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RANDEE ST. NICHOLAS literally the worst photographer Britney has had

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I can always spot out his Photoshop and shoot fails, and if that's not him editing his team needs to be fired.

the line is liquefied in with the waist 


her face is so washed out and her lazy eyes are the worse and that pose.... erh, this image should not have been chosen to go into the media


i dont know where to start with this image, from the fake background to the bad retouching skills. oh and that random light lol.


the following are even worse from the above 

that waist though


he's made her cheeks so boxy


this is actually the worst photo ever, her head doesn't even look like it belongs to the image


that liquefied eye lift doe 


okay this is a good photo, but imma be real and say that her face looks kinda scary, i feel like he was trying to fix her mouth but he just made it worse. but a ICONIC PIC


no even comment on that... lol 

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good photo, but look at the background, you can see where he's liquefied her arms and waist the background merges in with the body


lol I don't even know if he was trolling us with this pic... 

he's literally copied and pasted her into the background and washed out her face.


once again you can see the photoshopping around the waist, the lines from the background merge in. His also made her have a Kylie Jenner waist. Seriously?


the only good we go out of him is 

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so in conclusion if you're going to take photos of the princess of pop, ******* do your best job
and make her look worth the image and not show us your photoshop fails and bad photography

what photographer sets his shoot like this?



I honestly don't know how her team is satisfied with these photos :lostney: aren't they blind? 

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47 minutes ago, over-protected-life said:

He's literally copied and pasted her into the background and washed out her face.


Sis. Did u honestly believe Brinny would do a shoot for promotion? Ofcourse she copy pasted her because Brinny too lazy to promote ....... they probably took 1 pic and she was like "you have to do it with this. Just use it for everything". I mean remember the FF pic they overused for her fragrances?...............................

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1 hour ago, over-protected-life said:



he's made her cheeks so boxy


this is actually the worst photo ever, her head doesn't even look like it belongs to the image


that liquefied eye lift doe 



Um...Jeff Lipsky did these photos and he's not a bad photographer. You can see in the bts video that it's a man behind the camera. He did her women's health shoot and she looks flawless.

I do agree that Randee is her worst photographer. Her shoots look cheap and they all look the same. 

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3 hours ago, G L O R Y said:

No, it was Randee. We thought that it was done by La Chapelle but later on it turned out that Randee shoot this. I remember seeing the official credits, but now I don't remember where.

oops, must have missed that then, It's the only pic that doesn't fit the rest of her overly bright pictures 

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We know Randee's terrible. This was a big topic of discussion back when Glory was first released thanks to the washed out screencap of her washed out MM video. :quirkney: To be fair, it's probably been a topic of discussion since FF.

And why they keep using Randee is obvious-- team cheap is cheap, and Randee probably doesn't charge as much as someone with, you know, actual skill.

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