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When Britney grew up too fast she lost her fanbase

Body ache

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Her younger audience declined when she released Britney. The same effect happened with other artists like Miley Cyrus who had a oversexualized era and now her second single is flopping yet Taylor swift is dominating with her two singles even though she is older than Miley. Is TS smart for marketing towards the younger crowd? Cause we all know thats where the moneys at. Britney was smart to do that with Circus, but should she release another teen bop album marketed toward the kids who have their parents wallets or toward the older crowd who probably wouldnt buy her music anyway. Make Me's sales increase during the vmas was mainly from younger people while most of her adult fans already bought the single the first week.


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Some of her fans had moved on to the likes of Avril and Ashlee Simpson, but I don't think she was hurt all that bad. Britney still went to sell like 800,000 copies in its first week. And her HBO special drew about 6 million views and it only aired here in the States. For comparison, Madonna's Drowned World Tour drew 5 million and aired in multiple countries. The only reason Britney singles flopped was because she was banned from the radio due to Jive choosing to go with Pepsi to promote her tour instead of Clear Channel. 

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Just now, britney_rocks said:

Some of her fans had moved on to the likes of Avril and Ashlee Simpson, but I don't think she was hurt all that bad. Britney still went to sell like 800,000 copies in its first week. And her HBO special drew about 6 million views and it only aired here in the States. For comparison, Madonna's Drowned World Tour drew 5 million and aired in multiple countries. The only reason Britney singles flopped was because she was banned from the radio due to Jive choosing to go with Pepsi to promote her tour instead of Clear Channel. 

Ya she didnt flop by any means, but I feel like she could have more impact by having an era thats marketed towards the younger crowd.

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I'm sorry, but this is one of the biggest Britney myths.

Another teeny bopper album like Baby and Oops would have cemented Britney as a one trick pony. She was 20 by the time the Britney era was at it's peak. She outgrew the teen pop. She was very smart to throw a curveball with Slave and Boys while still appealing to her younger fanbase with stuff like Overprotected and Cinderella. It's clear that Britney wanted a more mature sound which explains the contrast between Britney and In the Zone.

Not to mention, teen pop was on it's way out by the time Britney was released. Xtina would have had her beat and probably overtake her in 2002 with Stripped had the Britney era not had it's yin and yang. Even the pure teen pop acts like NSYNC were doing more urban tracks like the Girlfriend remix with Nelly. Britney would have stayed behind and probably do Jessica Simpson numbers by her fourth album. :idkney:

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5 minutes ago, BoyToySoldier said:

I'm sorry, but this is one of the biggest Britney myths.

Another teeny bopper album like Baby and Oops would have cemented Britney as a one trick pony. She was 20 by the time the Britney era was at it's peak. She outgrew the teen pop. She was very smart to throw a curveball with Slave and Boys while still appealing to her younger fanbase with stuff like Overprotected and Cinderella. It's clear that Britney wanted a more mature sound which explains the contrast between Britney and In the Zone.

Not to mention, teen pop was on it's way out by the time Britney was released. Xtina would have had her beat and probably overtake her in 2002 with Stripped had the Britney era not had it's yin and yang. Even the pure teen pop acts like NSYNC were doing more urban tracks like the Girlfriend remix with Nelly. Britney would have stayed behind and probably do Jessica Simpson numbers by her fourth album. :idkney:

I'm not saying she should have kept her sound, but the way she marketed herself with Slave kinda ruined her with the kids since their parents didnt want their kids to listen to her music anymore. It was risque at the time. I myself was young back then but I noticed the decline. She became more urban than kid friendly. Make Me was a step in the right direction, but maybe she could do something more like Womanizer that has a catchy chorus with a video and marketing plan targeted towards kids.

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1 minute ago, Body ache said:

I'm not saying she should have kept her sound, but the way she marketed herself with Slave kinda ruined her with the kids since their parents didnt want their kids to listen to her music anymore. It was risque at the time. I myself was young back then but I noticed the decline. She became more urban than kid friendly. Make Me was a step in the right direction, but maybe she could do something more like Womanizer that has a catchy chorus with a video and marketing plan targeted towards kids.

