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    Getting Justice for Britney and others suffering under a corrupt system to restore rights of the people...but yea, hiking too, reading, spirituality, love, working out, laughing, hanging with friends, meditating, working to make a difference in the world in my own lil way.
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  1. They worked WITH her and had to (in my Opinion) be giving her payments to allow this racket to continue. Penny is only doing things to B's benefit now because there is so much attention on her she has to appear like she hasn't gone along with it from the beginning. Do you think Judge Goetz who started this cship ILLEGALLY with no declaration of capacity would have chosen someone to take on the case that wouldn't go along with this trafficking scheme when she retired? But I agree, they probably are scared because she has the power in this situation and with eyes on HER she has to side with Britney, but it is not because she's doing the right thing, it's because at this point SHE HAS TO in order to try to skirt accountability herself. We need a new hashtag to emphasize criminal accountability: #RICOactforBritney
  2. Agreed. I saw comments from some people saying Britney doesn't understand what "literally" means when saying they "literally killed me" but I think her point is that her family WILLINGLY sent her to that facility to die and that the only reason she was let out was because of the #freebritney movement asking questions...so she's saying they made the choice to allow her to die, even though it wasn't able to happen because of public pressure - why else did they essentially torture her and take so much blood from her?? But they HAD to let her out and she survived through it. Her family LITERALLY made the choice to allow her to be killed because they signed off on her being there...allegedly.
  3. Seems these are recordings she would have made in the course of writing her book... She said she talks with a woman every couple days for 2-3 hours... can't wait...her book is gonna be inspiring AF (and hopefully empowering for her in the process) ..also still crying from hearing it all in her words. She is so beautiful and has such an innocent, sweet spirit.. 2 hours later after 20th repeat listen...
  4. That's how I understand the timeline or at least within a week or so of her rehearsing, but the video could've easily been recorded a couple months prior to that.
  5. OFcourse he does, and Vicky, everyone except Britney and two days before her big hearing with Tri Star...how convenient... Kinda like how Britney was seen running out of gas the day before the hearing with her dad two weeks ago. DISTRACTION. The question is: WHO seems to be distracting and who seems to be wanting to talk about these things?! B seems more pissed and focused than ever on what her family/music business did to her. Let's see what else comes out in the next couple of days that also distracts from this court hearing and what outlets choose to report on some BS instead of calling out 3Star and LT/RG/JS
  6. IF you hurt the Queen, ruined the Queen's life, put money above humanity and decency, especially in regards to Britney, you WILL be found out. As you should be. We will not stop until justice is served.
  7. These are hit pieces designed to distract from the court hearing today. periodt. Hardly any new stories about Britney in weeks and then surprise SURPRISE, the DAY OF HER COURT HEARING, these hit pieces come out trying to make B seem unstable...Interesting TMZ reports on this but have no video or pictures?! Maybe it was her fault, maybe there was foul play with her car... We need to remember how coordinated Team Con is and how they're trying to destroy B's credibility every chance they get. Remember the IG post Britney made about talking to someone about her book every few days and how emotionally draining it was? Yet they say she hasn't connected with anyone and trying to make her seem unprofessional. If there is one thing we ALL KNOW it's that B always works her *** off and is a professional. We shouldn't highlight these stories or give them credit, but highlight the court happenings.
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