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Post your favorite Britney summer candids

Rachel Green

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Hey guys!! Summer has just started where I live and I'm going to the beach in two weeks and I was thinking about what clothes I should take with me. It may not be a wise decision but Britney has been a style icon for me since forever and I always try to recreate her candid looksΒ :quirkney:

So I'm looking for inspiration for this summer. Post your fave Britney summer candids. I'll start with one

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I wear uggs in summer because my queen doesΒ :staysalty:

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21 hours ago, Rachel Green said:

It may not be a wise decision but Britney has been a style icon for me since forever and I always try to recreate her candid looksΒ :quirkney:

Also, I totally relate with this. I got my bellybutton pierced when I was 16 only because of Britney, and I still haven't taken the damn thing out a decade later! And, I totally own that exact "I want candy" top!Β :giggleney:

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17 minutes ago, LostInAnImage said:

Really?! I know it's LQ but it looks just like Brit circa 2001-2002 to me.Β But if I'm wrong I'll accept being aΒ :flop:...also, IΒ want to know so I can then remove some random girl from my PinterestΒ :quirkney:

Nah you're not a flop. That's definitely her. That's her nose and her teeth.

Also did a quick google image search to confirm.

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3 minutes ago, Breathe_On_Me said:

I always wanted that top! Is it possible to get it these days?

I have no idea, honestly...:bpout:I bought it back in the early 2000's!Β Right after Britney wore it, a fan site, (WorldofBritney), was selling replicas! I'm just kind of lucky in that I still fit into my clothes from back thenΒ :yesokay:Β Maybe you could find it on Ebay? Or maybe some crafty stanΒ on Etsy takes requests? I'm sorry to not be of more help!

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2 hours ago, LostInAnImage said:

Also, I totally relate with this. I got my bellybutton pierced when I was 16 only because of Britney, and I still haven't taken the damn thing out a decade later! And, I totally own that exact "I want candy" top!Β :giggleney:

I want to get my belly pierced so badly but I'm a coward and I'd scream like a baby I swear!Β 

I cut a shirt and wrote "sexsi" on it to recreate this lookΒ 

Resultado de imagem para britney spears best candid sexsi

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