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Catching Up With Britney Spears

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I wanna go to the fashion show. Will it take place in NYC?


There's one in New York and one in London. Both of which we already know about.


The ONLY thing that is barely an exclusive is about the health magazine which we already worked out ourselves anyway... It's Women's Health.


This is hilarious :lol:

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I don't know about y'all, but this is better than the last "BIGGEST BREATHEHEAVY UPDATE EVER"...


















































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You Harry Potter looking *****, we need proof or we're going to stick a broom up your ***!



















































No, because you would like it.  :zoomzoom:

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There's one in New York and one in London. Both of which we already know about.

The ONLY thing that is barely an exclusive is about the health magazine which we already worked out ourselves anyway... It's Women's Health.

This is hilarious :lol:

We didn't know about a fashion show. Just that there would be an event in ny and London

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