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Can you relate to Britney's social awkwardness?


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I have GAD (generalized anxiety disorder)

Anxiety runs in my family very bad, plus I was bullied growing up so unfortunately that had a huge impact on my social life too. I was very outgoing in high school, but after HS i started hanging around bad people then I went through a very dark time and basically never left my house and just slept all the time. Over the past year I started to be more social and make new friends and now that I'm 21 and going out all the time, it's really been helping me come out of my shell. I still have horrible anxiety that comes and goes, especially in big crowds but it's not as bad. I do a lot of what Britney does too when she's nervous, it really is like looking in a mirror sometimes :yaknow:

My advice to everyone dealing with social anxiety is to just try and fight the fear head on, eventually things won't be so bad. I've forced myself to be more social and do things I normally wouldn't, and I'm glad I did because I eventually ended up having a great time and meeting new people :soyeah:

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Definitely! For a few years I was the lead singer of a few different rock bands, and people are very confused when someone who can appear outgoing on stage is quiet and awkward in their regular life. A lot of people expected me to be into ***** or drinking when I was actually straight edge, and thought I'd be this loudmouth tough girl when I couldn't be further from that. I relate to B a lot because people expect her to be hyper and fun and exciting all the time when she actually just wants to be with her inner circle of friends and family, and not in performance mode 24/7. 


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2 hours ago, Britneybbhmm said:

uuuuhhhmm...I think I'm an introvert kinda person. I was always a loner, got bullied a lot in school like really bad tbh. :crying11: I'm very insecure about myself!

And I can't trust people! People think I'm conceited but that's not the case. I don't know why I exude that..? (I get that a lot). I have no friends, just hangin' out with my cousins every now and then. :ehum:

Sometimes I make fun about it and say "thank god I have no friends" but the truth is that it makes me actually very sad!:crying2:

Especially on birthdays it's really bad!:bthink:


Birthdays and friendship day! Its very sad :otears:

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I'm so socially awkward and anxious as a person and so I totally 100% relate to her and how she is.

I even find myself doing similar nervous ticks she has - I'm a nail biter too (FTR) and I have this tapping my foot thing that I do whenever I'm sitting down and I wear two rings and constantly fiddle around with them, twist them and pull them on and off.

So yeah. I relate to her awkwardness and anxiety a LOT.

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36 minutes ago, DoSomething954 said:

I think everyone gets awkward in certain situations. I get nervous making speeches omg. Or being in group settings...it's just confusing that this is her job if she's so socially uncomfortable. And how it seemed to come up only after 2009. I think that's why she's such a mystery to many ppl

when i was in vegas i ended up going on BRITNEY DAY - - oh my word was she nervous. she was standing on stage and reading a speech from a teleprompter and her knees were literally knocking. she doesn't LOVE interviews, i don't think, and she definitely doesn't love giving address/speeches. we all know she gets over her nerves once she starts shaking that *** and singing . . . 

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Yes that's what made me stan her :gloria: and her music of course 

Actually, seeing how much she has improved since last year and watching august pom videos and looking at comments saying how she was feeling it again, I found that very inspiring :mhm: 

I have improved a lot as well, i'm not as insecure as before, which is why she's such a relatable queen  :shameless:

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4 minutes ago, justice4phonography ;) said:

when i was in vegas i ended up going on BRITNEY DAY - - oh my word was her nervous. she was standing on stage and reading a speech from a teleprompter and her knees were literally knocking. she doesn't LOVE interviews, i don't think, and she definitely doesn't love giving address/speeches. we all know she gets over her nerves once she starts shaking that *** and singing . . . 

I think it's a lot to do with her breakdown. I couldn't imagine the world seeing me in such a vulnerable state and ever feelin 100 percent comfortable around ppl again. 

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17 hours ago, makemeslay said:

Yes. I used to be much more outgoing but after a horrible year last year (following seceral terrible years) im practically a hermit who stays in his room all the time and despises humanity's guts. I have lost ll trust and patience with everybody in my life and my greatest desire is to just be left the hell alone for the rest of my life. This planet is full of scum.

Had to check and make sure I didn't post this because it really matches my own thoughts.

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16 hours ago, Britneybbhmm said:

uuuuhhhmm...I think I'm an introvert kinda person. I was always a loner, got bullied a lot in school like really bad tbh. :crying11: I'm very insecure about myself!

And I can't trust people! People think I'm conceited but that's not the case. I don't know why I exude that..? (I get that a lot). I have no friends, just hangin' out with my cousins every now and then. :ehum:

Sometimes I make fun about it and say "thank god I have no friends" but the truth is that it makes me actually very sad!:crying2:

Especially on birthdays it's really bad!:bthink:


I don't know you but I wonder if it's even something you're doing. I've been shy my entire life and a lot of people interpreted the shyness as being a snob. Why? I don't have a clue tbh. It still doesn't make sense to me this day. I never have been one of these people that could just randomly go chat people up and make friends with everybody by the end of the day and doubt I ever will be. 

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16 hours ago, ebritneybeat said:

I have faced it a lot of times.I am very social when it comes friends and meeting other people but I can become extremely social anxious when it comes to jobs or uni.

It's a huge achivement that Britney lives in the spotlight and performs while she's facing social anxiety.I couldn't live for sure being a worldwide popstar.

I just wouldn't be able to handle it, not at all. 

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13 hours ago, Britneybbhmm said:

uuuuhhhmm...I think I'm an introvert kinda person. I was always a loner, got bullied a lot in school like really bad tbh. :crying11: I'm very insecure about myself!

And I can't trust people! People think I'm conceited but that's not the case. I don't know why I exude that..? (I get that a lot). I have no friends, just hangin' out with my cousins every now and then. :ehum:

Sometimes I make fun about it and say "thank god I have no friends" but the truth is that it makes me actually very sad!:crying2:

Especially on birthdays it's really bad!:bthink:


I know how you feel sis :bigkiss::hugs:

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I use to be but not anymore.  I knowingly engage in public situations and allow the public to see parts of my personality. Its helps keep them at bay so they don't  do desperate things to become a factor in my life. People are nosy, so I give them just enough of 'Jake' so they don't have to go snooping for stuff. :feelingmyself:

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