)

9) "Institutional racism" was put to rest in America in the 60s. To claim America and Americans are currently institutionally or systematically racist when some of the most successful and popular entertainers, some of the most successful lawyers and businessmen, and plenty of politicians (including one former 8-year president) are black, is nothing short of absurd. Yes, I said it.

10) Yes, there are Americans who are are racist. There are people in every single country and continent who are racist- black, white, brown, tan, yellow, red, etc. Perfection is a concept that does not exist; the world as a whole can never be perfect, since perfection is not part of human nature.

The best anyone can do is to promote understanding through peaceful means, as well as personal responsibility, and to always personally strive to do better and help others do better.

By demonizing others, destroying cities, rioting, looting, shooting other innocent people, and so on only works to cause more division and hatred. It does NOTHING to combat actual racism and to help people understand, it only furthers most people away.

11) Black Lives Matter is a fraudulent organization which hides behind an uncontroversial title (which implies that people's lives matter- wow, so brave to say) while actively contradicting that message by causing more wrongful deaths and entirely ignoring most black lives and how they are affected by the actions of their fraudulent organization.

12) The message "black lives matter", however, is an honorable one, in contrast to the organization of the same name. Since there are some people (far fewer than BLM would have you believe) who believe black lives are worth less, just as there are people who believe white lives are worth less, it is important to expose them to thoughtful progress and to try to bring as many people together as possible. All of which BLM is abhorrently, actively doing the opposite of, while encouraging racism against whites and hatred of America as a whole.

👏🏼 You tell em.

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@Jordan Miller I’m not trying to start drama but is there anything we can do to educate people on Black Lives Matter in a way that isn’t going to be divisive? People appear to be really misinformed and continue to speak on the movement as if they are the subjects concerned with it. If you aren’t Black, why do you care that someone is saying Black Lives Matter and organizing things to assist black owned businesses, and ultimately combat anti Blackness and brutality across the police force ? Must we only support social and civil rights movements when it involves Britney Spears’s conservatorship? Really?

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