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Premiere: Listen To Britney Spears' New 'Glory' Dance Cut "Clumsy"

Jordan Miller

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I hope this will be a single. Very good track, so far loving the music of this era. i've been waiting for this album! they need to let Brit do her thing more often because her best albums result from that. how the **** can a team for such a big star be so ******* stupid? usually its mistake after mistake.

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It's amazing obviously, I love it! I'm wondering if anyone else finds it kind of weird once the beat drops? Like the instrumental part after she says OOPS, it's like I'm expecting it to drop an octave (I think that's what it's called) after 1 or 2 bars but it doesn't? Maybe it's just me. I love the song regardless :gobaby: 

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Not on here but in the comments of places like ohnotheydidnt and others I see a few people saying stuff like




Like do these ******* even know what Britney sounds like with autotune?? how can people be this delusional they must be born and bred to hate on her and any music she comes out with they want to hate her so bad and this next one was just crazy they think Britney is some kind of mindless zombie


I don't even know how this ***** even refers to himself as a fan or claim to use to be one

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