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No physical copies in store


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I'm too lazy to check threads but is anyone discussing the lack of the physical copies in stores?

this past week I've had friends text me saying they couldn't find glory all week at target and Best Buy. Some even going back everyday. I even had trouble finding the album. I went to target and 3 different best buys before I found the deluxe copy. Meanwhile freakin Barbara Streisand had 50 copies on the shelves of each store.

Also the album wasn't promoted in the weekly ad. Not one picture.

whos to blame for that? Is it her team for not sending copies to these stores and paying for ad space? Or is it the stores who just chose to order a few copies to sell? How does that work?

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yes. the ones who are responsible didn't send enough copies because I've seen many people commenting that they couldn't find it in stores.

I couldn't find it, my friend couldn't find it. I saw people on ontd and exhale who couldn't find it

it's ******* sad to think of how many more copies could have been sold.

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6 hours ago, HotAsIce.ve said:

I think RCA dont ship this time too much physical copies to the stores. Maybe the blame it's because the Britney Jean fiasco at the stores. 

Xtina fans also said they didnt shp enough of Lotus. I guess i understand if they dont want to oversaturate and then the album doesnt sell but i honestly think those ******* at the record store hid Glory in the store room to **** with her sales.

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