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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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10 minutes ago, Meaner03 said:

i would not say that, but we are talking about a diagnosis that led to make her loose her most important right, i'd have at least wanted a diagnosis from a psychiatrist who is speacialized in my age range . It's already strange that it is only based on only 1 Dr. when all of the cases i've read about have at least 2 . So it should have been at least the right one.

Exactly this! Or this should have been at the very least validated by a second psychiatrist. 

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1 hour ago, Meaner03 said:

so team cship decided to stay quiet for today ? they still shook by  Miley  support to the movement i guess .


Hi there. I wanna thank you for all your effort these past weeks to find out about all the details of Britney's case.

I've been reading many comments complaining about TMZ and the likes because they keep making the #FreeBritney movement be about the facility and not the conservatorship.

I think the reason why is because there was never a follow up after the Gram Girls exposed the case. They were in their right to take a "hiatus" after it blown up as it did, but I think then we need someone to highlight all the points that are wrong with this situation even after Britney got out of the facility. I know you've already done and are still doing a lot, but is there anyway to create some kind of article with all the things you've found? Maybe someone else could help you.

I know we had a piece a few days ago that we shared and sent to editorials, I don't remember who wrote that down, maybe can help again, but it was specifically focused on the organizations that are supported by Lou, which is good too. But I think we need to start some sort of chronological recap, like a timeline of events since the beginning of the cship, and then all the things that followed, like her attempts to be freed, how she was denied a lawyer, the companies her dad opened after 2008, the connections between the lawyers and judge to other cases of cship abuse, etc, linking to all the evidence you've gathered.

I think something like that was intended in the beginning with emailmypussy's Twitter thread and the page Nelson tried to put up, but neither of those were completed. And I believe thanks to you we now have more information to backup those "claims" and put together a more consistent story than just a crazy conspiracy theory. Of course it would have to include only the things that can be verified through public documents and websites and such. If we want this to be heard, if we want this to be exposed (there were people saying that youtuber could help expose the case) we need to have a well organized and structured piece with all the details.

I would totally help, if only I had enough time lol, and I know everybody has a life too, but maybe someone, not necessarily you, could start writing that so we eventually have something more solid. :yaknow: Maybe you already did and this post was completely unnecessary :blol:


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1 hour ago, Shrekney said:

There was literally a woman on bath salts in Houston last year (or the year before... regardless) who stopped traffic on the largest freeway in the states bc she was high out of her damn mind, climbed on top of an 18 wheeler and proceeded to take off all her clothes. It was all over the local Houston news. And guess what? 



Shes not locked into a conservatorship. :sneer:


Yes Britney was acting sloppy af on the streets but it’s nowhere near the scale of what I see most literal crazy addicts do on the streets of major urban cities. ****, I was a hot mess too when I was some cringy *** rave kid acting a fool on the streets, the only difference was I didn’t have an army of pooparazzi trying to induce some photosensitive seizure by photographing my every breath only to sell the photos to the sick media that was taking the upmost sadistic pleasure of blasting my lowest point on every television screen on the planet, all for ratings. :meltdown:


Aside from the obvious paraphernalia and public indecency charges people high on streets get when caught, most don’t get labeled mentally impaired and locked into a LIFETIME conservatorship. :holduplisten: like people wake TF up. Britney’s is situation is straight up WRONG. It’s DISGUSTING most people in f**king prison have more rights than her. :lemmetellu: I’m seething at the fact that old expired moldy windbag Loucifer constructed the entire conservatorship (after harassing Britney with creepy emails and going behind her back by talking to her father) and has the audacity to use the name of the lord by throwing bible quotes left and right as a pathetic attempt to look like a good person. She’s the fakest Christian I’ve ever seen. Even westburo Baptist bigots don’t f**king enslave people. As crazy as this sounds, I’m not sure I’d even wish what happened to Britney on her. It’s that f**ked up. :notfeelinit: She needs to get investigated and if she’s innocent and has nothing to hide, then what’s the problem with some investigation? Doesn’t your grandma *** want some spotlight too Loucifer? :umok: Wouldn’t it be fun being in front of the cameras, wearing one of your trashy cheap tristar jackets, laughing at everyone who accused you of human trafficking after being proven innocent? What’s there to hide? 



I get what you are saying but also don’t. 

So you are saying because some ppl act this way and no one helps them...we should let Britney. 

She obviously would never get her kids again. 

The real answer is Britney is a public figure. They aren’t going to let her sink. These ppl are normal and looked as ppl we can lose if something bad happened. Sad but true. 

Honestly they should just let her out and if she sinks than everyone would just shut up. That’s probacly what I think would happen when her kids are legal because they can pick to see her. 

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1 minute ago, Nels64 said:

Honestly it doesn’t matter what else we do. We’ve put together everything and done everything. We need SOMEONE in the media on our side to publish this on a big platform. 

Without that, we can write as many letters, make as many videos, it’s never going to take off. 

but we need to do the first move, or otherwise no big media or influencer is gonna bother to do the research on their own.

I think it's easier for some media outlet to just pick up on something that's already there than start from scratch.

The Gram Girls weren't known either but somehow triggered this whole movement.

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1 hour ago, Bundy said:

Maybe thats why she bonded so strongly with Xtina on the MMC. Xtina also had an unstable home with an abusive father towards her and her mother, the same thing that happened with Britney it seems. Christina never got along with her father ofc and Lynne said this about Britney and Jamie as well. 

 Maybe once she is free they can get together again. I understand there was a feud but years have past and ever since 2007 Christina has been nothing but positive. It would be so beautiful. (:makeitrain:

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