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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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1 minute ago, Joey Orfino said:

They used "The Blast" as a way to communicate with the general public but they always use the words "close source" or "a family source". They never want to take a real stand.

hmm. i feel so conflicted about all of this. i know that has been said a million times now but we don‘t know anything about her mental health. she could be in a very very bad place for all we know (she has been in a facility for for months after all) and the conversatorship is the only thing that keeps her together. i just find it hard to believe that her mother and everyone around her uses her. has there ever been a case like this before?

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5 minutes ago, Joey Orfino said:

Yes, they are probably already preparing their next big plan to get Britney back to work and a plan to make it look normal for her to go back to the spotlight.


They can no longer count on the majority of fan support (hopefully).

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1 minute ago, Joey Orfino said:

Yes, they are probably already preparing their next big plan to get Britney back to work and a plan to make it look normal for her to go back to the spotlight. 

Her handlers already have her in rehab. Their goal use to her mental ilness to win gain interest circa another comeback. 

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22 minutes ago, Dream With In a dream said:

Tbf tho hasent sam always said brjtneys parents are just after money.. and always have been 

not defending him btw

At this point, I agree. What he says is actually logical, makes sense, and explains a lot.

When was the last time Brit's team made any sense? They are never logical and have been lying to hide a covert operation that abuses their daughter.

I'm not saying believe everything Sam says. I dont believe anyone around Britney 100%. But, Sam's explanations are far more believable than Brit's team.  And his explanations do a lot more to help Brit's case as compared to her team who lies and manipulates the system to maintain their control. 

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3 minutes ago, Pinkbabytee said:

hmm. i feel so conflicted about all of this. i know that has been said a million times now but we don‘t know anything about her mental health. she could be in a very very bad place for all we know (she has been in a facility for for months after all) and the conversatorship is the only thing that keeps her together. i just find it hard to believe that her mother and everyone around her uses her. has there ever been a case like this before?

Maybe, it is real and to not create a big fuss, they lied and blamed it on Jamie's illness but of course the podcast, made it hard to believe. They could sue them for diffamation but do a press release saying that all these accusations are false and that they are taking Britney's Gram to court but instead they use The Blast to explain themselves as if they had something to make themselves amend for. 

We just need one person to take a stand publically and say it all to be able to validate everything but we know no one will.

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1 minute ago, DayvinDazone said:

Is it?

I think it's keeping her drugged, numb and easily controlled.

Many would agree that she's been more alive in 2018/2019 than ever and that's when she allegedly stopped taking the medication.


what if she is like that bc of the meds she is taking for bp disorder or whatever mental illness she has? or she is depressed bc of her fame and everything that has happened to her in the public eye and she uses meds as a crutch even though it would be healthier to talk about her traumas with a psychologist (like most ppl). but i understand that the conversatorship seems to be fishy bc she has been working for the last decade. but did she ever look healthy to you? it‘s a shitty situation since we don‘t know anything about her...

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2 minutes ago, Notorious I.G.G.Y. said:

Not sure if this has been posted


Thanks for this. I haven't seen this yet. Reelz is a pretty good cable channel, they have over 1 million viewers every nights, so that could be great exposure. That also means that we are still gonna be talking about it in a few months when this show will air and they seem to be against the whole conservatorship so, something great to look foward to.

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I'm mostly curious to find out how the podcast girls handle with the possibility Britney **might** actually have been in a fragile mental state and her team's concern and actions could've had some validity.  (even if the conservatorship might still be very sketchy etc) Unless of course their new credible source told them that was not the case and, just like some fans have suspected, she did appear/had a (normal?) behavior prior to that... :/


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These conservatorships are only for adults who are gravely disabled as a result of a mental illness listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). The most common mental illnesses are serious, biological brain disorders, like:

Bipolar disorder (manic depression),
Schizo-affective disorder,
Clinical depression, and
Obsessive-compulsive disorder.

LPS conservatorships are not for people with organic brain disorders, brain trauma, developmental disability, alcohol or **** addiction, or dementia, unless they also have one of the serious mental illnesses listed in the DSM. 

Somehow this doesn't add up, this doesn't equal

If she has any of the above, she shouldn't/couldn't have worked like she did . If she was able to accomplish all the things she did during the past 11 she shouldn't be under a c-ship .

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2 minutes ago, Notorious I.G.G.Y. said:

I'm mostly curious to find out how the podcast girls handle with the possibility Britney **might** actually have been in a fragile mental state and her team's concern and actions could've had some validity.  (even if the conservatorship might still be very sketchy etc) Unless of course their new credible source told them that was not the case and, just like some fans have suspected, she did appear/had a (normal?) behavior prior to that... :/


i‘m curious about that too! they are way too black/white in their thinking processes so it wouldn‘t suprise me if they went inkognito or something upon finding out :disappointed:

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1 minute ago, Cappycorn87 said:

This is not something that's going to go away easily because her team is already getting caught up in lies.

Exactly, they can't pretend everything is alright in the attempt of a comeback while she's still in the conservatorship.

I picture them clamoring "BRITNEY: STRONGER" but now not only are we more concious of this but the gp is noticing too.

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12 minutes ago, Meaner03 said:

The only reason there is no official statement from her team is because they don't want it to be used against them in court, so they use the medias they have on a payroll to fight the #FreeBritney movement . 

It will be depend on our constantancy to bring fact to lights, keep exposing the people that surround her and the c-ship, this will big wall they've builded and put Britney behind needs to break and it won't be done in 1 day .

I agree, everyone needs to remember that this is in reality something that has had more than 11 years to build up. It will take more than a week to change. 

The entire fanbase is aware now and that alone is HUGE. Stay focused. 

Also, the Blast remains trash. Good morning :) 

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1 minute ago, Meaner03 said:

These conservatorships are only for adults who are gravely disabled as a result of a mental illness listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). The most common mental illnesses are serious, biological brain disorders, like:

Bipolar disorder (manic depression),
Schizo-affective disorder,
Clinical depression, and
Obsessive-compulsive disorder.

LPS conservatorships are not for people with organic brain disorders, brain trauma, developmental disability, alcohol or **** addiction, or dementia, unless they also have one of the serious mental illnesses listed in the DSM. 

Somehow this doesn't add up, this doesn't equal

If she has any of the above, she shouldn't/couldn't have worked like she did . If she was able to accomplish all the things she did during the past 11 she shouldn't be under a c-ship .

but ppl with those illnesses work all the time...like i said, u can‘t think about mental illness in such a limited way. 

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11 minutes ago, Aang said:

While I agree. I think the message that the word “overprotected” sends is that they’re still trying to protect her. Not a big deal. Just implies her team isn't doing it for self gain. 

True but shes 37 I mean it still raises concerns and shows her dislike of it. plus at least its not as an aggressive message towards her team (like a lot of fans have been with their reactions lately) cuz I mean even if she does need help and stuff I feel like the conservatorship might still be questioned, plenty of adult ppl have health issues but they dont necessarily have no control over their lifes. If she didnt have so much money, would she be under a conservatorship? Probably not. Idk it's very complex, and we don't want to do anything that might harm her actual mental health so we have to always give the benefit of the doubt and think of the possibility she might indeed need some sort of medical help at times too.

"I dont need permission to make my own decisions" is good too I guess (even if thats not her original song tho)


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