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Fred Durst


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Just now, DirtyMind said:

He ended up being a cheating *******, but there was nothing wrong with him looks-wise.  He was cute in that teddy bear kind of way. :tbh: 

There was virtually no proof at all that he cheated, that's my take on the whole thing.  To keep a long story short, lol..  But yeah, everyone here calling him shrek and ****, it was just rude as **** even before that "cheating" fiasco.

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2 hours ago, Toxicité said:

There was virtually no proof at all that he cheated, that's my take on the whole thing.  To keep a long story short, lol..  But yeah, everyone here calling him shrek and ****, it was just rude as **** even before that "cheating" fiasco.

Babe, Britney herself said David cheated on stage at POM. I'm pretty sure he cheated unless she was lied to by her team, which would be very sketchy and worrisome indeed.

But yeah, tons of people bashed the **** out of him for his looks during the entire year and a half he was with her.

He wasn't even that ugly. I'd still **** him. Even though he's a dirty cheater.

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This tragic Durst was obsessed with her, imagine if a girl acted this way towards to a guy - she would be seen as a psychotic stalker, clingy freak! That Howard Stern interview is disgusting, and it happened not too long after JT bragging about their *** life on the radio so no wonder she has issues trusting guys. I believe they did hook up and she was just wanting some fun but this dude was obsessed with ha, I'd be scared too :grimace: the freak even had a song about her 'Just Drop Dead' charming :sofedup:

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13 hours ago, WilderWein said:

I know this is really old but i ran into this article and i find it disguisting how they talk about Britney




i always assumed he lied, but what do u guys think? Maybe brit did have some fun and denied it for her reputation? Its just gross how some people talk like that about another person.

Since Glory came out I read a bunch of old Britney articles and the way the media treated Britney was the worst, so ******.  Even Diane Sawyer's interview so incredibly ******.  Girl was just trying to do her thing, yet there was so much pressure for Britney to be a "good girl" and not look "slutty", you can see in old interviews she would lie out of her teeth to not look "slutty".  Britney never had a normal child hood or normal teenage years, which are prime years to act out and figure out what yourself and life is all about.  She's been micromanaged to look a certain way, and she was never allowed to make mistakes like nonfamous people do.  There were so many questions that media asked here that were INNAPROPRIATE, that in all rights Britney should have been able to say "**** off" but she couldn't because she is famous and the cameras were rolling.  No one ever asked the other big stars these same questions, no one has ******** shamed Beyonce, Rihanna, Arianna Grande ect (which is good!) like they did to Britney.  But then again, Britney came to fame in a different time that was so judgey.  In fact, Britney was framed as "the good girl" and Christina Aguilera was framed "as the slutty one", and it was a shitty time to be a female pop star.  It's better now, thank god, but cultural and social change is super slow.  Also Fred Durst was a *********, so I'm sure he didn't win any favors even before he opened his big mouth and spilled the beans to Howard Stern.  Go look at his lyrics for "Drop Dead", I mean come on entitled white boy, go hide in a trash can and never come out.

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6 hours ago, SashayFierce said:

Since Glory came out I read a bunch of old Britney articles and the way the media treated Britney was the worst, so ******.  Even Diane Sawyer's interview so incredibly ******.  Girl was just trying to do her thing, yet there was so much pressure for Britney to be a "good girl" and not look "slutty", you can see in old interviews she would lie out of her teeth to not look "slutty".  Britney never had a normal child hood or normal teenage years, which are prime years to act out and figure out what yourself and life is all about.  She's been micromanaged to look a certain way, and she was never allowed to make mistakes like nonfamous people do.  There were so many questions that media asked here that were INNAPROPRIATE, that in all rights Britney should have been able to say "**** off" but she couldn't because she is famous and the cameras were rolling.  No one ever asked the other big stars these same questions, no one has ******** shamed Beyonce, Rihanna, Arianna Grande ect (which is good!) like they did to Britney.  But then again, Britney came to fame in a different time that was so judgey.  In fact, Britney was framed as "the good girl" and Christina Aguilera was framed "as the slutty one", and it was a shitty time to be a female pop star.  It's better now, thank god, but cultural and social change is super slow.  Also Fred Durst was a *********, so I'm sure he didn't win any favors even before he opened his big mouth and spilled the beans to Howard Stern.  Go look at his lyrics for "Drop Dead", I mean come on entitled white boy, go hide in a trash can and never come out.

I totally agree!!! And yes Diane Sawyer was also very ****** to her.. Gross how people treat Britney...


thanks for all the replies. Truth is prob somewhere in the middle

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14 minutes ago, WilderWein said:

I totally agree!!! And yes Diane Sawyer was also very ****** to her.. Gross how people treat Britney...


thanks for all the replies. Truth is prob somewhere in the middle

Agree completely, you would never see a young girl treated that way now. Asked about her breasts when she was like 16? Hounded about her virginity even as it became clear she was increasingly uncomfortable about the questions. **** shamed to tears by stupid Diane Sawyer for not being a virgin? Deplorable! I mean when your own virginity isn't even yours to keep private what the hell is?! So yuck. I don't recall a huge deal when the Jonas Brothers took off their purity rings. Imagine if someone try to say stuff like this to Taylor Swift now LMAO she would write a 5000 word essay about her feminists rights being violated and everyone would support her. Britney was treated so unfairly. Like she said to Diane Sawyer, when other stars like X-Tina were doing the same thing they didn't get crap but Britney copped it for everything she did, and they would say she has a different relationship to young girls, but why? They were crying she was too provocative from the start. She was really in a damned if you do damned if you don't situation. I'm not surprised she seemed to rebel during ITZ/Chaotic and make it verrrry clear how much *** she was having lol, go girl! :madance:

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