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Who else thinks we are not getting another single?


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The plan could be this:

July, Agoust,September : Make Me... and this all promo was about Make Me and iHeart & Apple Music was to spread the world and make some noise about Britney to let the second single for October,November & December. 

They probably know what is the next single, they're working, don't act like they're waiting for something to happen... 

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2 hours ago, TheLightningThief said:

Oh I didn't realize it has been such a long time. They're taking longer than usual to drop this. :ohnoney:

2008: October 3 "Womanizer" > December 2 "Circus" = 60 days

2011: January 11 "Hold It Against Me" > March 4 "Till The World Ends" = 52 days

2013: September 17 "Work *****" > November 4 "Perfume" = 48 days

2016: July 15 "Make Me" > Today = 77 days

2003/2004: MATM 14th October 2003 > Toxic 13th January 2004 = 93 days :quirkney:

edit: oh and MATM wasn't a smash hit for her and still they waited that long 


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4 minutes ago, Mani911 said:

2003/2004: MATM 14th October 2003 > Toxic 13th January 2004 = 93 days :quirkney:


Yes, she's obviously not going around the world doing tons of interviews and performances just for fun. And she by NO MEANS promotes Vegas in Europe. 

Calm your ****. It may look like it's the end of the era, but it's not. We're definitely having at LEAST 3 singles. Mark my word. She's passionate this time around, unlike with BJ :tbh:

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There was a super long gap between MATM and Toxic because Britney and Jive went back and forth on what song they wanted the 2nd single to be and I think the same is happening now.....I think Britney/RCA can't agree on what the 2nd single should be and I actually just read a rumor that the label wants certain songs as singles but Britney wants completely different ones. 

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1 hour ago, SomeoneYouDontKnow said:


Also the theory is becoming more and more true everyday.






Do you mean the time when Britney released 2 stand-alone singles (Work B and Perfume) and 1 other good song (Hold on Tight) that was not even a single?


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4 minutes ago, BJ4u said:


Do you mean the time when Britney released 2 stand-alone singles (Work B and Perfume) and 1 other good song (Hold on Tight) that was not even a single?


Of course I dont mean to compare that ep with the masterpiece called Britney but its just the way the theory is. Both have smilar names and described as "personal" albums. And her sales were lower than previous eras for both. 

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10 minutes ago, SomeoneYouDontKnow said:

Of course I dont mean to compare that ep with the masterpiece called Britney but its just the way the theory is. Both have smilar names and described as "personal" albums. And her sales were lower than previous eras for both. 

I was just kidding :bwink:

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6 hours ago, TheLightningThief said:

Oh I didn't realize it has been such a long time. They're taking longer than usual to drop this. :ohnoney:

2008: October 3 "Womanizer" > December 2 "Circus" = 60 days

2011: January 11 "Hold It Against Me" > March 4 "Till The World Ends" = 52 days

2013: September 17 "Work *****" > November 4 "Perfume" = 48 days

2016: July 15 "Make Me" > Today = 77 days

:nervousney: :nervousney: :nervousney:



I guess they're just taking their time. Maybe they don't have a plan for single 2 yet :kidcries:

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I think we going to have 3 singles. But the other stuff won't be as much promoted as album. So they usually promote the album  and then make videos. Jingle bash is due to December so we definitely going to have new single by then. I really wanna believe this era is going to be her most promoted. And we really need cool video after make me disaster 

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8 hours ago, maquisl said:

Nah, All About You and CTS doesn't count. Plus, they were only included on the japanese version. AAY and CTS were part of the original "BIBO" album, before she scrapped almost everything and started again with a new sound.

Sparks' the only single from BIBO... 

I'm sorry, I'm a big Hilary Duff fan and I never knew what happened there... I knew about AAY and CTS but why did she scrapped the original album? The same thing with Britney where she didn't like the original concept for Glory (Pretty Girls)??? Or did Hilary say something else? Also, why didn't she release another single after Sparks?? I always had this questions :yaknow:

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