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Preview Britney's Appearance On The Jonathan Ross Show

Jordan Miller

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13 hours ago, COCKy™ said:

I have a feeling someone is getting spanked tonight for bringing up what a drag the conservatorship has been for her.  And that's truly sad that she doesn't realize it has been much more than 3 years -- its 9th anniversary is coming up. 


God, I feel so bad for her &  I don't understand why there isn't more of an uproar over this issue in a young American's life.  We need to start a revolution against this injustice in what is supposed to be our justice system!  

It's time to GET MAD people.

Wake up, America !  The only way we can be heard or make any difference in this life is by trying.

I don't care if it's a damned petititon made on Change.org.  This woman has no legal rights to fight this battle for herself.

Her family, as good as they may be, have no reason to want her out. I'm sure they belive it's protecting her based off the way it has undoubtedly been explained to them. Not to mention, how lucrative it is for them.  Money breeds greed and changes people (let's not forget Jaime was just granted a raise he asked for.)

This is wrong.  So very wrong.  It's obvious Britney's lived a VERY sheltered life.  She says things, and comes across as much younger than she is.  That's because you are a product of your environment.  If you are treated as a young child, then guess how you're going to act !  

I haven't ever heard her mention anything negative herself regarding the conservatorship, so I've kept quiet on the subject.  Now it's time to speak for someone who isn't legally allowed to.

This. Let's do something about it. Poor Brinni:crying2:

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21 hours ago, Slave4Brit88 said:

:crying1::wontcry::crying2::crying11: Totally agree. Her interviews when she first came out she seemed so much more mature than say in Chaotic (not insulting her) it's like you said, she was so controlled and then she ended up rebelling at a later age instead of when most people do in their teens. I also think she does suffer some kind of mental illness and maybe that makes it easier for them to keep her in c-ship, even though MILLIONS of people suffer from them without needing to be in one. And yes also agree I don't think she's really happy, she's just accepted this is how things are. She tried and couldn't even hire her own lawyer, she's probably scared her boys will get taken off her or something. It makes me sick. I don't know how her Father can sleep at night letting this continue. It's also obvious, at least to me, she seems to live in some kind of isolated bubble cut off from reality, how is that helping her? Even Miley said it. So awful. If they cut this c-ship talk from the interview I don't even know what to say.

It's just my theory, but I believe that Britney is guilted into this now. She has probably wanted the conservatorship to end for a long time now, but I feel like her dad has put a guilt-trip on her. For example, he could say something like, "I gave up my job to do this for you, and I won't have any money if this ends, so we need to keep it going." Obviously, Britney loves her parents, and she probably feels like pushing for an end to the c-ship will strain her relationship with her father. Just my theory.

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3 hours ago, iZacaree said:

It's just my theory, but I believe that Britney is guilted into this now. She has probably wanted the conservatorship to end for a long time now, but I feel like her dad has put a guilt-trip on her. For example, he could say something like, "I gave up my job to do this for you, and I won't have any money if this ends, so we need to keep it going." Obviously, Britney loves her parents, and she probably feels like pushing for an end to the c-ship will strain her relationship with her father. Just my theory.

this is not convincing even to me,she can help him with money like she does with all her family :tiffeyeroll:  

of course there is some brainwashing going on but I'm sure it's her assistants,her team depends on her money while she works a lot more than her family..

because Britney is a nice girl and will give money to related people but I don't think she cares about her management,they sucked from her enough dollars 

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4 hours ago, iZacaree said:

It's just my theory, but I believe that Britney is guilted into this now. She has probably wanted the conservatorship to end for a long time now, but I feel like her dad has put a guilt-trip on her. For example, he could say something like, "I gave up my job to do this for you, and I won't have any money if this ends, so we need to keep it going." Obviously, Britney loves her parents, and she probably feels like pushing for an end to the c-ship will strain her relationship with her father. Just my theory.

I heard she is being observed by medical workers like every once in while and after that the lawyers and her team decide whether she needs to be under cship or she needs to be out. I don't know whether it's true. surely Britney needs to be out. But I doubt it's only about her father i guess they really have some serious issues to not end that 8 years prison. But we'Ll never know

Looks like she didn't want to play helium thing like she asked "really?". And only sang 3 or 4 words. Still hilarious. Can't wait to see the full

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4 hours ago, iZacaree said:

It's just my theory, but I believe that Britney is guilted into this now. She has probably wanted the conservatorship to end for a long time now, but I feel like her dad has put a guilt-trip on her. For example, he could say something like, "I gave up my job to do this for you, and I won't have any money if this ends, so we need to keep it going." Obviously, Britney loves her parents, and she probably feels like pushing for an end to the c-ship will strain her relationship with her father. Just my theory.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was a combination of that and them telling her she might lose the kids if she tried to end c-ship. Someone quoted from some manager guy related to JT and he said stuff about how it would be more pressure for her now because her parents are literally 100% reliant on her for money now, so I defs think there's truth to what you're saying.

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9 hours ago, Z-dawg said:

Oh goody :clap:


Love me some Goofney ;)

I love that grip he has on her.  He's not afraid to take charge... rawr.... OH WAIT I just realized that's not her leg... *UGHH*

She looks so hot... but I hate how her face looks really stiff lately.  Please tone done the botox!

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