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Netflix Show about Conservatorship


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Has anyone watched the show called "Dirty Money" on Netflix?

There's an episode about conservatorship and exactly how people are abusing their power aka Britney's current situation

I think every Britney fan should watch it if you have a Netflix account :runga:



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8 hours ago, rodrigobjs said:

I just watched and now I’m hopeless crying1.gif
#freecharlie #freejohn #freebritney crying1.gif


7 hours ago, nerdygeekgrl said:

Update: just finished watching it and I hate Lou and Jaime even more now. I am praying and hoping for some miracle soon. Britney doesn't deserve this at all and for those leeches... M I hope they rot in hell one day. 


I lost all hope after watching it as well :crying1:

My only hope is that media and her fans help shine a light on this matter. Other than that, there's no hope :crying4:

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Just watched guardians, Inc. on Netflix it is so horrible!

 And it refueled my doubts about the CONservatorship. I can’t imagine how Britney  must have been feeling all this time or half of the time, because the other half she might not remember due to using medication to make her compliant and blackmailing her with the babies.  I  have a fear that the constant playing with medication may have brought her Mental state to detoriate  to the extent that she now is actually in need of a guardian. I mean compare Blackoutney and circusney to 2020 instagramney. She would have cringed herself.

The sad part is that even the family can’t do anything about in spite of having a Certificate by a doctor certifying the conservatee’s  full capacity and not needing a guardianship. His best friend has even petitioned the removal of the guardianship to no avail.  and even gain exposure to the case hasn’t helped.

The team is bleeding her dry, it seems like a Classic case of Guardianship abuse used on her to seize her assets.  The doctor validating her incapacity barely met her. The attorney she chose got ejected from the courtroom etc. Andrew wallet jumping ship before the **** implodes.

 The issue is they’re at the moment lawfully allowed to use the assets “in her best interests” And she is basically paying thewhole bunch of leeches. 
I have a strong feeling that she now actually needs the guardianship due to ******* her mental health up with Isolation, medication cocktails, along with severe gaslighting and using the children.

 If you haven’t seen the episode you should for sure. What vile people exist in the world - disgusting



-all my text had allegedly happened-  Formulated in a dramatic way  for entertainment Purposes-

LOU, Jamie’s and Larry’s Christian values would never  allow them to do such heinous crimes:bedtime:

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6 minutes ago, ThisMeowBiteback said:

There’s also this movie call “paradise island” which has a big pop star at this rehab facility, she complains to other people there that she can’t used her voice & she’s been Used for money the same as Britney! But to my surprise it seems as tho the pop star was clone because she kept trying to fight back 

Im gonna watch it!! Have you ever seen The Congress with Robin Wright? It’s very similar to what’s happening in Britney’s life right now, I love this movie so much

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  • 3 months later...

My husband told me about this and he told me it was chilling and made him understand how the c-ship is def corrupt and how it could've happened for Britney as well.

I am scared to watch but I am going to watch tomorrow while I "work from home" hehehe 

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Haven't seen it yet but I definitely will. I just hope that one day all these devious people suffer for what they did to their victims, celeb or not.

Also, we could try and send Lou to get analyzed by those personality analysts in shows like deadly women, because she's a PSYCHO with zero life.

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