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Britney CANNOT be overshadowed at the VMAs


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22 minutes ago, Shadow. said:

Don't expect Britney to do anything outrageous. Those days are gone. Just expect a good performance :mhm: And lbr the 'kiss' would never have happened if it wasn't for Madonna - we all know Britney even in her ITZney days she wouldn't have did that on stage



Really? :xcuseme:

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10 minutes ago, juniorcasemiro said:

Someone else said she won't pull any gimmicks this time, I can't tell you if it was someone from MTV or something, sorry sis :gloria:

The BBMAs performance was flawfree BUT she performed for 10+ minutes, it was a medley of smash hits snatching wigs left and right, she had props on stage, she used THREE different stages, she made a backflip... :queenie: 

Not you thinking the BBMAs has better production than VMAs. She just did her daily POM routine there :gloria: someone hold me i cry :gloria: 

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11 minutes ago, div said:



Really? :xcuseme:

This performance was trashy :carpoolney: not me coming for her **** performance :gloria: but doing this now at VMA would look so desperate. She can be very very **** and a *** goddess without actually showing her pu$$y or kissing a random person on stage :gloria: 

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With such a sweet, chill song like Make Me... I don't expect too much. Whether she does great, or it's just meh, people will be talking about it because of the comeback factor. If it's just OK, people will drag her, but at the end, they will be talking about it for days. If it's amazing, they will be talking about it for weeks.


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1 minute ago, BenDBitch said:

Not you thinking the BBMAs has better production than VMAs. She just did her daily POM routine there :gloria: someone hold me i cry :gloria: 

I know sis but she had A LOT to do on the BBMAs, even being her Vegas routines.
Now she has only one song to perform, 4 minutes on stage, she needs something extra to get the gp talking about like people talked about her BBMAs performance :(

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