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I'm not complaining, I'm just a little disappointed


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This era is 10 times better than BJ "era" and she looks amazing and the album is actually great, I was just hoping for some controversial moment, like her performing naked on stage LOL I dunno, something crazy. Like a crazy photoshoot. The original make me video would have been close to that but they didn't release it as we all know :(

I guess Britney and her team just don't want to do anything controversial, they think it's risky

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According to YT/Twatter/Facebook comments, the lip sync is still controversial LOLΒ :ohnoney:


I think the shock factor has kind of died down on the GP. Miley comes off as a try hard, Gaga's meat dress was meh, etc. That one single girls singer apparently did really good at the VMAs but the GP stopped talking about her like 3 days afterΒ :hype:

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I've loved literally everything about this era aside from the 'Make Me' video, so I'm pretty happy. Β 

2 minutes ago, BoyToySoldier said:

She's 34 and a mother to two pre teens. She's not going to have her **** out and swear like a sailor looking like a try hard.

Go stan for Katy Perry or Manga if you want try hard and "controversial".


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