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Here's what an expert says about Britney and surgeries


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15 hours ago, DoSomething954 said:

What is the point of this? We all know she's had work done and some days she looks a mess and a lot older. It's nothing new 

people just need to accept the fact that she looks old af now, it's just a natural part of life. I'm sure we would all like to look 18 forever 

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7 hours ago, Mannequin* said:

what have I done ??? I just posted an article ... my gawd 

damn you are mad... for smth I haven't even written :ricackle:

You posted a story from a tabloid.  Go take your OCD *** somewhere else.  You clearly have a compulsion to be here and not for actual good, or sane intentions.  I've had this convo with you before and you don't change.  You'r nuts.  I'll be praying for you.

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36 minutes ago, PieceofBritney said:

it's not something a reputable doctor would agree to do, because a professional doctor should care more about his reputation than money? There's a reason there are levels in every field of work, and doctors who do things like this, are on the lower levels, that's what I'm trying to explain.

my english sucks when I'm high, so I'm sorry lol 

I see what you are saying. Lol, it's okay I understood what you said. The user I originally quoted literally said they were "disgusted" by them, like they did something really down and dirty. Just thought that was extreme to be be considered disgusting for commenting on his own profession :quirkney:

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12 hours ago, WilderWein said:



iit was more than obv that she did stuff when u look at pics from this event. I was horrified. Britney has always been the most beautiful girl ever to me and then she did this.. the **** is wrong with famous people (this pic is alright tho,  cant find the one i was looking for)

yeah, she looks good in this one

i can understand why she did some stuff, her skin needed some treatments, i guess. but it was either too much or the wrong treatments... she had a really strange mouth lift (think so) + botox  and now she doesnt look like britney anymore. when i see those comparison pics, aaaahrhhhhg, its really bad! 

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The best experts here are fans from day one I guess ,who's been watching her closly for two decades.

Britney has no serious plastic surgery done if she has any at all.

Even tho I'd like to think that she did touched her nose a bit ,sometimes I see the pictures from 1999 and her nose looks pretty much the same... so I doubt. Sometimes teenagers has a fuller face shape and noses ,but once they in their 20ies it all gets skinnier... it could be hormones and so on...

Another thing, people should stop compering pictures of her in her early 20ies vs. 30ies. Everyones face changes more or less when you got older.

She obviously does fillers time to time into her lips and I think she did a bit on her face too, especially right after the Britney Jean album/underwear collection promo era, but she also was fuller at the time so maybe that's why her cheeks were fuller too? And not to mention ,fillers are something that goes away so u can not say that she has some surgery done.

Another thing and the most important one I think that makes people think she has done smt to her face is the fact that she feels and is different from the inside to who she was in her 20ies. Her facial manerism is different ,she doesn't smile the same as she used to, even the sound of her laugh is not realy the same anymore and the way she puts her lips together,she does that kinda duck thing and she started it right before or during the breakdown era....

People just need to accept that she has changed as a person A LOT ! And for those who last saw her 10years ago and just now for the first time after those 10 years, ofcourse she will look so different. Fans been watching her change so it doesn't shock our eyes.

And I'm sick of topics like this... :forkit:

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1 hour ago, ElectriqueBrit said:

You posted a story from a tabloid.  Go take your OCD *** somewhere else.  You clearly have a compulsion to be here and not for actual good, or sane intentions.  I've had this convo with you before and you don't change.  You'r nuts.  I'll be praying for you.

ok... i'm not even gonna try to responde to this :unreal:

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It's all in the makeup for her to look good in pics- I've always thought how different she looks with nicely shaped eyebrows (example oops era) they give life to her eyes. I also think her nose is different (I don't get how people don't see it) she doesn't have the classic britney nose recently, and of course the lips. There's nothing wrong with aging or getting work done, I'm just stating what I think makes her look better/not so good. She's still a doll though :)

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2 hours ago, Miss_D said:

I feel like her lips aren't the only thing that changed...do you guys feel like she got a different set of veneers done too? Because her teeth also looks different. 

her teeth don't look like veneers, but it looks like her teeth aren't straight anymore. maybe she used to wear a retainer. but i'm pretty sure it's bc of her smoking, her teeth are going to rot 

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I don't think she got plastic surgery, but I do agree she gets horrible lip injections (which explains why she looks normal in candids, but joker-faced at events).

The main reason her face looks diff is because of her weight.... during Femme Fatale era she gained a lot of weight, then during the post-BJ/pre-Glory era, she lost a significant amount of weight REALLY fast and still works out hard to this day.  When people lose weight fast, the face loses the most first.  That's why her eyes are a lot more sunken, and her cheeks a but more defined.  She's always had a cute baby-fat face, but then lost it.  If she eased into it and lost the weight a bit slower, she wouldn't have lost the weight in her face like that.  My hubby is a personal trainer, so he told me this and my sister had the same issue... she lost a lot weight really fast, and now while she looks good, people ask her if she's ok because she looks a bit drained (because of the sunken eyes and more defined cheeks and jawline).  

So I believe it's because of that + the lip injections Brit looks like that.  If she simply stopped the lip injections, and upped her calorie intake while remaining on workouts, she'd look gorgeous (which she does in her candids!!!). :) 

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she honestly doesnt need any work done. She just need to take better care of her skin, get more rest(if possible), & get a Better make-up artist. Janet Jackson long time make-up artist(The woman who worked did her make-up for the VMA2008) was BY FAR the best I've ever seen(make-up wise for a red-carpet event since that time) Toning down on the tanning would help, also. She's a beautiful girl, naturally. 

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omg.. she is THE PRINCESS OF POP.. u know what?... SURGERY IS POP, ILLUSION IS POP!! 

Leave her alone...! I just can´t with this.


¬¬ Im sorry but this is boring and kind of hypocrite... Im glad she had take care of her self and she is super happy

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