What she did was the only right move for her career. Britney Spears was never virginal and sweet like Taylor Swift. She always had that *** appeal, that jailbait look, that raw sexuality that exuded from everything. There's a reason why the schoolgirl uniform is a popular **** costume. Her music, her videos, etc. I mean we're talking about the girl that posed in her bra on the cover of Rolling Stone at 17. The Oops VMA performance was compared to a strip club number by conservative mothers. Do you honestly think the Britney era was the start of parents getting angry? Lol.

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Also see her songs with Max Martin. He knows how to cater her songs towards kids. IWG was destined to be huge. The only reason the FF era did well was because these kids were buying her music on itunes. She needs her first single to be with Max Martin. Glory was for the fans but B10 should be for the gp.

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6 minutes ago, BoyToySoldier said:

What she did was the only right move for her career. Britney Spears was never virginal and sweet like Taylor Swift. She always had that *** appeal, that jailbait look, that raw sexuality that exuded from everything. There's a reason why the schoolgirl uniform is a popular **** costume. Her music, her videos, etc. I mean we're talking about the girl that posed in her bra on the cover of Rolling Stone at 17. The Oops VMA performance was compared to a strip club number by conservative mothers. Do you honestly think the Britney era was the start of parents getting angry? Lol.

Ya but kids dont normally look at that as say it was ****. They would say that it was cool. It was the parents and media who said she was **** and made her decline.

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If you take someone like Madonna, she's had lots of moments throughout  her career where more mainstream audiences weren't as into her stuff.  But she's still an artist doing her thing,  Britney is the same way as an artist.  But, then for me it's never been about fanbase trends.  but about Britney as a person and an artist.

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Just now, Body ache said:

Ya but kids dont normally look at that as say it was ****. They would say that it was cool. It was the parents and media who said she was **** and made her decline.

She was marketed to appeal to children but she was a growing teen girl who wanted to appeal to her own peers and thus her image took on another life of it's own. But she's never really been kid friendly, she was just popular. There was always an undercurrent of ***.

The Femme Fatale era did well because it was a trendy dance pop sound and it was coming hot off the successful Circus era. But it was honestly just a flash in the pan because Circus outsold both the album and the tour. Femme Fatale had the 3 hit singles but let's be real, Womanizer is bigger than all 3 put together. :outwithit:

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2 minutes ago, missmonroe said:

If you take someone like Madonna, she's had lots of moments throughout  her career where more mainstream audiences weren't as into her stuff.  But she's still an artist doing her thing,  Britney us the same way as an artist.  But, then fir me it's never been about fanbase trends.  but about Britney as a person and an artist.

Her music video with the various artists helped her somewhat with the kids. Britney could do that but on her own without the help of features.

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2 minutes ago, BoyToySoldier said:

She was marketed to appeal to children but she was a growing teen girl who wanted to appeal to her own peers and thus her image took on another life of it's own. But she's never really been kid friendly, she was just popular. There was always an undercurrent of ***.

The Femme Fatale era did well because it was a trendy dance pop sound and it was coming hot off the successful Circus era. But it was honestly just a flash in the pan because Circus outsold both the album and the tour. Femme Fatale had the 3 hit singles but let's be real, Womanizer is bigger than all 3 put together. :outwithit:


The FF era did well because the younger crowd was buying her music on itunes. Her fanbase already bought her music the first week. She needs to pertain her music and videos towards the younger crowd again like she did in the FF era. :outwithit:

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37 minutes ago, Body ache said:

I'm not saying she should have kept her sound, but the way she marketed herself with Slave kinda ruined her with the kids since their parents didnt want their kids to listen to her music anymore. It was risque at the time. I myself was young back then but I noticed the decline. She became more urban than kid friendly. Make Me was a step in the right direction, but maybe she could do something more like Womanizer that has a catchy chorus with a video and marketing plan targeted towards kids

:girlwhat: Womanizer video targeted at kids? She's literally writhing around naked in a sauna :wyd:

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Well, I was a kid back then and no, her **** image didn't make me feel uninterested in her :magicjohnson:


Her **** image started since day 1 when she debuted with BOMT, it's ridiculous to even think a teen girl showing her stomach was considered "controversial". Then the 00 VMA performance, now that we look at it looks iconic but at the time she was criticized so much. The Britney era along with the Pepsi image established her as a pop iconic and she had just 3 albums and 4 years in the industry. 

I get your point but had she continued with the bubblegum pop sound/image (which was losing spotlight under the urban sound ) she may have succeeded at the time but it would have ended right there just as Nsync and the Backstreet Boys did. 

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