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@CadeHudsonFans EXCLUSIVE STATEMENT: Cade Hudson continues to be Britney's manager. In addition to being her manager, he is a great friend of hers and their bond is eternal and strong

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4 hours ago, DollyParton said:

And why exactly does Britney needs a manager? Seriously, for what?

Just so he can continue to be a leech and milk her while not even doing anything for her.

Also I wish Britney and Fe would be friends again. I truly do believe that this loser is keeping Fe from reconnecting with Britney. Remember the rumors that he got rid of Vicky T because Britney got close to her? This leech doesn't want the OG bestie back aka Felicia. I feel like Fe would be so good for her. She's a true friend.

Edited by frederiickx
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He has known Britney since 2010 (or before), if it were not for the fans who created the free felt movement, nothing would have happened, he has not moved a finger for 13years.

MYB was a colossal flop. Britney was not even aware of it.

Cade, you are a mediocre person with no talent or experience, the only thing you are good at is going to parties and being a gay friend.

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