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Updated! NYTimes: Britney Spears Promises Pleasure, but Offers Nothing Personal 50/100.


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What the ****? ******* idiots!!! The album is so ******* good and it's empowering/feminist!! 


I mean, Liar, Just Like Me they talk about a man who doesn't know you are worth it, so you leave him, like the strong woman you are. 


In Just Luv Me, Britney tells people to not to be a gold digger cuz we ain't got to ask for nothing else but love. 


Smh, they praised Lemonade, Idgi 

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What the ****? ******* idiots!!! The album is so ******* good and it's empowering/feminist!! 


I mean, Liar, Just Like Me they talk about a man who doesn't know you are worth it, so you leave him, like the strong woman you are. 


In Just Luv Me, Britney tells people to not to be a gold digger cuz we ain't got to ask for nothing else but love. 


Smh, they praised Lemonade, Idgi 

I will never understand why ppl praise Beyonce so much. I don't get it...


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Well, music today is very political, just like Beyonce. Being Britney who always sing about ***.. it won't do any good for her charisma approach.. She's not young anymore like Taylor, so there goes her demographic

So a woman in her 30s (not even old) can't sing about *** or love? The album is ****** but also about just celebrating life again and wanting a stand up guy 


I see what they're tryna say, but they're wrong. This album is 3-dimensional. Sure, it's all about partying, fun and consensual ***, but Britney isn't the one to spew her personal life like Taylor Swift or Justin Timberlake.  If everyone were to do that, then everyone could be a superstar. Britney is a POP STAR and ENTERTAINER. Her music has always been upbeat and fun - that's what we know her as. I don't think people listen to Britney to hear a sad story, they listen to her to get away from it. Britney doesn't need a personal album, we already have her breakdown to refer to if we want to see a more human side.

What I love about Britney though is that she can be **** without twerking or provocative 'pu$$y' lyrics. She has always had some class and humbleness about her. Why doesn't anyone mention that? And I'm a girl, but I don't give two craps about this 'feminist' movement, Taylor Swift vomit. It is not the role of Britney or Beyonce to be feminists. It's music, not politics. The thing I admire the most about Britney is that her personal life remains personal (for the most part), and that she sticks to her passions whether it'd be music or acting and doesn't get her hands wet in any other crap.

Plus Britney does tackle many things other than *** in her singles and deep cuts. Britney isn't political but does make people happy and feel **** plus human. Lucky- a cry for help, loneliness

alien- loneliness

Everytime- guilt after a breakup ... Can go on

all of circus, piece of me/kill the lights, etc


I don't mind the review, it was thoughtful and academic, without endless references to breakdowns or tabloid gossip. Honestly, I don't really detect any lies. It's true that Britney's forté is in being the ultimate sexpot - and the last couple eras have definitely been more of an appeal to convince us "See, she's still ****, right??" whereas now that sexiness speaks for itself. I don't think she was being overly criticised for not making things personal either - obviously we all find a deeper connection to her branding and music, and this person just doesn't. But she isn't being trashed for it. Plus I think we can all agree that B & her team are still figuring out her footing and placement in this new millennial world of music, but Glory is 100% a step in the right direction. This return to her ITZ roots, where she fully matured from being a teenybopper, is the perfect place to begin reconstructing her sound & image, and it all makes me even more excited for what's to come!

That's what I think too. Britney is finally making something relevant to her and *** is a part of it. Glory seems like ITZ  grown up, she doesn't need to address the drama cause I'm sure it's a lot to tackle and she's happy and just wants to focus on the delivery, performance, and music not the politics for once

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this album tbh is so clearly VERY personal and close to home for Britney. First of all, she called it her baby, which means she really put a lot into it
but the lyrical content is so deep if you just listen and pay a tiny bit of attention (skills which the new york times is evidently lacking)
Brianna Johnson could never come close even.:truthtea:

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I actually agree with the points made in the review. The review clearly isn't reviewing Britney's album but its sort of giving a commentary on how despite Britney's legendary and very inspiring life she still resorts to approaching pop music with *** when in fact the public already has a unique relationship with Britney where they sort of grew up with her and root for her (even the haters do to some extent) but she is always keeping herself at a distance through her music. (Its like having a bestfriend who you've seen life happen to them but they don't fully open up to you still- even though you support and worship them). 

(But I mean who can expect her to be that personal tho after what she's been through- we're pretty much lucky shes still doing this at all). 

But just imagine though, If Beyonce can milk the **** out of a fake cheating scandal, wouldn't an album about Britney's rollercoaster life be so relatable? (Blackout doesn't count)


The review provides an interesting thought, that Britney's old music coincided with her tabloid persona to a certain degree. - something to think about.


But if we talking about the actual album "Glory" then lets conclude that that shiz is dope as hell.




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I'm tired of some people wanting her to sing about feminism and that ****, she makes music to make people happy, dance, feel ****...she sticks to what she enjoys and likes...let the empowering **** to the try hards like Thiefonce :arianabye:


I'm a woman and I'm ******* sick of sticking the feminism ******* everywhere. :sickofu: 

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Not every album in the world needs to talk about the same things, "pride, empowerment, confidence". That's why the music industry is so varied. There need to be albums out there that talk about *** and having fun. And if Britney was feeling that when she recorded the album then what's the problem? It's her work, she doesn't need to talk about things she doesn't want to talk about just to please the NYT.
If they have a problem with that there's plenty of artists out there that sing about other things. It's a shame that they just focused on that and didn't praise the music, because the music is great.

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They should take their review and **** off. That woman had quite enough of her personal life aired for all the world to see (and judge) during the ****-storm that was 2005-2008. As far as I'm concerned she can ******* sing about craw-fish and rainbows for the rest of her career if she wants to. She's earned it. #********.

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They should take their review and **** off. That woman had quite enough of her personal life aired for all the world to see (and judge) during the ****-storm that was 2005-2008. As far as I'm concerned she can ******* sing about craw-fish and rainbows for the rest of her career if she wants to. She's earned it. #********.



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What a dumb review to be honest. I'm not saying this just because i loved the album, but what pisses me off about this review is that they're throwing **** to it just because it's not a personal album. Seriously ? Since when music has to be personal to be good ?   Since when ? :lessons:Wtf. BTW , who says is not personal ? Who says she's not talking about her *** life ? WHO SAYS THAT ? FCKTARDS!  Not everything is black or white. THERE IS MORE COLORS YOU "KWENTS". What a dumb reviewer. Somebody bring me gasoline, i'm gonna set that mf on fire. 

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Why cant people wanting to dance and have *** be "personal" tho? 

i mean thats whats personal to me tbh

im not here for Rise type of songs bcuz they aint doing any **** for me,its just a song :mhm:

i want it more spiritual rather than some stupid lyrics ; the melody, the uplifting sound and the tune makes me dance and make me feel happy while listening to it thats all :mhm:


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:cigney: The fans and the general public is reaction very well with Glory her vocal work and how versitile she is on the record. It has received more positive than negative. 

So i didn't even give them ******* a click :chershade:

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