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Which Britney Song/Lyric are you relating too recently?...


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7 hours ago, Sharkney said:

"What have I done. You seem to move on easy."

Because I was a fool and did something horrible to someone that I loved, and I lost him. Does anyone have a time machine? :crying1::crying2:

Oh gosh :crying2:

Can we talk about this fellow sis??? I went through something way too similar and I felt identified with the same lyrics as you "What have I done, You seem to move on easy"

It was shitty af :crying1:

Really PM me I would like to talk about it :sassybrit:

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Right now my life has been so dead, no dramas no scandals so I don't identified with any song (It's been dead and calm down cause I'm on my school break and I'll be back to school in January 30, so nothing relevant will happen in a month)

but anyways the closest song that I'm relating it's Liar


"Cry cry cry you ain't fooling anyone, you know I know that you're a liar"

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Well I'm probably relating to too many to even list :gimmemoar:

I can list a few off the top of my head though...

TOMH - cuz I always use my hands to teach myself to fly :mybodyisready:

Mood Ring - Cuz sometimes I'm just a moody wreck and sometimes I'm happy AF :shameless:

Slumber Party - Because I think I'm such a night owl and always stay up late. We ain't gonna sleep tonight :hipney:

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You know exactly what you've done, you know exactly Baby


Think of all the time that I wasted
Think of all the times that I took you back
Ain't no way I'll be lonely
I don't want to let you back in
Let's just face it
Better off alone and I won't turn back
You thought that I would be lonely
I don't want to let you back in


Everyday I'm in a daze, looking for that someone... Oh sweet love, can I get some?

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1 hour ago, DaxCass said:

Oh gosh :crying2:

Can we talk about this fellow sis??? I went through something way too similar and I felt identified with the same lyrics as you "What have I done, You seem to move on easy"

It was shitty af :crying1:

Really PM me I would like to talk about it :sassybrit:

Will do. Having a shitty night right now and heading to sleep but I will soon xox thank you for your care. 

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