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Britney on IG: You know me ??? Me don’t know english … say hello to my *** !!!

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11 minutes ago, Joel Santos said:

And there are still those who believe that she goes to therapy... The woman is insecure to the point of needing to prove to the whole world that she is thin every time we see photos of her without a filter. Like, no one cares about her weight. It's 2024, many people don't even know who Britney Spears is. She should save her energy for more productive things. She became an unbearable person, and I really understand why many people lost empathy for her.

She's like a woman I know, also in her 40s. She works for EU institutions as a lawyer, so big brain, big career, yet she keeps posting these weird, photoshopped half-n.des on IG for 20-30 likes that make her look like a bimbo. She has so much to offer but the only thing she cares about is to prove she's still hot. I also think these women are just really insecure AND lonely.

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40 minutes ago, Joel Santos said:

And there are still those who believe that she goes to therapy... The woman is insecure to the point of needing to prove to the whole world that she is thin every time we see photos of her without a filter. Like, no one cares about her weight. It's 2024, many people don't even know who Britney Spears is. She should save her energy for more productive things. She became an unbearable person, and I really understand why many people lost empathy for her.


It's time to reconnect with the reality! Nobody cares about her weight? HAHAHAHAH everytime she gained 100 grams, she's on the cover of every tabloids so what are you talking about?! ALSO, the post has 60,1k likes, so don't say nobody cares coz you will never yourself achieved this number of likes, even with your whole family and neighbors reunited!!!



She should save her energy for more productive things.

CSC! Hahahahaha! Because coming on Exhale and posting the same s* hit over and over again it's really productive INDEED!!!


You trolls should do a therapy together and learn to let it go when something you don't like just don't watch it!

Learn to have a normal social life, have some friends, be happy, etc... Before trying to give some lessons to Britney! Take care of your own life first!

Edited by Johanpapz
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13 minutes ago, DarielXO said:

She's like a woman I know, also in her 40s. She works for EU institutions as a lawyer, so big brain, big career, yet she keeps posting these weird, photoshopped half-n.des on IG for 20-30 likes that make her look like a bimbo. She has so much to offer but the only thing she cares about is to prove she's still hot. I also think these women are just really insecure AND lonely.

Just like most of people on IG... It's only about showing how perfect their bodies are with filters, surgery, I don't get it, you're saying this like Britney is the only one who is doing it when it's like 70% of what people do on IG. Almost all the women in the industry as well. Again:


Edited by Johanpapz
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1 hour ago, KrisJ said:

With the election drama and everything else going on in the world, Britney thinks posting a boring, tired old pic of her *** is going to do anything. This woman is in her own bubble world 


1 hour ago, EmmaJG said:

That’s not what I was talking about. No one gives a **** about her *** with all the stuff going on today. 

So the whole world needs to stop living?

You said it yourselves, "with the election drama and everything else goig on the world"... Don't  you guys have some wayyyyyyyyyyy better things to do than coming on Exhale and talking s *hit??? Since you guys are so smart and so involved in the political life, WHY ARE NOT IN THE STREET NOW INSTEAD OF BEING ON INTERNET TO TALK ABOUT AN IG POST? According to you guys, her post is so superficial and stupid, so why are even paying attention to it, worse, talk about it? Your daily goals are so much better than that! GO CHANGE THE WORLD!!!

Edited by Johanpapz
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1 hour ago, KrisJ said:

This woman is in her own bubble world 

Basically this... you can tell she is very disconnected of everything from the outside world.

I'm not sure she knows who the president is/was.

40 minutes ago, Joel Santos said:

And there are still those who believe that she goes to therapy... The woman is insecure to the point of needing to prove to the whole world that she is thin every time we see photos of her without a filter. Like, no one cares about her weight. It's 2024, many people don't even know who Britney Spears is. She should save her energy for more productive things. She became an unbearable person, and I really understand why many people lost empathy for her.

This heavily edited picture does not prove her point at all. 

 I don't know if she believes that's how social media works... but looking thin seems to be the most important thing to her... and of course passive aggressive captions.

I truly hope one day she accepts her body the way it is, the one we see every candids... The non edited pictures,  the reality.

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20 minutes ago, DarielXO said:

She's like a woman I know, also in her 40s. She works for EU institutions as a lawyer, so big brain, big career, yet she keeps posting these weird, photoshopped half-n.des on IG for 20-30 likes that make her look like a bimbo. She has so much to offer but the only thing she cares about is to prove she's still hot. I also think these women are just really insecure AND lonely.

