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#FREEBRITNEY | Britney’s Gram Received Worrying Voicemail Regarding Britney

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31 minutes ago, jokobitch said:


The girl on the far right is very close to someone who knows Britney, she says she knows Britney and her father have not had the best relationship and there has been plenty of times Britney has not been happy with the conservatorship but she says there has been MAJOR changes to Britney’s health, which warrants the reporter to believe that she needs to stay in it... smh

Bullshit bullshit bullshit... they are not reporting TRUTH, just the "official story".  They know less than any of us 

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4 hours ago, nels64 said:

Girl no. My SO is a PA and no sane doctor would lock someone away in a conservatorship like that. IF a sane not bought for doctor DID give the okay, then she wouldn't be working in the fashion she does now. 

NO doctor would approve of their patient working the way Britney does if they truly needed a conservatorship.

Working with 3- 6 month long breaks in between is a bad thing? :wyd:

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10 minutes ago, FatteFemaleStan said:

at this point wether the alligations have any creditbiliy or not Britney was CLEARLY abused and exploited by her team since 2008 :badthoughts: larry and jamie can rot for all i care :whatitellu:

Her own fans have been calling her Lazy for 12 years, why is that? Or that she didn't care about her career anymore because she was not promoting enough, like the time she went fishing instead of promoting HIAM and y'all called her lazy. I'll answer for you, because her team has only made her work as much as she was able to. They never forced her to work 24/7 365 :juggingu:

And if she's not able to do anything, how did she get the plastic surgery done? Or why does she travel to Hawaii whenever she wants? Or buys stuff from supermarkets, or toys for her kids?

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21 minutes ago, Pfefferminz said:

That's what funny! But hey if it can help Britney in any way, I'm here for it. :pieceofwhat:

not so funny when all the blown out of proportion speculation takes over and ultimately gets dismissed by all the media outlets as a silly rumor, completely missing the whole point "the Army is fighting for" which was to demand explanations to Britney's team as to why is she is still under conservatorship and whatever mental issues she has. 

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My thoughts on this freebritney movement is like we have all these celebrities and media outlets covering it.

but what happens if Britney comes out and says what the heck y’all, i was just away getting my hair did and doing things for myself.

yall embarassed her with this and nothing is confirmed.

also, what if she is being held against her will and the people behind her do some extreme **** to her just to cover their own *****.

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1 hour ago, RehabSucks. said:

That this has all got so to conspiracy-levels of stupid. A couple of attention-seeking children start a hashtag that makes it onto tv and suddenly she's being locked up somewhere held against her will.

No. She's not well. Simple as.
She is taking probably a well-advised stay at a treatment facility on the advice of health professionals because a recent event (or even a non-event) has caused a trigger in her mental health. It really is that simple and all the people who want there to be this secret conspiracy where her family are the bogeymen is asinine. 

As the child of a parent much older than Britney who was also placed in a similar conservator-like status coinciding with a number of similar situations, and being the one who was put in charge, all of the events make total sense. And tbh, seeing people go after her family; harass and threaten them because they don't like the information they've had is pathetic. All of this needs to stop. I thought people had learnt from 12 years ago - I guess not. 




bet that kool-laid was refreshing for you. :drinky: It’s soo good you can’t even see that there’s only just one member in here harassing her family, how tf is anyone in here responsible for all the other psycho fans around the globe? I think we all agree that’s extremely uncalled for. You can believe whatever you want. If u think this is all some silly conspiracy then leave. You do know several conspiracies have been proven to be true in the past before right?


Your little story was anecdotal AF.


This weird authoritarian culture that wants to censor and slap “conspiracy” theory on everything they disagree with is so bizarre. Lets just eat up what her team says, they’re always right, never lie, not shady at all, and work for Britney for free bc they love and care about her so much. :well: 

Life is easier that way. :demi:

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