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Who Else Thinks That She Needs A New Choreographer


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51 minutes ago, toysoldier88 said:

No cause she' the one that keeps scrapping the hardest parts of the choreo, the instagram rehearsal mm video was nice but she kept only the stupid arm movements, she needs to step it up, a Simple choreo would look nice if done with the proper energy a la vmas:wannadie:

i think so too. remember Toxic choreo 2013 - scrapped, original MM - scrapped, HIAM - changed :crying11:

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how does one's gender or sexuality have anything to do with good choreography? Yes, she needs a new choreographer, someone who will challenge her and make her see more artistry in her movements and create a story with her body like in the old days... but their gender and who they like to bang or how has no bearing. 

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4 hours ago, Inherzone said:

i think her dancing skills died with/because of mj in 2009.

:sizeup: I never read something like this. Why do you think that Britney stopped dancing as she used to because MJ died? I mean, I don't find the link between these two events.

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You know what I think, I think some of you people should stop being so ungrateful and appreciate the fact that she's even still performing or making quality music after all that she's been through. But y'know some people will always have a problem with at least something she does. But I honestly don't care anymore because it's not like I'm able to change people's opinions :comingthru:

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2 hours ago, ChrisTheLoner said:

You know what I think, I think some of you people should stop being so ungrateful and appreciate the fact that she's even still performing or making quality music after all that she's been through. But y'know some people will always have a problem with at least something she does. But I honestly don't care anymore because it's not like I'm able to change people's opinions :comingthru:

Honestly? I'd rather she take a long break and come back hard, than become a C-level version of herself. 

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Does Britney need better choreography? Yes! But does she really need to change choreographers? No. Britney has to keep working on her self confidence for there to be improvements in her dancing. :)

Since 2008 most fans have always blamed the choreographers for Britney's way of dancing now. 

There were fans who disliked Wade and Andre's work at the time of the Circus era. Fans gave Brian Freedman so much **** about his choreography for Femme Fatale era. Then some fans didn't like the Squared Division's guys Work ***** and POM choreography. Now y'all aren't happy with Charm Ladonna's choreography either.

Any changes has to begin and end with Britney. 





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