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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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21 minutes ago, PokemonSpears said:

If anyone shows up that day, I hope they ask Jamie about his colon and if Britney is doing better now that he's recovered. 

:haha: Personally, I hope to never hear any details pertaining to Papa Spears’ colon. He’s already a walking, semi-talking sphincter in his usual form. 

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6 minutes ago, Catalin said:

Corrupt or not, it will probably be a huge mess. I mean, how could Britney posibly defend herself agains Team C-ship's army of lawyers when she doesn't even have the freedom of speech?

We are not lawyers nor are privy to any deep knowledge of the c-ship yet we smell the smoke from a mile away. She's a judge will decades of experience, a clean record, and will have direct knowledge of the situation. If we can tell something is amiss, don't you think she will be able to see that too? Why would she call for a status hearing out of the blue?  Maybe the verdict will not be what we want but I trust that she will do what she feels is right. Unlike Reva that was probably bribed or was on a big power trip.

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16 minutes ago, LostInAnImage said:

I understand your point-of-view; however, suffering from a mental illness and being both personally and financially exploited are not mutually exclusive truths. In fact, data indicates individuals suffering from a mental illness are far more likely to be exploited and/or abused than individuals with no history of psychopathology. 

Further, while there admittedly are definitely some completely delusional fans who believe Britney is completely mentally sound and the conservatorship was a conspiracy from the beginning, the majority of us are simply illustrating the extreme incongruity between that which Team B claims:

Britney simultaneously being too ill to have access to her own money, the internet, and attorney, yet somehow remaining well enough to still be marketed as “the indisputable princess of pop,” who has been working nonstop (4 albums, 3 tours, a residency) for the past decade, simply isn’t rooted in logic, despite the countless variables and complexities pertaining to the treatment of mental illness (which I’ll be the first to elucidate that many fans absolutely fail to appreciate this). 

Just from my own professional and personal perspective, I find the combination of Britney suffering from a mental illness (as millions of us do, with far higher prevalence amongst celebrities as compared to the general population), AND her exploitation as two mutually inclusive truths. I would have to see very compelling, independently corroborated sources of documentation to believe otherwise. 

UNBELIEVABLY well said, my friend.

I also do agree, a mentally ill person would be more likely to be a target for control than a healthy person. With Brit's case, they could manipulate her through something related to her anxiety or the custody over her kids.

The third paragraph just sums up something we should all be aware of and know of.

I'd also like to point out the rich vocabulary used. It's a very nice touch.

Overall, I feel like this deserves a:

Final rating: 10 / 10 :clap:

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