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BabyHotAsIce last won the day on February 8 2019

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  • Birthday September 9

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  1. Yes. This may sound very delusional, but I think they need each other. They clearly still have some sort of feelings left over for one another. I always thought they were twin flames, to where when one struggles, the other one can feel their hurt too. I think after this whole thing with JT, they may be equally more receptive to a reunion and getting back in contact. I think they both long for that but have been scared to do so.
  2. This post has nothing to do with that man. What would make you think this is a “shady response”
  3. Okay, not to be a JT defender but this quote did not come from Justin or his public team. It’s literally a random “insider”, who could literally be anyone. I’m sure the documentary didn’t help Justin’s issues, but as someone who does enjoy JT’s music, as quiet as it has been kept, he has been struggling for quite some time with alcohol. Way before all the documentaries came about.
  4. Agreed. Flame isn't as "omg a Britney song!!" as some of his others, but I do think it was inspired at least a little bit on their relationship. It's Justin finally coming to terms that their situation has ran its course and how they tried and hoped to reconnect but it just didn't work. He started the song off with a match lighting, saying how after so many years the flame between them is still alive. However, he comes to the realization that way too much time has passed to make up for the lost times and also takes a bit of accountability that he was partly the reason why the relationship didn't work (now we're way too late and that's on me). I's definitely a song about acceptance of a failed relationship. "Alone" kinda has that vibe too. Almost gives a sense of surrendering and feeling defeated, yet still optimistic. You can tell Justin feels very different about his relationship with Britney, compared to 10 years ago when he seemed very much hurt still in his songs about her.
  5. His performance of Another Song All Over Again during his HBO special was sooooo emotional. Especially with everything happening with Britney around that time, I'm sure it was difficult. Even in the beginning of the special, when him and his band are answering questions and one of the questions are "have you ever had your heartbroken?" you can see it all in HIS FACE how he was feeling. And then his response, "that's a question you immediately know the answer to. Absolutely"
  6. WHO SNITCHED AND GOT ALL THE SONGS DELETED/THE ACCOUNT TERMINATED. I wanted to re-listen. Does anyone have a download? It definitely gave britney vibes. Goodbye Homie is also one that was probably about her too, which makes more sense because I think that one was for 20/20 experience. It sounds like a different version of “only when i walk away”
  7. Oooh, agreed. All over again doesn’t get talked about enough. Many people don’t even know he apologized to her YEARS ago. It’s one of the only few songs where he has took accountability and realized his mistakes in the relationship too.
  8. about to put my headphones in and give it a listen on apple music Just listened. I like how clear and crisp the vocals are.
  9. Memphis isn’t about britney? I do agree there’s like 2-3 songs on his latest album inspired by her but memphis isn’t one in my opinion
  10. Everyone knows it’s Amnesia. It’s real, vulnerable and heartbreaking. He doesn’t seem to even hide the fact it’s about her, almost as if he wants the listener to know exactly who he’s talking about. Starting the song off with “beautiful smile with those sad eyes that was my type” and ending it with “i’ll let YOU DRIVE ME CRAZY for another day” .. although the other songs are about her too, someone can make an argument suggesting otherwise (not including CMAR). You can’t do that with Amnesia. No one can really deny what he was trying to say with that song.
  11. wtf?? britney’s entire family is something is else.. what a mess
  12. she’s so ridiculously out of touch. why in the world is she lurking on wade?
  13. I know where she got that dress because i also have it in a different color slay
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