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‘If Britney survived 2007 you can get through today’ - This article sums up why we must HATE this slogan.


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It’s because she’s never spoken about it. And why should she?

Why should Selena and Demi be granted respect and understanding and acceptance, while Britney just gets branded ‘crazy’?  

Its vulgar to witness how meme worthy her breakdown has become, since, like the article says, her scars are still wide open.



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she doesn't need to but it would have helped people who are going through similar things

the others have gained respect in that sense because it gives people room to empathize and sympathize with them on a human level.

the GP still dwells on Britney's dark period because it was swept under the rug as if nothing happened when it not only marked her job, it marked the fan base, pop music, and the gp as well. then suddenly having everything so peachy can confuse people.

at the end of the day, it's her own business what she shares or doesn't. but that period will always be around in the gp because it was a big event

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1 minute ago, Dark.Knight said:

The GP still dwells on Britney's dark period because it was swept under the rug as if nothing happened when it not only marked her job, it marked the fan base, pop music, and the gp as well. then suddenly having everything so peachy can confuse people.

I hope I never experience one, but if I ever suffer any kind of mental health deterioration, I will probably want to heal and move on pretty quickly, ‘sweep it under the rug’ as you put, and not use it as material for documentaries and tv interviews. Have some sympathy.....the whole world watched her lose custody of her children, and they’ll be able to discover that for themselves on the internet. 

I don’t think Britney will have swept it under the rug at all. I think she wears the past on her sleeve everyday, but her brace face, to me, is more inspiring that hearing her talk about what happened.

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She pretty much said it in FTR: BECAUSE IT WASNT ANYBODY'S BUSINESS! :idkney:

She's a very private person and she didn't feel necessary to talk about about it in a 100%. She was "kind of" forced to do it because it was impossible to ignore it and pretend nothing happened.


The 2007 meme it's cool as long as it mentions how great she's come ever since. What I hate is that it is mentioned in a non-related issue like an album article, a review, an interview or whatever issue that has nothing to do with it. 

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5 minutes ago, Million Billion said:

She pretty much said it in FTR: BECAUSE IT WASNT ANYBODY'S BUSINESS! :idkney:

She's a very private person and she didn't feel necessary to talk about about it in a 100%. She was "kind of" forced to do it because it was impossible to ignore it and pretend nothing happened.


The 2007 meme it's cool as long as it mentions how great she's come ever since. What I hate is that it is mentioned in a non-related issue like an album article, a review, an interview or whatever issue that has nothing to do with it. 

Yeah I'm more annoyed they have to bring it up everytime she does anything new. It just keeps reminding people. Or the fragile doll thing, she's not some delicate flower. She's strong woman but also genuinely sweet

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1 hour ago, Dark.Knight said:

she doesn't need to but it would have helped people who are going through similar things

the others have gained respect in that sense because it gives people room to empathize and sympathize with them on a human level.

the GP still dwells on Britney's dark period because it was swept under the rug as if nothing happened when it not only marked her job, it marked the fan base, pop music, and the gp as well. then suddenly having everything so peachy can confuse people.

at the end of the day, it's her own business what she shares or doesn't. but that period will always be around in the gp because it was a big event

It's not easy to talk about these things if you're not in fully control of your problems.Not even healing,just controlling them...I made my parents and my aunt hide the biggest horror of my life i had when i was just 15.They hid it until i decided to talk about it with my other relatives and friends.It took me almost 10 years to talk about them easily.She went through everything on cameras,i'm sure she felt so humiliated for a long time.She probably feels guilt over her actions since she had babies at the time.It will take more time for her to talk about her breakdown.Last year she talked about being under conservatorship.It's a big sign that she knows how to deal with her problems now.

But what you said is true.Acting like nothing happened hurt her career and image but i think it was a sacrifice for her sake.She's alive.It's been 10 years but it's crazy to think about.She's alive and still able to work.

1 hour ago, troubleforyou said:

For real? A big event? Are you serious?!!!??

An event?! Have some respect. This was a woman on the brink of sanity. Not a soap opera. 

It was a big event for Americans.Almost everybody wanted the biggest,shiny,prettiest popstar to die.It was an event for them,they liked her fall.There are still people wishes her to die.

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1 hour ago, Million Billion said:

She pretty much said it in FTR: BECAUSE IT WASNT ANYBODY'S BUSINESS! :idkney:

She's a very private person and she didn't feel necessary to talk about about it in a 100%. She was "kind of" forced to do it because it was impossible to ignore it and pretend nothing happened.


The 2007 meme it's cool as long as it mentions how great she's come ever since. What I hate is that it is mentioned in a non-related issue like an album article, a review, an interview or whatever issue that has nothing to do with it. 


1 hour ago, DJSLAYZEE said:

Yeah I'm more annoyed they have to bring it up everytime she does anything new. It just keeps reminding people. Or the fragile doll thing, she's not some delicate flower. She's strong woman but also genuinely sweet

Generally, I agree. As a journalist, the Associated Press states not to note things like mental illness unless it's pertinent to the story. For a profile on her new music, there really is no reason for it to be brought up. At the same time, however, that is a major part of her life and has influenced her music, which is something I used to deny. (Even if it's not obvious like she didn't want "Blackout" to reflect her personal life for that reason…)

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I agree. The world pretty much decided that Britney should be denied her humanity from the minute she became famous. People have an odd entitlement over celebrities but with Britney it was always that way times 1 billion. She gets treated like a zoo animal and long ago they decided she wasn't anything more than a show pony. I don't care how much Selena and Demi discuss their issues(they should if it makes them comfortable). One size doesn't fit all and not everyone feels comfortable discussing personal issues. You can't criticize someone for not sharing when they've been beaten down in the past for breathing at the wrong time. Maybe if they treated her with respect and approached her past with empathy then she would open up more. You should never tell someone how to recover or what to reveal about themselves. 

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I understand Britney deserves her privacy but at the same time her breakdown has changed her so much that just ignoring the obvious for a decade was a horrible move since she stayed in the business. 

Say if she was the same as her prime, there would be no need to bring up the breakdown because it would be just that but the breakdown isn't just that. 


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for those people who have gone through bad times in life, you know one of the best ways to move on forward from those times is to not think and dwell on it. It's healthy to acknowledge it but once it's been processed then we move on. Talking about it only brings back the memories and you feel it again.

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Stephanie McAdam, an Etsy shop owner who sells an “If Britney can make it through 2007, you can make it through today” mug, said she finds the slogan inspiring, not problematic or mean-spirited.

“It reminds me of what she went through and how she rose from that situation and came back stronger. I often think of her when I find something in life insurmountable or overwhelming,” McAdam said. “I don’t see it as making fun of her at all, but rather applauding her sheer will to survive the situation.”

I honestly have to agree with this. Whenever I see those "If Britney can make it through 2007, you can make it through today" posts on Facebook, I read it as "Hey, you punk *** *****. If the Queen of Pop can survive hordes of paparazzi, mental issues, custody battles and **** problems, then your *** has no ******* right to complain about a broken nail or your boss bitching you out for being lazy."

I always read it as a testament to her inner strength and how any of us can overcome the big stuff, so we shouldn't stress the small stuff.

Also, today I learned there's a variant of Curious called "In Control". :lostney: 

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4 hours ago, troubleforyou said:

For real? A big event? Are you serious?!!!??

An event?! Have some respect. This was a woman on the brink of sanity. Not a soap opera. 

just because i used that term it doesn't mean it's disrespectful

whether you like it or not, some people think of that period like it wasn't a big deal even though it was

she will always have that label whether we like it or not. is it fair? of course not

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