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New article about Britney states that the singer is ready to fight for her freedom

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20 minutes ago, Spicechinodiva said:

If the c ship does end. Dancers will be happy to know. No more random **** testings and can smoke weed to calm down after a show. Plus Alcohol..

That was a cheap excuse to fire Andre Fuentes because he really wanted to help Britney.
The ages are different and they can drink and smoke perfectly with control after the show if they want.
Mickey Pesante already said that they cannot approach or have a conversation with her and they do it for control and to have isolate her.

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48 minutes ago, jonloch1 said:

I am seriously willing Britney on to get the freedom she deserves. like you've said I thnk if she does get it, she'll be pregnant not long after [hopefully she wont have many problems]. actually in hindsight maybe that's why she is keeping fit now.

I also think if she does, we can seriously get excited about new music and she'll return to the studio very soon . although if she does get pregnant, it may not be til xmas 2021 til we get B10. But at least we would have hope at getting new music at some point

I really  am rooting for Britney now. this cship has went on about 7 years too long now and it needs to end now 

I highly doubt she will have problems 

we seem to forget that she is still only 38 years old which is very young and when it comes to health

age doesn’t always mean health 

she’s been fit her whole life and should be able to have A  baby even in ten years from now if she wanted 
Janet had hers when she was 50!!

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i still wanna know why wallet dropped out abruptly. i wanna know what exactly triggered all this to spiral after britney seeming to have resigned herself to it for so long...i'm excited she seems healthy and ready to go all in though. i think she has more leverage now with wallet out and her dad old af and her kids now closer to being legal adults than to being in diapers, and the press surrounding her situation is far less rosy these days + the public increasingly knows about britney's situation and support her. 

i think in the earlier days of the conservatorship she was obviously doing not the best, then was on the upswing during circus and the following year but i have a feeling she sort of had a backslide during the ff era because she realized she was trapped in a money scam with no voice, and probably started to improve slowly from there, maybe slid back some when she didn't get the reins lifted during the glory era as i feel she may have been teased with but got fed tf up with it at some point in 2018 and whatever happened triggered all this. i hope we get to find out on britney's terms and in her words someday soon.

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15 hours ago, frederiickx said:

Imagine being this naive. California is one of the most corrupt states with conservatorships, judges are paid off, etc. 

Britney is worth millions and everyone has a hand in HER money, they are going to try their hardest to keep things the way they are. 

I totally agree with that but on the other hand she has set fire three times from forgetting lit candles :firega:. That is dangerous and kids are involved u know:lostney: and again why does she only have her kids around a few hours at a time there must be some reason to back that up:ehum: sorry for my unpopular opinion, but ppl who are somewhat traumatized in one Way or the other might not always be acting rational. Still love her :tongueney:

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