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Kriss Jenner Wearing MM2.0 Same Outfit (On a regular day)


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Well.. don´t know if you were aware of this but... 

There you go, Kriss wearing the same TOP from the "FAN FAVORITE and ACCLAIMED MM2.0 VIDEO", and yeah she is wearing this for a regular day, why not?

It is hilarious guys, and this talks a lot about how much attention and production were invested for the big return of Brit. ( someone recall phrase "NO MATTER HOW MUCH TIME IT TAKES, I JUST WANT THIS TO BE RIGHT THIS TIME"???).

Now that my head is getting cool after meltdown, I think MM2.0 is not bad, BUT IS JUST NOT ENOUGH! is LYRIC VIDEO MATERIAL (would be a fantastic lyric video), but certainly not LEAD SINGLE VIDEO FROM ONE OF THE BIGGEST VISUAL ARTIST material.


haha lets try to just laugh about it.. and pray that they have the balls to release a proper video. PLEASE

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31 minutes ago, Antidote said:

She needs to stop wearing Kim/Kylie's clothes


28 minutes ago, Mayenaise said:

That's my favourite look from the while mv... What is ur point?


16 minutes ago, Cecig said:

Britney looks so good and hot with that outfit, I said it a few times that she should dress like that for a casual days, candids or for a talk show.


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