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I was browsing Gagapedia, and thought that Britney should have something on that level


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Britney needs a current database/wiki/compilation of her story, something deeper and more stalker-ish (lol) than her Wikipedia page. Back in the day there used to be tons of sites regarding that, but all of them are either inactive, were removed or are simply too old (really, sites using Web 1.0 or that were last updated in 2006 or that is something that has no HTML coding at all). And there was a thread here about compiling Britney history for the new fans, but I haven't heard anything else since. :idkney:

So I thought wikia would be a good place to compile it all. Britney does have one wiki, but it's extremely barren compared to Gagapedia. It's mostly about her songs and her game as far as I can tell. I don't know anything about it or its community other than the articles I've seen, but we could work something out.

TL;DR my suggestion of a dumping ground for Britney data would be Wikia.

So how do y'all feel about this? Would you be willing to write and contribute Britney stuff for the record?

I mean, Exhale is kinda unreliable to keep a thread like the one I'm suggesting, so pls don't ban me for suggesting someplace else to talk about Britney. :orangu:

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17 minutes ago, Tear the floor up up said:

I like the idea! I use to love reading sites like britneyunreleased (or it was called something similar)

I don't crave it as much as I feel like I have her life stored in my head now :orangu: but it'd be cool for news fans or just for general info!

But would you be willing to write and compile stuff?


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5 minutes ago, Hispanicney said:

Its not a good idea at all. I dont know if the GP is even aware of the Gagapedia controversy but they have her apartment address, her family ancestry tree and even once leaked her phone number and leaked the password to Gagas email account which resulted in really personal photos getting leaked. Do we really want Britneys business out there like that?

Yikes that last part is scary! 

I thought it was just info about her albums recording time line, behind the scenes stuff that is music related ..etc. Didn't know it is THAT personal.



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27 minutes ago, Hispanicney said:

Its not a good idea at all. I dont know if the GP is even aware of the Gagapedia controversy but they have her apartment address, her family ancestry tree and even once leaked her phone number and leaked the password to Gagas email account which resulted in really personal photos getting leaked. Do we really want Britneys business out there like that?

Just because they go overboard it doesn't mean we need to as well.

That doesn't make the idea bad.

We just gather everything we already know about Britney. That is already a lot. I feel like there needs to be an updated place like that especially for the oblivious and non fans.

Should we start a new wiki or reach for the existing one's owner? Or does someone have a better idea?Or we shouldn't do this at all? Help me to sort this out guys :idkney:

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