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Watch Britney Spears Perform At The iHeartRadio Music Festival

Jordan Miller

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3 minutes ago, AdamSkye said:

No one has ever spoke so much truth. This is it 1000000000%.

If she ever performs Glory tracks. 

Fans will just continue to bash her for lipsynching. "of all the glory tracks she chose to perform ABC instead of XYZ"

"what was that! there's no choreography, she looked hot and all...but she just moved around ****, i need danceney"

:donewithit: exhale barmy will have meltdowns no matter. 

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5 hours ago, PlayingItSafe said:

If she sings live? "Her voice sounds horrible! She should stick to lip syncing."

If she lip syncs? "She should sing live!"


She can't win whatever she does tbh 


she can sing ballads and for other songs she can sing over the tracks.look at the others, some of them doesn't sound great but doesn't get **** as much as britney.at least people would respect her more than they do now, for us fans she is an iconic popstar but for the others she is just a lip syncer, and ı'm sure most of us will be happy to hear her singing live no matter what.

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I enjoyed her throughout her entire set but the highlights for me would be that EPIC entrance like you could just feel this iconic vibe like "yes i'm Sgt. Britney Spears here and ready to snatch weaves, wigs and toupees and have them (in tune of Private Show) swinging to the left swinging to the right!" lol.  WB, Womanizer breakdown. Slave, Toxic, and DYWCO  also slayed. I really liked her outfit and hair style as well she looked fantastic!


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56 minutes ago, Arnold. said:

YASSS  after apple music festival, people will be bitching hardcore that britney and her team don't care. LOL its like if she puts on a 30 minute promo for whatever it is "ew that again" "wheres glory"

and when she doesnt do anything "why is she so lazy" "why is her team so incompetent, why isnt she doing what other artists are doing - her job"

:verycool:  "id rather her not do anything, she's just killing her legacy"

and when britney slays .... 

"omg what is that outfit!?" :sofedup: the fact that people actually have this opinion that the outfit was UNFLATTERING...

i can't seem to stray away from the negativity, it's just all so overwhelming funny and sad at the same time. 

Couldnt agree more... its like the whole place has schizofrenia or something.

I would looove to see that "i rather her doing nothing then this" actually happen and the meltdowns over that shes NOT doing **** and being "lazy". And for people to say shes not doing her job, being lazy etc.. that if not is disrespectful as ****, what do these ******* know how much work shes putting in everything, they dont know what shes doing 24/7 and some say it shows on her lack of things but maybe SHE is happy with how things are and dont want to spend 10 hours a day in a dance studio etc when she have her boys and i mean she has a life just like us, her life is not just being a popstar and please these ungreatful people with no life of their own on this mess of a place. :sofedup:

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9 minutes ago, waynebradybyday said:

Major stars like Beyonce and Rihanna do pretty much the same setlist from their tours, too. Brit's performance was solid. Of course you'll get bored if you're always watching her Vegas shows on YouTube.

The vast majority of Rihanna and Beyonce's tours (I've attended both, with plans to see Brit next year) include new material. So when they bring that to televised shows, it's still promoting the new album. Britney's residency is a highlight of her entire career. These events like Iheart and Apple need to highlight Glory. 

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