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Getting this off my chest....

Mp mar50

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So i'm probably gonna get my post banned or even my profile as well but i have to say this :

I've been thinking about Britney as a singer. When she was a kid, especially during her time on the Mickey Mouse Club, she had a naturally good voice. But it seems like after she left the show, she didn't have a vocal coach to help her continue to improve her voice, which was already pretty good.

When she started recording her debut album, she still had that voice that could've been amazing but then she began adopting the "baby voice" style of singing. And even her live performances in 1999 were good but not amazing.

Instead of focusing on enhancing her vocal abilities, she started relying more on dancing and lip-syncing. Throughout her career, especially during the Oops!... I Did It Again era, she rarely sang live. The entire Oops Tour was mostly lip-synced to pre-recorded vocals, and more on dancing and visuals.

Even when she did sing live on shows like SNL or The View (Oops, DLMBTLT), her voice was unstable and weak.

By the time the Britney era came around, lip-syncing had become the norm for her performances. When she did sing live, like with "Not A Girl," it sounded average at best. 


It's clear that by the In The Zone era, Britney was more of a studio singer and primarily a dancer when performing live. Her vocals on "Everytime," for example, were not very good or interesting in my opinion.

Over the years, it feels like she progressively lost her vocal prowess.Britney Spears Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

I just needed to get this off my chest because I can't pretend that Britney was the same vocal quality she had before the Mickey Mouse Club and after "Baby One More Time.

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You’re right. She somehow thinks that it’s not ok to have a voice teacher. And she never had one after her first album. By the second album, technology took over and she usually used voice effects, auto tune, etc. After in the zone we rarely heard her voice. All auto tune, full effects etc. 
People like Christina Aguilera, Celine Dion, Mariah Carey has their voices because they train like an athlete. With only one difference, with their voices. 

I think this is the only video I can put here that we should be hopeful. Because she still got it.


but other than that after CS ended, something really terrible happened. It might be the medicine they gave her it might be heavy smoking but after hold me closer released and those instagram videos came out , it seems like she lost it. Her voice is shaky and not very pro like…it doesn’t seem like she has any intention to heal or train her voice.

Edited by rebellion_is_the_way
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I always think that puberty changed her voice a lot from when she was on Star Search & MMC. Then on top of that when she got signed she developed a terrible technique to achieve her iconic baby voice (in her book she even references staying up late so her voice could sound raspy similar to Soft Cell’s Tainted Love).

The constant strain she put on her voice during the BOMT era’s live performances began damaging her voice. More and more she began relying on lip synching bc her voice was most likely suffering a lot over the bad technique and all the live performances she was doing.

By the time Oops came around, the overall production of the music was more important than if she could actually sing it live. Max pitched & fixed whatever he needed to achieve the product he wanted. What happened was that Britney’s voice could not match it live, and thats where the problem really started. They had so much success with the formulation of the music that they could care less if she could sing it live or not bc it was still selling. 

I think Britney enjoys dancing & performing more than singing, so she didn’t mind allowing that to take priority in order for her performances to be top notch. But it’s something that definitely became a slippery slope to the point that she wasn’t even a live singer anymore. Then it became the lack of actual practice & the smoking that just made her voice even worse quality..but she likely didn’t care bc she was taught it could all be fixed in studio & it’s not really important.

However she still has a decent voice, she just does not care to utilize it properly or get proper training. To me shes more wrapped up in the production of the music & creating a catchy song than like laying down majestic vocals she could do acoustic sets to bc that’s not what she likes.

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I don't think Britney wants to be a singer anymore... since around 2004 probably.

The c-ship crushed what left of her desire.

You can't force someone to improve as an artist if the person doesn't want to do it. 

Madonna and Jlo weren't the best live singers, but now they sing live (for the most part), they improved because they worked hard for it.

I don't even think she likes to be in the studio... we have many stories about Britney leaving out of nowhere, recording for not so long, never finishing some songs, they hiring people to fill the gaps... 

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The media and half the world destroyed the confidence she had in her voice as a child. And confidence plays a huge part when it comes to singing.

Also, her vocal delivery on “Everytime” is unmatched to this day, so you’re wrong there. No one can sing that song the way she can. I can’t remember all of it, but there was a quote once that described her as a vocal actress. Which is right on.

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30 minutes ago, Princessmimi said:

I agree with you.

I love Britney but it does kinda bother me that she never worked on strengthening and training her voice.

It seemed like singing live wasn't a priority in comparison to performing and dancing.

Which is a shame cause she had a beautiful tone to her voice in her early days that was very pleasant to hear.

I think her handlers were just ok if she had some dancing and was $exy on stage... her artistry never was really pushed. It was just to remind the prime years... they sold Britney as a nostalgia act since the beginning of the c-ship. Money was the priority, not the art and risks.

She had the potential to be more respected and more versatile as a singer, but her career and overall image was terribly worked through the years. 

Timberlake, Beyonce, Rihanna evolved their sound and performance. Britney said she wanted to do more urban and even rock sounds... had to record party songs with no substance and heavily edited vocals. 

The obvious lipsynching was just really really bad. She was not even trying anymore. 

Edited by Dark Willow
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Funny how now half the world is being blamed for Britney's voice, she's a smoker and in addition to lipping to 25-year-old tracks or cd's that skip no one is to blame other than Britney and her team and team Con once they took over.

There's no reason she should be on stage lipping to such simple songs and hardly no movement.

Lipping to Lucky, Perfume, Alien, and many other songs makes no sense if she's not dancing, then they lie and make it seem like she's singing live when we know good and well she's using old backing tracks to lip too.

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1 hour ago, Emil87 said:

Do yall remember when she covered “You Outta Know”? She put Beyoncé’s version to shame.


she literally skipped the question to tell that it was bad.

In fact, you don’t need someone to tell you it was bad. It was refreshing to see her cover it but putting shame Beyonce? Ok…

Edited by rebellion_is_the_way
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3 hours ago, RattieMattie said:

I mean she can sing and I don't understand how you can shame her for lip syncing when her dancing is so great.

She was lipping the ballads as well. I love Britney, but let's not act like she wasn't capable of at least singing a word or two live. We got Pink doing all kinds of **** on stage and still singing live. If Britney wanted to lip, at least pre record some of her old songs and don't use vocals from 1998 to sing BOMT in 2016.

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