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Was her PR guy with her today?

Steel Magnolia

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1 hour ago, puppylo16 said:

Its true. He looks more like a bodyguard than a PR person.

Funny enough, I always thought that about Jason Trawick -- that he seemed more like a bodyguard than a boyfriend.

No shade towards Jason at all (I've always liked him on a personal level) but it always felt like his job was to oversee everything she was doing and saying, and report back to Jamie. And now it appears that Jeff Raymond has taken over the moment that her and Jason split.

Someone can feel free to poke holes in that theory...but think of the timing of when Jason came along. It was not long after the "cell phone incident" with Adnan and Lutfi (which happened in January 2009).

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6 hours ago, Steel_Magnolia said:

Funny enough, I always thought that about Jason Trawick -- that he seemed more like a bodyguard than a boyfriend.

No shade towards Jason at all (I've always liked him on a personal level) but it always felt like his job was to oversee everything she was doing and saying, and report back to Jamie. And now it appears that Jeff Raymond has taken over the moment that her and Jason split.

Someone can feel free to poke holes in that theory...but think of the timing of when Jason came along. It was not long after the "cell phone incident" with Adnan and Lutfi (which happened in January 2009).

Yeah I got that vibe too I mean hes always grabbing her and pulling her around and always standing inches away. I mean it still bothered me when she was signing something and he yanked her away.

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