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One of the Most Shameful Episodes In Journalistic History


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Guys I don't know if you even seen/read this article, but it is regarding MJ 2005 trial and how media manipulated GP and kept showing MJ as a crazy. But I think it would be great to see such a article about Britney especially from 2004-2008 how they made GP to believe she is crazy same like MJ. 


And tell what you think of article! 


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I agree with you and i agree with the article, unfortunately when you're very very famous and you have a certain power (for example MJ bought the Beatles music catalogue, he owned half Sony etc...) The media try so hard to destroy you and we have seen that with MJ, Britney, Marilyn Monroe, Princess Diana, they always try to destroy fragile people... It's very sad, but it's the truth! :wontcry:

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