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Britney Spears - Me Against the Music (T4 Channel 4 UK) [UHD 4K]


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2 minutes ago, icybaby said:

She was crazy overworked with all that promo for itz. But oh glory days of Britneys prime. Effortless snached seksy  moves are just everything.

This particular performance is annoying me with reappearing Britney and dancers, and don't really like the angles of camera. But again Oh glory days.

We were used to so much promo for her first 4 albums that we thought Circus era promo was nothing, but yeah, seeing it now, she was heavy on promo and overworked during ITZ.

Wow, she looked so damn good on pants and a tank top.

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Just now, CJMCH said:

We were used to so much promo for her first 4 albums that we thought Circus era promo was nothing, but yeah, seeing it now, she was heavy on promo and overworked during ITZ.

Wow, she looked so damn good on pants and a tank top.

Exactly. She looked especially beautiful and confident during itz. But i think the scheldule and then the tour overworked her so much she saw the only way to getaway in marrying K.

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1 hour ago, PrinceAli89 said:

Yeah, this totally feels a little bit like “lost media.” I remember seeing it a long time ago and never saw it again, until now. :) 

We literally had a cropped LQ wmv/turned into MPG before this, so this is on a whole another level.

1 hour ago, Fita said:

@CJMCH Hope you didn't mind 

Of course not! Thank you so much for posting it here.

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17 hours ago, rebellion_is_the_way said:

She could still do this. She’s going to dance studios all the time. She has a gym in her home and plenty of area. She can buy a professional camera, call some trusted dancers and make performances of her albums….This shouldn’t be so hard.I mean, this is no different.

Tbh. This is exactly right. It’s not her physical performance that is the issue, it’s her “mentality” and “fire” for it. She mentioned it in the book, she could do whatever they tell her, but she didn’t give 100%. She can still physically dance, but she has to want to prove it and have the fire again. (Which btw, she doesn’t have too, she’s proved herself).

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10 hours ago, Ehju0901 said:

I feel like European and Asian tv shows specifically had odd performance editing in the early 2000’s.  Weird camera angles and stuff.  It makes it hard for me to watch the full performance.  I’m sure it was normal to them at the time, but it’s crazy how different the editing is compared to US performances.

In the late 90s/early 2000s European/Asian markets advanced in film tech and they wanted to compete the with the biggest film industry in the world Hollywood (US). This is why is most Bollywood movies for example have dance breaks that are meant to appeal to American audiences/but also appeal to their own markets, making the movies seem higher budget/more Hollywood.

So this translated to music performances on TV, where they were trying to be artistic as possible, to make it seem as “Hollywood” as possible. I can tell exactly what they were trying to do with this edit, but theres wayyyyyy too many cuts/transitions, that it hurts the eye. I actually like the direction they were going for though.

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