She Which tabloids? I honestly don't see anyone caring about her weight other than herself. The fact is that no one cares about this other than herself. She's not even overweight, she just has the body of a woman over 40, mother of 2, and who doesn't want to go to the gym. It's not 2007 anymore, when people actually made fun of her for every ounce she gained. Things have changed, but she remains stuck in the past. She really needs to get away from the Internet and focus on therapy and try to occupy her time and mind with productive things, and editing her waist to look thinner than she is is not one of them. 

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21 minutes ago, DarielXO said:

She's like a woman I know, also in her 40s. She works for EU institutions as a lawyer, so big brain, big career, yet she keeps posting these weird, photoshopped half-n.des on IG for 20-30 likes that make her look like a bimbo. She has so much to offer but the only thing she cares about is to prove she's still hot. I also think these women are just really insecure AND lonely.

It's sad to see how futile it has become. In her statements, she seemed so full of plans and desire to give a new meaning to her life after gaining freedom. But since 2021, what we have been seeing is a woman lost, without purpose, and having difficulty accepting herself as she really is. She says that the photos posted by the paps are demoralizing, but, for me, nothing demoralizes her more than the way she exposes herself. Britney unfortunately became her biggest enemy. Not even TMZ can do as much damage to her image as she can.

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3 hours ago, Johanpapz said:

Do you also go on every other celebrities boards/fansites for saying the same thing? Because they're AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALL exposing their beautiful a **...


And don't even start with the "it's a photoshoot", showing a *ss is showing a  **, it's not ok or not ok, depending the platform where you're doing it!!!

Funny that they all did it EVERYDAY, but it's a problem when it's Britney!!!

K but they don’t have insane captions like me don't speake English speak to my ***??

Like what is that??  The vulgarity just surprises some people 

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6 minutes ago, LoveYourselfMas said:

K but they don’t have insane captions like me don't speake English speak to my ***??

Like what is that??  The vulgarity just surprises some people 

Ooooooooooh ok! So now the only problem is her captions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're such a clown you and all of your trolls friends! :clownery_makeup_meme:


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1 minute ago, Johanpapz said:

Ooooooooooh ok! So now the only problem is her captions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're such a clown you and all of your trolls friends! :clownery_makeup_meme:


Nope it’s not the only problem hehhehehe - since u said it. Yeah it’s not the only one dear

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20 minutes ago, Dark Willow said:

Basically this... you can tell she is very disconnected of everything from the outside world.

I'm not sure she knows who the president is/was.

This heavily edited picture does not prove her point at all. 

 I don't know if she believes that's how social media works... but looking thin seems to be the most important thing to her... and of course passive aggressive captions.

I truly hope one day she accepts her body the way it is, the one we see every candids... The non edited pictures,  the reality.

She honestly expects people to believe that waist is hers. It's as if she tried to underestimate the intelligence of her followers. Britney doesn't train, doesn't eat well, smokes, drinks, and still wants the whole world to believe that she has a model's waist. There's nothing wrong with her body, but if she's so bothered by her appearance, why doesn't she try to work on that issue? going to the gym would be a good idea, or playing any other sport. This would do her a lot of good not only in terms of aesthetics, but psychologically as well. Instead, she prefers to stay stuck in the same old loop, complaining and victimizing herself every time photos come out showing her reality.

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2 hours ago, KrisJ said:

With the election drama and everything else going on in the world, Britney thinks posting a boring, tired old pic of her *** is going to do anything. This woman is in her own bubble world 

It’s no different than any other celebrity out there right now still promoting themselves


Edited by SJK
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9 minutes ago, Joel Santos said:

She honestly expects people to believe that waist is hers. It's as if she tried to underestimate the intelligence of her followers. Britney doesn't train, doesn't eat well, smokes, drinks, and still wants the whole world to believe that she has a model's waist. There's nothing wrong with her body, but if she's so bothered by her appearance, why doesn't she try to work on that issue? going to the gym would be a good idea, or playing any other sport. This would do her a lot of good not only in terms of aesthetics, but psychologically as well. Instead, she prefers to stay stuck in the same old loop, complaining and victimizing herself every time photos come out showing her reality.

I think Britney doesn't understand that nowadays is easier to find out certain things... like badly edited pictures. I believe she is stuck with the 2007 Internet idea, a very different world than today's social media. 

Her bad habits are definitely catching up, but if she was happy with the body she has now... it wouldn’t be a problem.

It seems she refuses to face the reality or she has a way different perception of her own image (it would explained the teeth situation, the hair, makeup, her unfit clothes).

We know she will complain when new candids pictures arrive. Of course every single picture will be edited by evil paparazzi lol.

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4 hours ago, stronger1992 said:

Not to be THAT person but she definitely edits her waist. The paparazzi photos aren’t the edited photos here 😂 Not that she needs editing, I wish she’d embrace her body. 

This photo is definitely edited, it’s also an old photo though from the Hesam era. She posted a few very obvious edited photos, including one in a bathtub. I can’t say she continued to edit her photos because the videos she posts seem natural… But who knows.

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33 minutes ago, LoveYourselfMas said:

Nope it’s not the only problem hehhehehe - since u said it. Yeah it’s not the only one dear

But it's exactly what you just said... I posted pictures to show that almost all the women in the industry do it! And you said "but none of them have weird captions like..."

Are you schizophrenic or you just don't know what you are saying?

The only problem here it's troll like you, who instead of living their lives, taking care of it, spend all their days to be pathetic, bashing a woman by saying the same over and over again, instead of doing some "MORE PRODUCTIVE!"... Britney exposing her a *ss it's not a problem, also she can write whatever she wants! Put all your weak energy on your own sad life!

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Wow, trolls here are the d umbest stupid clowns!

ALMOST ALL THE WOMEN in the industry are exposing their b  ***s on IG and on magazines! ALMOST ALL THE WOMEN in the industry retouch their pictures on IG, use filters! ALL THE PICTURES ON MAGAZINES AND THE ADS are photoshoped! Filters are a big issue even for "normal" people. It's like that since ages... What's wrong with your brains, do you guys have dementia or something? It's time to check!!! I mean, helloooooooooooooooo!!! Even normal people, not celebrities retouch their pictures online!!! Are you ok???

Funny that's people are saying Britney doesn't know how social media work (I also she think that, which is normal, since we had the time to learn during 13 years and she didn't) but DO YOU??? DO YOU KNOW HOW SOCIAL MEDIA WORK? EVERYBODY HAS INSECURITIES ABOUT THEIR BODIES/FACES! You clowns act like Britney is the only one who use filters!!! YOU'RE HATE TOWARD MAKE YOU TURN D *UMB AS F ***


Some of you are the d  umbest people I ever met in my whole life! Even a normal teen would be able to understand things like that!

That's why you can't understand s  *it! You are really low!!! And it's funny that you are here everyday of your pathetic lives trying to give "advices" for a woman who doesn't even know your existence WHILE YOU CAN'T EVEN TAKE CARE OF YOUR OWN LIVES AND FIND AND CHOOSE A GOOD BOYFRIEND! Unlike Britney uh?!

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1 hour ago, Dark Willow said:

Basically this... you can tell she is very disconnected of everything from the outside world.

I'm not sure she knows who the president is/was.

This heavily edited picture does not prove her point at all. 

 I don't know if she believes that's how social media works... but looking thin seems to be the most important thing to her... and of course passive aggressive captions.

I truly hope one day she accepts her body the way it is, the one we see every candids... The non edited pictures,  the reality.


So what you are saying is... Britney is a liar, she only posts retouched pictures! ON ANOTHER HAND... TMZ ARE THE HONEST PEOPLE WHO ONLY SHOW THE REALITY AND ONLY PUBLISH NON EDITED PICTURES??? Wow...

Also you said a thing and then the opposite only few lines after...



Basically this... you can tell she is very disconnected of everything from the outside world.

Which is normal... They didn't let her have internet during 13 years, the world kept moving while she was a prisoner disconnected and isolated from everything and everybody... We had the time to learn, she didn't! Nobody would be able to catch everything up in 3 years... It's easy to understand... Even a kid can understand that.

And then you said:



I don't know if she believes that's how social media works... but looking thin seems to be the most important thing to her... and of course passive aggressive captions.


How many people do you have in your brain seriously? Lol.



We know she will complain when new candids pictures arrive. Of course every single picture will be edited by evil paparazzi lol.

So the paps are good people now? Their not evil??? WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!

And they never edited any pictures? WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW... You are clearly living in another dimension!

Also, agressive captions? Really??? CSC! You're repetitive posts are agressive as well!

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